Gabbi Yuri

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Gabbi Yuri-Aran
Biographical Information
Race Human
Homeworld Naboo
Spouse Elm Aran
Siblings Echuu Shen-Jon (Adopted)

Larry Turner (Adopted)

Pocas Nuckie (Adopted)deceased

Xpofer Tomas (Adopted)

Stack Soto (Adopted)

Apoc Starder (Adopted)

Gretchen O'Hara (Adopted) deceased

Adam Nuckie (Adopted) deceased

Allana Aran-Kutol (Adopted)

Jaydon TaVolarian (Adopted)

Sabo Magus (Adopted)

Leo Iscander (Adopted)

Shall Ti (Adopted Nephew)

Pat Kil`astra (Adopted)

Krios Malana (Adopted)

Tika Majere (Adopted)

Siejo Kutol (Son in law)

Calista Kutol(Adopted Niece)

Born Unknown
Physical Description
Gender Female
Height 1.4 meters
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Blue
Political Information
Affiliation Tal'ShenAran
Cybot Galactica
Positions Second in Command
Prior Affiliation Mecrosa

Gabbi, a Fiesty proud young woman of a Naboo family from a Local Traders Guild and now also Matriarch of The House of Tal'ShenAran.