Jawa Offworld Enterprises

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Jawa Offworld Enterprises
General Information
Motto If a Jawa does his best, what else is there?
Status Active
Leader Ini Kedi
Historical Information
Founded Year 19 Day 362
Political Information
Affiliation Independent
Industry Various
"We are still making the JOE roadmap, but "Dominate the galaxy by sheer numbers" is already included."
Jawa Ini Kedi at the very first Jawa Offworld Enterprises press meeting

Jawa Offworld Enterprises is a megacorporation which primarily profits through the investment in and creation of Jawa business ventures. Despite only recently having been created the business quickly rose to prominence in the galaxy, being at the center of a number of galactic events. This has been largely attributed by the group to the natural skill at conducting business possessed by the Jawa people.



The origins of the Jawa Offworld Enterprises traces back to a number of different movements related to sentient rights of Jawa's and other short of stature species. Starting off with the likes of legendary Jawas Het Patchateeka, Uli-ah Gafsa, Heek Jikjawa, and Tik Tak a number of pro-Jawa initiatives were attempted with the goal of assisting Jawas who left behind their homeland of Tatooine. However, due to a number of high profile legal cases, murders, and other disappearances all of these Jawas faded from the public eye almost entirely by around Y18. This led to the formation of two different groups which sought to advance the Jawa cause, the Jawa Society in Y18 as well as the League of Extraordinary Small Sentients in Y19, otherwise known as LESS. It was from these two groups and several unfortunate incidents that Jawa Offworld Enterprises managed to achieve the necessary capital as well as enough Jawa employees to launch their first business ventures.

Jawa Society

The Jawa Society was a grouping of Jawas of intergalactic prominence with the goal of providing community and assistance for Jawas. Formed by Jawas Jic Uiji, Garik Loren, Greyson Abrams, Eugene Delmarco, and Christine Apotheosis in early Y18 the group successfully launched a number of pro-Jawa initiatives like providing safe sandcrawler housing for Jawas around the galaxy. Sadly, after the death of Garik Loren after a politically motivated murder, the departure of Christine Apotheosis, and increasing rumors of Greyson Abrams having plans of eugenics for the Jawa race the Jawa Society as a whole was in an increasingly weakened state and one which no longer had support across the galactic political spectrum. This led to a large amount of the pro-Jawa operations being purely done by Jic Uiji, who was at the time the Governor of Lirra overseeing the Eidolon rule of the planet. As such most of the Jawa initiatives were in the form of supporting Jawa immigration to the mostly desert planet of Lirra and the success of Jawas on the planet. After Jic Uiji was crippled by unidentified assailants during a routine "trip" to the galactic core, his influence in the pirate collective quickly diminished and he was forced into early retirement by his crew from both his position as a captain and as governor. This led to an effective ceasing of many pro-Jawa initiatives in Eidolon territory.

League of Extraordinary Small Sentients

The League of Extraordinary Small Sentients was focused not just on the success of Jawas, but rather all sentient species that were deemed "small". However, in practice, this effectively meant Chadra-fan, Ewok, and Jawa sentients were assisted. This was due in no small part to the main 4 members of LESS, Taranjeek O`Cuinn, Chrii`kkt Raas, Ini Kedi, and Kolomon Seph. After briefly existing purely as a sentient rights group most of the members reformed into a recycling corporation known at the time as Raas-Moretti Industries in partnership with Moretti'ameli'arose, who was otherwise known as Amelia Kolczynski. This group successfully operated for a number of months in no small part due to the incredible business skill of its Jawa members; however, things did not last. After Taranjeek O`Cuinn, who was not a member of the group but allied with it under the Galactia Group, along with Chrii`kkt Raas, co-leader of the organization, plotted and succesfully carried out the murder of Moretti'ameli'arose due to claimed "Overreach by the tall people into business operations" the business effectively ceased to exist. This move did not instill confidence in the employees of the organization that they would survive much longer if they remained, and within a month every major employee, largely the Jawa duo Ini Kedi and Kolomon Seph had left for some reason.


With Jic Uiji from the Jawa Society along with Ini Kedi and Kolomon Seph from LESS all recently disenfranchised for some reason it was a seemingly perfect time for events to transpire. With most of them having worked together before, it was no surprise that they felt that they as a group had the experience to start a new business venture. After meeting in what is rumored to be a Jawa only diner in the northeast rim the group sat down and after hours of negotiations formed the creation contracts of Jawa Offworld Enterprises, an organization ran by Jawas and for Jawas so that their people could prosper. Of course, the contracts included a number of clauses so that they could prosper extensively themselves. Within hours of signing the contracts, the trio went public with their announcement of the formation on Year 19 Day 362.