Greyson Uebles

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Greyson Uebles
Biographical Information
Race Human
Homeworld Coruscant
Mother Unknown
Father Unknown
Spouse Unknown
Siblings Unknown
Children None
Born Unknown
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height Unknown
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Political Information
Affiliation Galactic Empire
Positions Emperor of the Galaxy

Count Greyson Uebles, also known as Darth Cypher, was the ninth Emperor of the Galaxy (Year 4 Day 133Year 5 Day 158). His reign was marred with numerous defections of officers still loyal to Charon and to other separatist movements. However, he also presided over possibly the greatest victory in Imperial history at the Battle of Beta which saw the demise of King Eldrik Kuraine of the Falleen Federation.


Early life

Count Greyson Uebles biography as provided by him when he joined the Imperial Navy (Source: Imperial Personnel Office):

"Count Greyson Uebles was born as the second son to an aristocratic Family on Coruscant. His Father had a seat in the old Republic Senate after retiring from duty in the Fleet. He was disgusted by the corruption that had befallen the Republic and became a loyal follower of the New Order and the Empire. Both Sons enlisted in the Naval Academy to follow the military tradition of the family. Count Uebles' older brother Amon graduated with excellence and was eventually assigned to the SSD Executor, where he died in the Battle of Endor. His father never recovered from this loss and died only weeks later. Count Uebles never forgot who caused the death of his father and his brother. His hatered for the Rebel Alliance became the Focus of his life. He graduated among the best of his class and when a supply shortage delayed his assignment to the Starfighter Corps, he voluntarily served several months in an infantary unit. His first fleet assignment was in a reinforcement Task Force in the Outer Rim Territories, that secured vital trade routes during a major rebel offensive. He became infamous for killing a fellow officer in a duel, who had fled a battle, which led to the death of the coward's Wingman. His Superiors didn't knew if they should promote him or charge him before a court martial, so they decided to give him the chance to ask for another assignment. Since then Count Uebles serves in the 2nd ISF. Count Uebles is not a cruel man, neither does he tend to unnescesary violence. But his dedication and discipline making him look cold and hard. But he cares for his men and comrades and follows a strict Code of Honor."

Imperial career

During the reign of Emperor Spytek, Uebles joined the 2nd Imperial Fleet of the Imperial Navy on Y0 D85 and was assigned to the TIE-Interceptor squadron in the 214th Escort Company (Apollo Company). Only two month later, he was Flight Corporal and XO of said company inside the 21st Sector Fleet under command of Captain Gunther van Esling.

With the reorganisation that occurred after the abandon of the Galactic Quadrant system by the Imperial Navy, Uebles served as officer inside the 5th Imperial fleet under then Commander Quaxo. His exceptional leadership skills quickly lead him to become Lieutenant then Lieutenant-Commander and XO of the 5th Fleet as the following testimonies of Commander Quaxo confirm:

"My XO, Lt Count Uebles, is the best men I've ever had under my command. It will be an incomparable Fleet CO, if I may say so, though I prefer he still works with me of course. He is always proposing new projects, and making them reality. His dedication is an example. His activity is incredible. When I ask for something I know I will have some ideas or, in the worst case, at least one mail back in a few hours. I can't be more explicit about him." — Commander Quaxo

At the same time he became a member of Naval Headquarters (NHQ) by creating and leading the Naval Ships Department (NSD) as its first director. As a member of NHQ he became part of the group of senior Naval Officers close to Grand Admiral Gorn Veynom, including Admiral Darth Knyte, Commodore Jennifer Dreighton and Admiral Gunther von Esling. On Y1 D138 he added the position of Deputy Director of the Imperial Naval Intelligence Service (INIS) to his functions as a member of NHQ.

On Y1 D179 he became CO if 12th Imperial Fleet and was promoted to the rank of Commander soon after.

After Emperor Connel took the throne and Veynom disappeared to the Unknown Regions, Uebles briefly transferred to the newly formed Imperial Intelligence, where he was the first Deputy Director. The growing unrest amongst Veynom's former supporters spilled over though, and he defected to the Imperial Core.

Within the Imperial Core Uebles rose fast, holding the posts of Navy Commanding Officer, Praetorian Guard Commanding Officer and eventually deputy to Lady Protector Dreighton. After the merger between the Imperial Core and Sith Empire formed the Dark Empire he became Minister of Defense.



Uebles' legacy is a mixed one. While the Empire bled experienced officers chafing under his rule after Charon, the victory at Beta resulted in perhaps the strongest surge of pro-Imperial feeling in the Empire's history, as well as crippling the Falleen Federation for many years.


  • ARIT
  • Fleet CO
  • Naval Intelligence Achievement Award

See also


Ruler of the Galactic Empire
Preceded By:
J. Charon
Greyson Uebles
Year 4 Day 133Year 5 Day 158
Succeeded By:
Vodo Bonias