Black Sun Crisis

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Black Sun Crisis
Hapan Pride Campaign
DateYear 2 Day 336 - Year 3, Day 266
LocationLorell, Hapes Cluster
ResultBlack Sun presence on Lorell purged
Hapes Consortium
Joint Security Force of Lorell
Black Sun
Black Sun affiliates
Commanders and Leaders
King Jessy James
Regent Leto Tini`duran
Prime Minister Choibacco Antaria
Contra Admiral Gane Lant
Commodore Alex Tylger
Colonel Lanxek Delsarr
Prince Qel Dar
Lord Kosh Naranek
CEO Plojo Rosom
Lucrehulk 3210 Battleship
Modified Tabder Heavy Hauler
Nova Battle Cruisers
Dreadnaught Heavy Cruisers
Carrack Light Cruisers
Miy'Til Interceptors
Casualties and Losses
Minor25 city districts destroyed
Unknown number of Black Sun operatives and civilians killed

The Black Sun Crisis, or the Hapan Pride Campaign, is a term used to describe the events that unfolded on the planet Lorell in the Hapes Cluster during the first half of Year 3. Black Sun, under the leadership of Prince Qel Dar attempted to subvert control of the planet from the Hapes Consortium by establishing a prominent presence there through front companies. Following a breakdown in diplomatic negotiations, a propaganda war ensued on the GNS with slander and accusations of dishonesty. The Consortium and its allies began a massive military build up in the system before initiating a large scale military campaign that involved orbital bombardment of Black Sun holdings.

Over several months, the Consortium continued their bombardment of the illegal city districts, while also waiting for an attack by Black Sun that would never come. Suspecting the Falleen Federation of funding the crime syndicate's operation, the Hapans strongly considered the possibility of retaliating against Falleen Prime. The event is often cited by historians as having thrust the Hapes Consortium on to the galactic political stage, while also fueling an already prominent suspicion of outsiders among the Hapan populace. It brought about an era of heightened nationalism and intense militarism in the Hapes Consortium, with the development of the Battle Dragon and Hetrinar Assault Bomber beginning shortly after the conclusion of the operation.

Conflict Origins

Diplomatic Relations

During the reign of King Andrew, the Hapes Consortium and Black Sun conglomerate had good diplomatic relations. The King had authorised the importation of much needed medical supplies, foodstuffs, military equipment and raw materials to the Hapes Cluster which was effectively sealed off from the rest of the Galaxy. The Hapan Civil War had put a great strain on the Hapan treasury and the Hapes Consortium was struggling to make ends meet.

Following the assassination of King Andrew in Year 1, relations between the Consortium and Black Sun dwindled due to an apparent lack of interest from Princess Storm to aide the new Hapan regime under King James. Storm was later replaced by Prince Keevan who in turn later named Qel Dar as his successor.

At the same time the death of King Andrew put an end to the planned Tri-Star Alliance involving the Hapes Consortium, Falleen Federation and New Anzat Order which would have created a shift in the mid-outer rim balance of power and provided the latter two governments with Hapan military protection. The Consortium moved away from the planned unilateralism and also dropped all plans of aiding the Rebel Alliance in their conflict with the Galactic Empire.

Under Prince Dar of the Falleen Huruk-Rah clan, Black Sun become more closely tied with the Falleen Federation which was under the leadership of another Huruk-Rah clan member: Prince Tholin. Kosh Naranek, former Governor of Lorell, owner of Aurora Technologies, and prominent businessman was named second in command of Black Sun under Prince Dar.

Construction Projects

Historical Perspective
"My Master's concern over the proximity of Lorell, a Hapan world to Falleen had grown. He undertook with Qel to claim the planet, simply through force of numbers without a drop of blood. Slowly they started to flood the world with Falleen migrants.

Over a period of many years, my master developed a close friendship with Lord Alex Tylger who he eventually granted the title of Baron within the Federation, in order to bring closer the Consortium and the Federation.

Eventually the plot to capture Lorell was uncovered by Lord Tylger. He then proceeded with the destruction of all Falleen residences on the planet and all illegally constructed facilities. Prince Qel and the Black Sun took the public fall for the operation.

A day of mourning was declared on Falleen for the lives lost."

Kareen Hols’thar, chronicling Falleen Federation history.

Over a year after the death of King Andrew it became apparent to the new Hapan regime that foreign products and were still needed to fuel the Hapan economy and improve the Consortium's infrastructure. Plans began to make the Consortium's embassy world Lorell, conveniently located in one of the few gaps of the Transitory Mists, an interstellar trade hub from which the government could draw income from taxes and traded goods.

Many foreign corporations and some governments established large city districts and embassies on the southern continent of Lorell. Black Sun, through affiliated companies, approached the Hapan government and obtained the necessary permits to build production facilities, service establishments and luxury housing along the north-eastern coast of the main continent. With swift precision, thousands upon thousands of square miles along the coast were developed and construction began.

It soon became obvious to Governor Choibacco that Black Sun did not have Hapan interests in mind with the development of Lorell. Much unauthorised building took place, ships carrying illegal passengers were seen making drop-offs in the middle of the night, and Black Sun expanded building outside the designated areas.

Propaganda War

Military Operation
