Hutt Cartel

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This article is about the existent criminal syndicate. For its defunct predecessor, see The Hutt Council.
Hutt Cartel
General Information
Motto "A Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy."
Status Active
Leader Feth Ophoxi
2IC Qaun Wain
Owner Hutt Conglomerate
Historical Information
Founded Year 3 Day 81[1] (see: The Hutt Council)
Year 10 Day 60 (re-established)
Political Information
Affiliation Independent
Industry Mercenaries
Holosite The Hutt Cartel

The Hutt Cartel, also known as The Cartel, is an underworld consortium led by Hutts which employs mercenaries and smugglers of various species. Although its foundation date occurred on Year 10 Day 60, the Cartel claims symbolic descent from the earlier Hutt Council organized by the legendary Angobba the Hutt circa Year 3. The current leader of the Cartel is the debonaire gangster, Feth Ophoxi. His second-in-command is Qaun Wain, a cold-blooded killer with no moral compass. The ramshackle organization is staffed by a diverse lineup of repugnant henchmen including Noghri, Human and Devaronian enforcers.

The Cartel is rumored to possess a large independent army, and the Cartel offers this private military on the open market. The Cartel's military is a superficially-loyal and poorly-equipped security force that consists of dimwitted guards, outdated vehicles, and obsolete starfighters. The Cartel also specializes in obtaining illicit goods that have been prudishly outlawed by the various galactic regimes. If an individual wishes to obtain contraband such as deathsticks, insanity-causing holopuzzles, or Giggledust, they should consider the Hutt Cartel as a possible source. Last but not least, special customers occasionally receive the pleasurable services of the organization's Twi'leki dancing girls.


From the darkened alleyways of Mos Eisley to the crowded spaceports of Corellia, the scoundrels who lurk in the galaxy's underworld come in all shapes and sizes. Some are Human, and some not. Some thrive within the core worlds of the Galactic Empire, while others subsist in the backwater worlds of the Outer Rim. A few are deadly assassins, while most are cowardly thugs. Common to all, however, is the desire to make a fast credit, regardless of how many innocent sentient beings are harmed in the process.

The Hutt Cartel is a wretched hive for such ilk and is seeking the scum of the galaxy to augment its ranks. To join, you must be willing to fraternize with Zygerrian slavers, spice-smugglers, bounty hunters, gun runners, Rodian enforcers, slimy double-crossing no-good swindlers, and anyone else the cartel does business with. We bump uglies with the lowest of the low and you must accept that. Above all, you must be willing to serve and to obey the vile gangster, Voragga Zuuma, the grand overlord of the cartel.

Filthy and corpulent, Voragga the Hutt rules the cartel with an iron fist from his desert alcazar on Reltooine. Renowned for his carnal appetite and penchant for licking Twi'leki slave girls, Voragga is a shrewd businessman and a powerful voice among the Hutt clans. However, both Voragga and his more reputable cousin Tobba Nokko would never condescend to manage the daily operations of the cartel. Instead, they hired an underpaid majordomo to do so.

The current majordomo is a weak-minded Twi'leki male who humbly serves Voragga the Hutt and dutifully stewards his business affairs. As majordomo, the steward oversees certain projects on behalf of other individuals; in this case, those individuals are the Hutts. Under his tenure, the group has expanded its lucrative activities from selling Huttese pornography to peddling the finest death-sticks in the galaxy, one hundred percent pure.




Alleged Murders

Alleged Kidnappings

  • Jennifer Sheppard (Year 10), a Hapan scientist.

