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Tomas o`Cuinn (talk | contribs)
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Other noteworthy ships include:
Other noteworthy ships include:
* [[Bayonet-class Light Cruiser]] ''"Tlachtga"''
* [[Bayonet-class Light Cruiser]] "''Tlachtga''"
* [[CR-70 Corvette]] ''"Manannan mac Lir"''
* [[CR-70 Corvette]] "''Manannan mac Lir''"
* [[Modular Taskforce Cruiser|Modular Taskforce Cruisers]] ''" Crom Cruach"'', ''" Crom Dubh"''
* [[Modular Taskforce Cruiser|Modular Taskforce Cruisers]] "''Crom Cruach''", "''Crom Dubh''"
* RZ-1 [[A-Wing]] ''"Nuadha"''
* [[Hammerhead Cruiser]] "''Eochaid mac Eirc''"
* [[Razor Fighter]] Squadron ''"Dian Cecht"''
* RZ-1 [[A-Wing]] "''Nuadha''"
* ATR-6 Assault Transport Squadron ''"Mac Cecht"'', ''"Mac Cuill"'', ''"Mac Greine"''
* [[Razor Fighter]] Squadron "''Dian Cecht''"
* Sentinel-class Landing Craft ''"Morrighan"''
* ATR-6 Assault Transport Squadron "''Mac Cecht''", "''Mac Cuill''", "''Mac Greine''"
* Sentinel-class Landing Craft "''Morrighan''"

Revision as of 17:56, 26 May 2014

Tomas o`Cuinn
Biographical Information
Race Hapan / Amani / Cyborg
Homeworld Charubah
Mother Maeveen o`Cuinn (deceased)
Father Culain o`Cuinn (deceased)
Spouse None
Siblings Kelwyn o`Cuinn (brother)

Rossalyn o`Cuinn (sister)

Children None
Born Year -19
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 6' 2" (188cm)
Weight 200lbs (90kg)
Eye Color Blue/Green
Political Information
Affiliation GenoHaradan
Positions Unknown Position, GenoHaradan
Citizen, Trade Federation
Former Director, Black Sun
Former Chief Operating Officer, Hyrotii Corporation
Former Intelligence Officer, Black Watch
Former Alliance Member, Imperial Union
Awards No Formal Awards; Numerous rewards for loyalty and dedication

Tomas o`Cuinn (Hapan male) is a well-known businessman and starship trafficker with extensive galactic interests. He gained wide-spread recognition for his profit-driven trading career along with galactic notoriety for his public position with the Black Sun Crime Syndicate. An architect by profession, Cuinn spent an extraordinary amount of effort building an extensive education background. He holds one degree from the University of Charubah and two degrees from the University of Coruscant and has cited this educational foundation as the platform for his personal and business successes. He has funded a variety of different scholarships to aid financially-challenged individuals in earning their university degrees and regularly donates significant sums of credits to nonprofit charities. Cuinn is also an alleged victim of a unique strain of the Metamorphosis Plague, causing a partial mutation in his DNA to register as Amani while retaining the physical appearance of his Hapan form. On top of this unique species condition, he is also classified as a Cyborg due to his prosthetic arms and cybernetic eye enhancement.


Year 10
Year 10

Born sometime in Year -19 to parents Culain and Maeveen on the planet of Charubah, Cuinn was the oldest of three children. Rossalyn and Kelwyn, fraternal twins, were born three years later. Enjoying a typical childhood, he eventually attended the University of Charubah to pursue his adolescent interest in architecture. Cuinn graduated with honors in Year 4 with a degree in Architectural Engineering and took a local job on Charubah, though he would accept a seemingly better position on the distant planet of Gree two years later. After five years, the eventual cycle of promotions would land him in a managerial position which drove him to attend the University of Coruscant in Year 9. There, he double-majored in Business and Economics to earn his second and third degrees. Upon his return to Gree to continue his career, however, Cuinn was intercepted and recruited by the Black Sun Crime Syndicate who had been watching him for years.

Black Sun

The majority of Cuinn's extensive history with Black Sun has been shrouded in secrecy. What is known is that he is a veteran of both the Woldona VII and Malicar II Development Projects, building homes and jobs for more than 155 billion civilians and creating over 1.05 billion credits in additional tax revenue for the Syndicate. He also participated in the Battle of Axxila against the United Rebel Front, securing complete control of the Ciutric Sector for Black Sun. His loyalty and work ethic were rewarded by both Dark Prince Banquo Knox and his chosen successor, Dark Princess Cait Catra. Before the forced resignation in Year 14, Cuinn was the highest ranking (non-Family Council) member of Black Sun, Commanding Officer of the Syndicate’s Recruitment and Training Division, and an Intelligence Officer of Black Watch. He also served as the Chief Operating Officer (2IC) of Hyrotii Corporation.

Despite a career demanding nothing short of respect, one of Alexander von Ismay’s initial moves as the newly-appointed Dark Prince was to force Cuinn’s resignation in late Year 14. This was one of the earliest moves in Alexander’s paranoia-induced campaign of accusations and betrayal against his own organization.


After his forced resignation from Black Sun in Year 14, Cuinn returned home to Charubah for the first time in over a decade. He reunited with his family and contemplated retirement, having amassed more than enough credits to comfortably live out the remainder of his life. This comfort and relaxation was cut short with an assassination attempt on his life early in Year 15.

A trio of would-be assassins infiltrated Cuinn’s family estate, intent on quietly executing him with vibroblade precision before destroying the entire compound with thorium charges. Their failure to take Failinis, his pet Vornskr trained for warfare and sentry duty, into account would prove to be their downfall. Their entrance into Cuinn’s sleeping chambers was rewarded by the angry Vornskr, its whip-like tail subduing one while sharp teeth into the throat of another. Awakened instantly by the noise, Cuinn had grabbed "Dyrnwyn, White Hilt" – a sword made of 9093-T7511 grade durasteel and infused with Phrik – and immediately engaged the remaining assassin. The years of practice and training proved useful as he managed to disarm his opponent’s vibroblade, but this only caused the desperate assassin to prematurely detonate a dozen thorium charges placed around the estate. The resulting explosion ravaged the area, collapsing the building and killing many of the occupants – both of Cuinn’s parents, five cousins, three uncles, and two aunts. Cuinn was dragged from the still-collapsing facility by the Vornskr Failinis and recovered by his brother, Kelwyn, and sister, Culain.

Cuinn awoke a few weeks later in the Athakam MedTech hospital his siblings had rushed him to. Groggy from pain medication and the long slumber, he slowly realized that his arms felt quite differently than he recalled. The medical staff explained the extent of his injuries, including the advanced cybernetic arms that had replaced the badly damaged limbs remaining after the explosion. His left eye had been ripped apart by shrapnel and replaced with a cybernetic enhancement. Fifty percent of his body had been covered by second-degree burns, his chest and arms receiving the majority. Though his arms had been replaced entirely, his chest dermis and epidermis had been supplanted permanently with synthskin. Later conversations with his surviving family would lead to the reviewing of holorecords and the recovered bodies of the assassins, though Cuinn already recognized the tactics due to his extensive experience in Black Sun operations. The forensic tests confirmed what Cuinn suspected – the trio were members of the criminal syndicate, his former employer. Alucard Tepes, a long-term Blades officers, had led the two lower-ranking members, Monte Kase and Ryan Skirata, in the operation.

Cuinn had been blacklisted and declared an enemy of Black Sun by Alexander von Ismay on Year 15 Day 1, the same day as the attempt on his life.


Seeking protection for his family from future assassination and potential kidnapping attempts, Cuinn accepted an offer from an old comrade. Thus began his employment with the GenoHaradan, a modernized cell of the ancient intelligence order. Putting his experience as an intelligence officer for Black Watch to use, his transition into GenoHaradan went smoothly. He was also able to utilize his educational background in architectural engineering by designing the new shield networks that protect GenoHaradan facilities, along with designing the facilities themselves.

Year 15
Year 15

Supplemental Information


A Hapan male of standard height, Cuinn lacks any significant distinguishing marks and does not tend stand out in a crowd. His unique armour and clothing, however, are a different story. It would be unusual to glimpse Cuinn in public with his armour and helmet, though typically the former is worn beneath either a synthetic business suit or Morellian oilcoat. An Imperial-built Nightstinger Sniper Rifle and Vibrosword are always hung from his back with an ELG-3A strapped to either thigh.

Educational Background

Trading Career

As of Y15 D176 T16:00, Cuinn's Centrepoint Space Station trading statistics are:

  • Trade Value: 10,475,650,667 credits
  • Buy Value: 4,192,851,476 credits
  • Sell Value: 6,282,799,191 credits
  • Average: 28,544,007 credits / trade
  • 367 Total Recorded Trades

Armor & Armament

  • Custom-forged durasteel (9095-T8511 grade) Heavy Battle Armour infused with neutronium, lommite and zersium.
  • "Dyrnwyn, White Hilt", a custom-forged durasteel (9093-T7511 grade) Sword infused with phrik and based on Echani design
  • Military-grade Nightstinger Sniper Rifle
  • Double ELG-3A Blaster Pistols
  • Custom-built Cybernetic Arms (major strength increase & armored hull) covered with Synthskin
  • Cybernetic eye enhancement capable of telescopic and thermal vision along with active illumination
  • Trained War-Vornskr, "Failinis"

Personal Assets

Throughout his lifetime, Cuinn has managed to accrue a sizable fortune that serves as funding for his growing collection of rarer-than-usual starships. The Veltraa-Class Cruiser "Breoghan", a rare vessel based on ancient designs as well as a family relic, serves as his personal flagship. While employed by Black Sun, Cuinn utilized Aurora Technologies, and later White Star, to outfit and modify the Veltraa's interior design for a more luxurious and aesthetic appeal.

Other noteworthy ships include:

Metamorphosis Plague

Late in Year 14, Cuinn was afflicted by unique strain of the Metamorphosis Plague during his travels. Though the plague usually mutates the entire sentient being, he alleges that the strain modified only his DNA and left his visible shell intact. The relevant medical logs have been destroyed, but there is no mistaking that Cuinn retains the physical appearance of a Hapan male while biometric scanning indicate that his DNA registers as Amani. Close associates have described his personality as having transformed, though requests for additional information have been laregly ignored. No other cases of this nature are known to have been reported.