Jax Calder

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Jax Calder, a Corellian, started his life as a member of CorSec under Neria Derycke before being corrupted and joining the Zann Consortium. There, he became a defiler and served as Byvek or bodyguard to Ximaro Jix himself. He is the one responsible for Xanxus Drol only having one eye, as Jax was ordered to remove an eye for Drol disobeying Jix. He participated in the Hosnian conflict, and at one point he also oversaw the Defiler training, many of whom are still active members of Zann. He assumed command of the Zann-controlled Car`das Smugglers at one point before they transitioned to be known as the Void Wolves. During Kyota "Kentu" Navic's disappearance (his ban), Calder became the second-in-command of Zann behind Jix. And even upon Kentu's return, Calder still oversaw Zann as its second-in-command before his falling out with Jix.

Roaming the galaxy as a freelancer, Jax Calder had a chance meeting with Jedi Vir Calder on the world of Malastare. Striking up a conversation due to their shared surname, the two concluded that they likely shared a common ancestor, as both had family lore tracing back to the same small village on the world of Tatooine. The Jedi was able to persuade him to abandon his criminal ways, atone for his sins, and then committing his talents for good in the future. Jax Calder turned himself to the local authorities at Malastare, and was imprisoned in the outskirts of Pixelito for some time. Vir Calder, who had a prior tenure in law enforcement on Malastare, gained custody of the distant cousin. Under Vir Calder's guidance, Jax Calder pledged a life of service. He turned over to the Jedi his treasured weapon Ngasekunene, which he had used to intimidate and wound innocents, to symbolize his oath to give up his old ways.

Jax Calder had since been seen participating in various humanitarian operations spearheaded by Vir Calder and the Ternion Corps, and had accompanied Vir Calder as a junior member of the Jedi's entourage on several diplomatic missions.