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Family Crest
Family Crest

Welcome to The House of Tal`-Shen-Aran


Patriarch Elm Aran began his family in Year 6. During his time in the ranks of the Rebel Allaince Elm came into contact with many youths, who, much like himself were bereft of family. Beginning with those whom he served with Elm began to adopt these wayward children to him, replacing the family he had never known and giving these young individuals a family that they lacked.

Currently the House is strongly associated with Confederacy of Independent Systems, Corporate Alliance, Galactic Medical. The Family is built on the idea of family rather than the naturally occurring relationship of familes. The Family home is in the system of Glom Tho.



Elm Aran

First Adoptees

Eldar Echuu Shen-Jon

Eldar Pocas Nuckie deceased

Eldar Larry Skywalker

Eldar Jaydon TaVolarian

Eldar Apoc Starder

Eldar Gretchen O'Hara deceased

Second Adoptees

Eldar Stack Soto

Eldar Xpofer Tomas

Eldar Adam Nuckie deceased

Eldar Allana Aran-Kutol

Eldar Siejo Kutol

Eldar Trace Magus

Eldar Sabo Magus

Eldar Florian Laiden

Eldar Tika Majere

Third Adoptees

Eldar Leo Iscander

Eldar Shall Ti

Eldar Pat Kil`astra

Eldar Krios Malana