Kiran Malestrom

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Kiran Malestrom
Biographical Information
Race Rodian
Homeworld Rodia
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 5'9
Coloring Green
Eye Color Black
Political Information
Affiliation Zann Consortium
Rank Cell leader
Positions Defiler
Prior Affiliation Dark Star Hellions

The Rodian

A mostly shadowy Rodian Kiran Malestrom met Ximaro Jix inside prison when the gang was still taking shape. With fondness for covert work and distribution of drugs , Kiran was brought into the Hellions prison gang after impressing the largely Falleen leadership of Hellions including Ximaro . Once Malestrom was released he entered Granse Confederacy subcontracting his skills along with his new found family. Following the rise of Dark Star Hellions swoop gang Kiran with his strong skills in intel became one of the founding 13 brothers of DSH and is believed to be the Hellion responsible for supplying the majority of the ryll stockpiled in Dark Star and Zann warehouses.

Kiran participated in the purging of The Smugglers Alliance which ultimately lead to the groups destruction . The Rodian has largely remained one of Hellions few quiet members sticking to the shadows along with Ximo Jobal.

During the creation of the Dark Star Hellions Nomad Chapter Malestrom served as the first Vice President of the Nomad Chapter until eventually choosing to be just a Nomad patch.

During the events which lead Xakic Jix and Hellions rogues to break off into Alliance Special Operations Kiran entered into Zann Consortium becoming a Defiler and Cell Leader falling back on his skills in intel gather , using them to run a cell to monitor the Hellions traitors.