Vexander Graves

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Vexander Graves
Biographical Information
Race Corellian
Homeworld Corellia
Mother Kimberly Graves nee Smith
Father Nihl Graves (Adoptive) Krucek Aruu (Biological)
Siblings Keibak Aruu
Born Year -12 Day 235
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 1.82m
Eye Color Blue
Political Information
Affiliation The Jedi Order / Galactic Alliance
Title Jedi Master
Prior Affiliation New Republic / Falleen Federation / Antarian Rangers / Aratech / Freedom Warriors / Potentium Order

Vexander Graves is a known Jedi Master of the Order who used to be a Member of the Council and that has helped in the creation and development of a few Force Groups within and outside the Galactic Alliance.

Known by his almost constant smile and cheerful demeanor, the young man is a strong supporter of the Lightside who has seen himself in the borders of failing in his duties and actually become a Dark Jedi. However, above all odds, the care and support of his brothers and sisters along with his training in the Force, he has managed to stand his ground as a Jedi and the experience gained actually allow him to teach his students and those who seek him for training the difference between light and dark and how it affects you and those around you.


Born in Year -12 as Vexander Aruu, the son of the Dark Lord Krucek Aruu and Kimberly Smith in Corellia; Vex was raised only by his mother and his adoptive father since Year -10 who changed his name to Vexander Graves to cover his birth name and legacy due to the absence and disapperance of his natural father.

Throughout his time in Corellia, his adoptive father: Nihl Graves, taught the young man the values that he hold dear deep in his heart and the skills as a starfighter pilot that marked his life to the point where he wanted to join the Corellian University and the prestiged School of Starship Engineering. However, his priorities changed when the unexpected happened.

In the Year 6, Nihl Graves was labeled as MIA by the Galactic Empire under suspicious reports and explanations provided to the family, resulting in great grief and curiosity for the young adult. Although it was not normal for the Empire to disclouse complete information, during a conversation between two Naval Officers near the University, Vexander managed to hear a few comments about a group of "Rebel Terriorists" smuggling goods to Corellia to support an underground resistance against the Empire resulting in the execution of the subjects capture; although nothing was said about Vex's recent lost, the conversation as a whole and certain details made the young man believe that Nihl was among the executed.

Vexander's suspicious was confirmed when he saw Imperial stormtroopers storming to his home while his mother was running away trying to escape their grasp. Knowing that they had little choice, Vexander met his mom and both boarded a shuttle off planet while he vowed to find the truth and to grow stronger to prevent such executions from happening to any other boy in Corellia.

The New Republic

It was just a few days later when Vexander managed to enroll in the New Republic's Starfighter Command, hoping to put in good use what his father taught him for the sake of others and to overthrow the Galactic Empire.

During his time in the New Republic Starfighter Command, the young man received orders from the then Republic Officer Elubei Mont`arne who assigned the pilot to take command of one of the Xwing squadrons and began his duties patrolling space and looking for uncharted planets and hidden Imperial bases.