Kettrifee Air Mover

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Kettrifee Air Mover
Navigational Stats
Max Speed 550 km/h
Maneuverability 2
Sensors 3
Terrain Restrictions Volcanic
Weapons 1 Heavy Blaster
Cargo Stats
Weight 300 T
Volume 1500 m3
Weight Capacity 200 T
Volume Capacity 1000 m3
Passengers 14
Hull Statistics
Length 23 m
Hull 420
Ionic Capacity 60
Shield 0
Specials Flight Grade Repulsorlifts, 4 Medical Rooms
Raw Materials
Quantum 120
Meleenium 420
Ardanium 88
Rudic 51
Tibannagas 3
Lommite 19
Rockivory 0
Bacta 1
Hibridium 0
Varium 0
Affiliation Alpha Medical Corps

Ankh Biomedical Services

Athakam MedTech


CryoMed Laboratories

Eclipse BactaCo

Force Guardians

Galactic Medical

MedTech Industries

Republic Medical

Sienar Pharmaceuticals

The Antarian Rangers

The Medical Circle

The Order of Kampar


The difficulty of moving injured soldiers to safety during battle has long been a problem for army commanders. In order to alleviate the stresses already placed on normal troop transports, the Wookiees of Kashyyyk modified an existing vehicle and created the Kettrifee Air Mover (KAM) solely as a medical transport.

The KAM, only sporting a single heavy blaster for defense, is swift compared to the bulky troop barges used by most armed forces in the galaxy. Its speed allows medical personnel to hop quickly in and out of battle in order to save as many lives as possible. The main vulnerability of the vehicle is the fact that it is entirely dependent on a single engine for propulsion; one well-placed blast can easily disable it. Another distinct characteristic of the KAM is the unique asymmetric design of the craft, a direct result of the peculiar aesthetics of the Wookiees.

The KAM has 4 medical rooms aboard which is enough to take care of the critically wounded. Generally these are stocked with Bacta Tanks, Medical Droids and other supplies needed for the care of patients.