Lilith Delcroix

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Lilith Kaine-Natanaele
Biographical Information
Race Hapan (infected with Diathim Plague)
Homeworld Empress Teta
Mother Amelia Kaine
Father unknown
Spouse Ankha Natanaele, widow
Siblings none
Children none
Born Y-8 D177
Quote “Truth at any cost.”
Physical Description
Gender Female
Height 1.68 meters
Coloring Black/red hair
Eye Color Amber
Political Information
Affiliation Dark Skies Gearworks, House Soyak-Ikron
Title Sovereign Countess
Rank Forgemaster
Positions Company Leader
Prior Affiliation
  • Dael`mor Logistics Veteran
  • Ancient Gear III
  • Holonet Activity III
  • Demolition Expert II
  • Logistic Ace I
  • Iron Gear
  • 1st Year Memorial Gear
"Stand in the ashes of a dying world, and ask the ghosts if honour matters. Its all we have left."

Lilith Delcroix (née Kaine), by her full name Countess Lilith Kaine-Natanaele of Vorsia was approximately born in Year -8 Day 177 (23 years old) by the Combine Galactic Time. She is the current sovereign of Vorsia Companion and leader of Dark Skies Gearworks recycling company. The exact date and place of Lilith's birth is unknown and it is assumed her mother was residing somewhere in the Hapes Cluster at the time. She grew up with her uncle Admiral Kaine in Kaine Estate on Cinnagar (Empress Teta) which led to her eventual enlisting in the Galactic Empire Industry, just like most Kaine family members before her. Through series of complicated and unfortunate events that ended her industrial career Lilith eventually became member of the Black Sun crime syndicate. Though she didn't find the peace she was looking for and almost a year later she retired into seclusion and private life. However she returned to her industrial roots when she became fulltime Retainer in the Royal House James of Hapes and later with one of her long-time friends Lilith created the Dark Skies Gearworks. As the company established itself Lilith connected with Neutral governments and became part of House Soyak-Ikron of the Avance Coalition. She is also renowned artisanal starship designer with a reputation spanning the galaxy.


Little flower

Young Lilith.

Lilith’s birth is as mysterious as her mother. Nobody knows who her father is or where and when she was born. Her mother Amelia Kaine abandoned baby Lilith at very early age and didn’t share the information about the baby girl’s birth with anyone. It is assumed that Lilith was named after her great-grandmother Lilly. It was rainy night when Amelia showed up on the doorsteps of the Kaine estate on Cinnagar, which was at the time occupied by her brother, Lilith’s uncle, High Inquisitor and Rear Admiral of the Imperial Navy Herbert “Incubus” Kaine. By the galactic standard it was Year -8 Day 177, which was used as Lilith’s birthday since only her mother know the correct date. Incubus decided to raise the girl and care for her but under strict rules and Lilith was expected to obey them from early age. It was at that time she began to develop the same xenophobia as her uncle possessed, she was taught to view aliens as lesser species.

During her childhood she was mainly in contact with Imperials, so it was only natural she wanted to pursue service in the Galactic Empire just as her uncle and rest of the Kaine family. Her childhood was lonely, she didn’t had any friends of her own age and wasn’t allowed to leave her home without permission, even her education took place in the estate with private lecturers, most notably Kasimir Caelius. Only visitors she could relate to were her two older cousins Gabriel and Reina that visited the estate for several weeks each summer, and a son of her lecturer Kyran. The older she grew the more she could be found wondering the gardens of her home alone when she had free time or spending time on computer terminal. It was her teenage years that were the hardest; she wanted to explore and even more she wanted company. However she still wasn’t allowed to leave the estate much and her only friend was Kyran. Eventually HoloNet became her escape from the lonely reality, only there she was able to find some sort of company she longed for.

From time to time they had visitors in the estate, they varied from Imperial Officers to lawyers, businessmen and many more but it was not the company Lilith was interested in. Most of them didn’t stay long or took the time to talk to Lilith. She would meet some at dinner around a large table where her uncle hosted his quests, but more times than not Lilith was quiet the whole time. One such visitor however stood out and affected Lilith. At one night a business woman in a dark suit with pair of Mandalorian bodyguards arrived at the estate for reasons unknown to the young Hapan girl. Unlike other visitors the woman intrigued Lilith in a strange way; she felt attracted to someone for the first time, despite there was obvious age difference between them. When she managed to overcome her shyness Lilith kept the woman company while she waited for Lilith’s uncle, it wasn’t unusual for Incubus to arrive in middle of the night or not at all, his position within the Empire was very demanding. After she left Lilith was somewhat changed, it was the closest thing to teenage-crush she experienced. The woman unfortunately never visited again so Lilith didn’t dwell on it for too long.

Spoiled teenager

Lilith saying farewell to her uncle.

Lilith was still just a young teenager when her life received a blow that affected her forever. Her uncle was accused of treason against the Empire and decided to turn himself in to prove his loyalty which lead to his murder. It was a sad day for Lilith when her uncle left, never to return. Since that day the sound of rain can make Lilith sad as it was heavily raining the last time she saw her uncle. For some time life was very confusing, she had the family wealth at her disposal and the Kaine estate was now in her hands, only shared with Incubus’s alien servant Raum Cambions. For the first time ever she had complete freedom, but didn’t know what to do with it. She was still too young to enlist in the Empire and without guidance of her uncle she felt like losing a purpose, not to mention she had no close family since her cousins lived in a different part of the galaxy. None of her relatives tried to move into the technically free estate, she never found out why.

She decided to cope with her grief probably in the worst possible way. The night city offered to satisfy all her teenage needs and credits provided the means to forget her pain. Still keeping in touch with her friend Kyran, as teenagers they often spent whole nights out and getting into trouble. It became Lilith’s routine coming back home in the morning and sleeping whole day till it was time to go out again. When she wasn't going out she spent hours with computers and over the years she became very skilled in slicing. Under pseudonym Pixie she used those skills to mostly break into holosites she shouldn't just to prove she could to pass the time. It was during this time Lilith found the company she wanted so much in the past and discovered her attraction to girls, however never entering any kind of relationship. In time only going out and spending credits wasn’t enough to satisfy her, she was getting tired of her homeplanet and the spoiled lifestyle wasn't as glorious as she thought it would be.

Imperial service

Lilith wanted to change, she couldn’t continue living the way she did. If her uncle knew all that she was doing he wouldn’t be happy with her. The first idea was to enlist in the Empire but lack of any specialised skills made her chose something else. Instead she enrolled in the University of Engineering that was located on a nearby planet in her home system; she wanted to leave her spoiled past behind her and start a better life. Thanks to the education her uncle provided for her from early age she had it easy on the university, almost too easy for her liking. The spoiled life she used to live affected her more than she would admit, she had problems to concentrate and eventually felt like the university wasn’t teaching her anything. After eight months she decided to quit and train as civilian pilot instead. During the time in the university she discovered passion for capital ships and wanted to know how to pilot and command them better. Lilith was natural in it and excelled in her training, after a year she knew everything there is about piloting capital ships and her piloting skills became second to none, but she wasn’t interested in their military use so combat skills were average at best. She was twenty years old when she finished her training and decided it was time to follow her uncle's example and enlist in the Empire, though she chose civilian Industry department over the more traditional service in the Navy.

The Imperial University she had to go through first wasn't much harder than the university she already been through so she managed to came out with very high marks and graduate with honours which impressed her professor and her graduation was made public in front of the academy. With rank of a Workman she was sent to Cloud City where is worked as prospector. She enjoyed it but saw it only as a stepping stone for something better. Searching for raw materials on distant planets was interesting in a way, but she belonged into space on a bridge of a capital ship. To her surprise after two months she was approached by Lord Kuat who followed her progress, a Sith Lord and Director of Research and Development offered her to join his department as an officer which she gladly accepted. However due to internal politics she wasn't allowed to fully transfer and her officer status was taken away from her, which was rather upsetting at the time. Nevertheless she was at least allowed to work in the R&D department as a liaison from Could City. It was almost like a dream job to her; Lilith had large capital ship at her disposal with several haulers and worked more or less on her own time. There was little bureaucracy while working for the Sith Lord, which she enjoyed.

Lost faith

However her faith in the Empire was shaken. The fact that a command from a Sith Lord could be so easily over-ruled by office department was bothering her greatly. The longer she was in service the more she realized that the Empire wasn't how her uncle used to describe it to her. It wasn't what she expected it to be, probably the most surprising and off-putting were aliens serving beside her in the Empire. It didn't appeal to her xenophobic nature. She was able to tolerate them not to cause trouble, but to her the Empire no longer was the glorious government as she grew up believing, so her interest in serving declined. She became more interested in girls than her work and was very reckless with relationships, most of her love interests were not part of the Empire or even the Imperial Union. Some people didn't agree with her lifestyle, not even the person she believed to be her best friend and it lead to events that changed her life.

Without a trial or chance to defend herself Lilith was arrested and executed for reasons unknown without any evidence, though rumours go from aiding the enemy to treason against the Galactic Empire. Regardless of the reason why, her death set a chain of events nobody had anticipated. When Lilith died, like anyone, her soul began its journey through death to be reconnected with the Force, save an unexpected intervention. Years before Lilith had been executed, another Kaine shared her fate. Rear Admiral Herbert “Incubus” Kaine, her uncle. Incubus too was charged with treason for unknown reasons and as a sign of loyalty to the Emperor, turned himself over to be executed. He was killed, but his honour grew within the ranks of the Imperial Navy and the Empire as a whole. Little did anyone know that somewhere between the realms of the living and dead, Incubus’ soul remained. It was there that Incubus and his other departed niece, Saige Kippenbrock-Kaine, were able to save Lilith’s soul from being assimilated. Back in the realm of the living, a dark jedi had felt the death of her lover and together with the assistance of an entourage assembled by the Kaine family; Lilith’s soul was drawn back from the clasps of death and transferred to an awaiting cloned body void of a soul. This reincarnation was a key to foundation of the Church of Reansucru. Lilith never became an active member of the Church, but embraced their ideology as her own.

The Family

"A balance of fear and love is acceptable."
Lilith while part of the Family.

The experience with death made her realize the importance of love and family; she was no longer interested in material wealth and ranks or power. She simply wanted to live in a happy relationship. She entered into a relationship with a dark jedi woman that helped to save her life and followed her into Maurari force sect which was part of the Black Sun organisation. As was a tradition in Black Sun Lilith went to meet one of the Vigos before she could be accepted into the Family. Being in presence of Vigo Amaranalah Jou was a life changing experience. Unlike rest of the Family members Lilith had no official rank or duties; she was the only non-Force sensitive member of the sect with honourary rank of Aspirant. She was there only to serve her Mistress. Lilith was always intrigued by the Force but it wasn't easy to gain any solid information on it. The Imperial Order of the Dark Hand was very secretive and low rank Imperials had very limited contact with the Sith.

During her time in the sect she spent lots of time researching the Force, gathering as much as she could and listening to the Dark Masters whenever she was in their presence. The Dark Side was appealing to her, she felt like if she could just reach out and connect with it she could experience the ultimate freedom but she was never able to attune to the Force to manipulate it, which was making her very disappointed. Her lack of Force Sensitivity was suggested to be because her soul wasn't in the body she was born in, but it was never confirmed. Even her Force "signature" was apparently unnatural, almost as if she was soulless. Only people very close to her like her Mistress were able to attune to her fully. Despite her lack of force connection with the help of former Sith Lord Azrakh Raleep she was able to train with lightsabers and became very skilled in the Makashi duelling form. During that period Lilith was touched by the Dark Side and her eyes changed colour to amber yellow because of the time she spend in presence of many powerful Dark Masters.

Her relationship however didn't mean to have a happy end; the deception of dark jedi woman had crushed her and left her with more than physical scars. It took her long time to get over it, but she was never the same again. Lilith prefers not to talk about it and rarely refers to her former Mistress by name. What happened is mostly unknown to but a few, for a time she had to leave the sect and was allowed to rejoin the Family after few weeks with death of the dark jedi that broke her heart. After all what happened to her, Lilith wasn't entirely mentally stable and even though she was back in the Family she wasn’t able to cope with all the depression well, while she was left alone to deal with it. She needed to take a break, a long break to put her life back together, so eventually she retired from the Family and chose to live privately.

"Sometime I just constantly question my value, like why was I so easy to cast aside? And I wonder if the other party is gonna come to their senses and call me back... And they always tell you it'll hurt less with time. When actually it hurts more."
— Lilith, after retirement

Moon Countess

Countess Lilith of Vorsia.

While she was still full time member of the Family, Lilith used her connections and wealth to buy control of a large moon in Neshig sector and formed a noble house Delcroix, granting herself and her Mistress titles of Countess and Dark Countess, respectively. They rarely attended to the day-to-day needs of the jungle moon, but they did began reconstruction of the only palace on the moon to suit their needs better. However before their plans could be completed the relationship fell apart and Lilith was left alone. She felt broken down and was making very little changes to the moon, though over time she formed a Council that would rule in her absence. She was content to remain in the shadows and simply fund credits to the restoration efforts, only giving the Council a general direction and letting them to deal with how it was done.

While she lived privately and away from the galaxy's problems Lilith met with Princess Jessica James of Hapes. What started as private art contract grew into invitation to work for the Royal House. Lilith saw that as an opportunity to return to industrial work which she was fond of and accepted the offer. It was almost like a fresh life for her as she was able to bury herself in large scale tasks and prove to herself that she could still have a purpose in life. It was quite a difference from working in the galaxy's underworld and she welcomed it. More importantly she was able to work on her own time and be her own boss. She was doing well enough to eventually be accepted as full time Retainer.

In early year 13 Gabriel Kaine, Lilith's cousin, decided to step down as head of the Church and an assembly of the Conclave was called. Although not officially part of the ceremony Lilith visited the Kuat system in hopes to confirm rumours of her mother attending. Since she was a little girl Lilith wished to meet her mother and get to know her, but it was impossible for her to find out anything. However before she was able to land in the capital city an event occurred that ended the Church's operations on galactic scale. Only hollow Cathedral and disappointment were left after the Conclave disappeared in unexplained event. With her hopes of meeting her mother shattered Lilith returned back home with sorrow. The temples on Vorsia Companion remained dedicated to the Reansucru ideology, despite the Church officially closed its door.

It was probably the confidence Lilith gained from working in the Royal House which made her believe that she was ready to accept her responsibilities of a sovereign, and so she decided to spend more time living on the moon and be more than a rumour to her people. Her ultimate goal was to make a positive difference for the citizens so most of the wealth and efforts were dedicated into reconstruction of old cities to improve the standard of living. Throughout the reconstruction the Vorsia’s population dropped rapidly, from over 100 million citizens to less than 40 million. There were rumours about large scale alien deportations but it was never confirmed and the government’s only statement was that all citizens that left were granted homes on another planet and were transported safely.


"Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon."

When there was very little work left to do in the Royal House Lilith got involved in Dael`mor Logistics company owned by Dael’mor Mandalorian clan, led by her close friend Cait Catra. There was no appeal to the Mandalorian culture for Lilith but she was happy to work alongside them. It reminded her some of the better times in her past during the service in Black Sun. Eventually Lilith was placed into position of the Director, for nobody else wanted to actively lead the business part of the company. It didn’t take long for her to realize she wasn’t enjoying it, the business plan was flawed from the start and it was taking lots of her energy to keep the company profitable. Lilith decided if she was going to be in charge they needed to change. For long hours she was researching about business opportunities throughout the galaxy to make sure the new company would have a future.

In the end Lilith chose to start a recycling operation as there was lack of independent and reliable companies out there. It also helped with reconstruction efforts of her moon, no longer she would need to rely on external companies. It was mid-Year 13 when Dael`mor Logistics was dissolved and all of its assets were used to fund the new company. Lilith selected Vorsia Companion to serve as the base of operations. Over the time the company was integrated more and more into the moon’s culture. The headquarters city “Angel’s Falls” changed rapidly as its citizens embraced Gearworks and the opportunities it provided. While majority of the moon is isolated to outsiders, the city began to receive more traffic and influx of Gearworks-likeminded people that wished to be part of the company. Eventually Lilith bought out her partner to be the sole owner which allowed her to pursue new goals. Since the moon was located in the Trade Federation system, Duceroy Olwin Froon took interest in the group and began talks about cooperation. After Lilith became Federation citizen, Act of Vorsia was signed to pursue a path of mutual diplomatic understanding to further peace and the prosperity of the Vorsia system.

Newfound purpose

Lilith with Ankha in their apartment on Messet III.

Despite her business success Lilith’s private live wasn’t as bright. In public she tried to hide it and wouldn’t admit it to anyone but her friends that for a long time she was living in rather deep depressions. She was far from used to be in charge, with nobody to follow or look up to. Lilith was trying to find her purpose in a long time relationship, but as with it all others in her past the exciting start didn’t have a happy ending. After two years Lilith couldn’t go on any longer and with her partner decided it was best for both of them to separate. It began rather confusing time in her life. Without the dysfunctional relationship Lilith was no longer depressed as much, but she didn’t feel fully happy either, she just enjoyed being somewhat at peace for once. Fortunately she met someone who didn’t have luck in their previous relationship either. Several months earlier, Lilith was contacted diplomatically by Ankha Natanaele from the New Republic to open line of communication between the government and Gearworks. To her surprise Lilith found it extremely easy and pleasant to talk to Ankha for hours at a time about more than just the professional. Almost a month after the break up Lilith found out Ankha was single too and their conversations soon began to reveal the mutual attraction to each another. Lilith was hesitant at first to consider a new relationship but eventually she realized just how attached she became to Ankha and happily followed her heart. Despite the relatively short time they have spent together Lilith felt happy as the relationship opened new possibilities and experiences. One of such experiences was attending the coronation of the new Falleen Federation King on D123 of Year 14 as Ankha’s guest, something Lilith thoroughly enjoyed. With the new life also came new home, Vorsia became her workplace instead of home after she moved into her partner’s penthouse apartment on Messert III.

Even though Hapan space was very close to where Lilith worked and used to live, she was much less in contact with House James than she used to and eventually lost her Retainer status when Princess Jessica James decided Lilith was no longer fit to be part of the House. It was an opportunity for Lilith to seek a place somewhere else. After she was granted citizenship within the Avance Coalition, she chose to apply for membership in House Valeo. When she arrived to the embassy she was surprised and excited to find out it was her partner who would interview her. It wasn’t easy for her to talk about her past openly and she felt anxious the whole time. After a week of waiting for Valeo Senate to vote, she was accepted into the House with title of Aspirant.

With her personal life flourishing once more Lilith was able to focus on her private life while continuously expanding her company. When Trade Federation opened their Department of Trade, Gearworks was invited to join the market as one of the first private vendors. More than anything else it meant for Lilith that the production part of Gearworks was taken care of and she had more time for her partner. Taking some time off for her upcoming birthday, Lilith accompanied Ankha to visit the South regions of the galaxy where she rarely been before. It was on the day of Lilith’s birthday when Ankha proposed during a hyperspace jump. Lilith was more than happy to say yes and become Ankha’s wife, taking the name Natanaele as her own. They both decided not to have a wedding because of their mutual dislike of ceremonies and so made their marriage official on the same day.

Garden of nightmares

The cycle of suffering that became the only constant in Lilith’s life had the need to repeat itself not too long after the marriage. The newlywed couple had barely a month to enjoy their blossoming relationship when a tragic event destroyed what should have been a perfect future. When the trip to South came to its end they needed to part for few days as they were returning home to Messert system. It wasn’t unusual for work keeping them apart and so Lilith patiently waited for her wife in their apartment after getting there first. When Ankha didn’t make it even on the agreed last day, Lilith began to be worried and her fears proved true when she received an emergency holocall from her wife, who was experiencing significant ship malfunction. The few moments they had destroyed Lilith’s life, she was unable to comprehend that Ankha wouldn’t make it back home. There was no obvious cause, she was just suddenly gone. Under lots of stress and pain, Lilith contacted her old friend Kyran for support out of pure desperation. Without any official citizenship Lilith couldn’t remain in the apartment for long either after Ankha’s Governorship of Messert was removed.

Emotionally devastated, Lilith made plans to relocate back to Vorsia. Even with support of her friends Lilith wasn’t able to cope with another crippling strike to her private life. From her past she was already rather damaged and losing her wife drove Lilith nearly to the point of suicide. The hardest part was the fact she had no future anymore, despite being rather ready to settle down with her wife. Returning to Vorsia Companion she isolated herself from the rest of the galaxy for a while. After somewhat stabilizing Lilith returned to work around Trade Federation space and even went to visit Avance Coalition. House Valeo was a positive experience and its pursue of knowledge was something that Lilith was able to easily identify with, however the Athenaeum Halls held too much pain and memories of Ankha and the times they spent there together. Lilith felt like she needed a new environment or risk distancing herself from Avance. House Soyak-Ikron was her second choice before and so she requested her House membership to be changed. During her visit of Endor forest moon Lilith met with High Lord Navik Ikron and his aide Zada Nugasta to conductand interview where her request was accepted.

Description and personality

Lilith is a very pale, small sized Hapan girl with long black hair, often coloured fiery red. She was born with emerald green eyes but because of the dark side aura of Dark Masters from the Force sect she was part of her eyes turned amber, something she is quite fond of. Lilith is not very tall for a human and has a skinny figure; though she always managed to keep it athletic shaped. At one point in her tragic life Lilith's whole right arm and part of her shoulder has been replaced with cybernetics of metallic silver colour and engraved details. She rarely talks about the reasons behind it, but doesn't regret it; some could say she rather enjoys being cyborg. Lilith has a strange accent but isn't quite sure where she picked it up, one of her theories is that it comes from her Hapan heritage even if she can’t speak the Hapan language.

Lilith changed after being heart broken by a dark jedi woman, she used to be mostly cheerful person, very obedient to her partner and playful but she became distant, cold and prefers to keep to herself, though she is warm and open person to her close friends. Her cheerful personality returned to her after she overcame the two years long depression and found a reason to look forward to the future with her wife. Unfortunately her cold personality returned soon after she was embraced by depressions once more. The loss of Ankha she loved reopened many old emotional wounds and caused countless new ones. Under all the pain and stress Lilith picked up drinking and is intoxicated more often than she would admit. Most of the time she carries herself confidently, although her walk is heavy, like she carries something that weights her down which can give her impression of being older than she actually is. Her walk became even heavier when she became a widow. Lilith is not a violent person, she prefers to be calm and usually isn't easy to anger. Due to her mental problems sometime she can be irrationally jealous and paranoid; resulting to self-injury and outbursts of anger. For a very long time she didn't feel that way but without Ankha the jealous anger over the lost future is trigger more easily than in the past.

Over the time in Black Sun Lilith’s industrial skills slowly faded away, only retaining her passion for slicing and piloting capital ships. Most of her other skills replaced with more combat oriented training, making her good with handing heavy weapons and exceptional swordfighter. She still keeps practicing those skills but she also decided to get back more into engineering while leading Gearworks. Since she was a teenager Lilith was interested in slicing and her skills only improved, additionally making her naturally good at crafting.

The angel curse

Ever since the Metamorphosis Plague struck the galaxy in early Year 14 Lilith felt her health deteriorating. The medical droids on board her ships were unable to identify what was wrong with her. Only after she consulted the most skilled doctors on Vorsia Companion they concluded she was struck with a strain of the plague. Their first assumptions were that Lilith was being affected by Anzati DNA as the plague seemed to shut down her biological functions while skill keeping her alive. Refusing to be anything less than human Lilith immediately tasked them with preparing a cure. They were not able to cure the virus because it was in her system for too long, but produced a vaccine that would keep her condition in check, though she would most likely have to keep taking it periodically for the rest of her life. During later tests several weeks later, required after the plague mutated and caused new complications, traces of newly discovered Diathim DNA was found within her own. The Vorsian doctors changed the vaccine to combat the new plague strain and Lilith dubbed it “the angel curse”.

Personal assets

MC Luxury Liner "LN Dance With The Devil" in orbit of Vorsia Companion.

Just like many other wealthy individuals Lilith is a collector of rare and hard-to-get assets, though her private collection is secondary concern to being able provide for her people due to the Vorsia moon’s independence. Many of the vessels registered under Lilith’s ownership are part of Vorsian Defence Fleet. The small private fleet is easily recognisable by its white and black paint, turquoise viewports and a crimson lily, Vorsian and Lilith's personal sigil. Lilith's pride and joy is her flagship Nebulon-B Frigate "LN Devil Makes Us Sin", which originated from Royal House James and stands out heavily from the rest of the fleet because of its modifications that Lilith describes as “nercogothic”.

Among other favourite ships are modified GR-75 Medium Transport "LN Miss Leviathan", M-Class Mon Calamari Luxury Liner "LN Dance With The Devil" and J-Type 327 "LN Kaab be Werde", which translates to "LN Sound of Darkness" that was a gift from Mand'alor Oryk. After the disappearance of her wife Lilith became the owner of Namana-class Light Cruiser "AN Tsek". The cruiser’s complicated history made Lilith redesign it entirely. Majority of the modifications were remotely supervised and done in Messert shipyards. Though for the final retrofitting the vessel was moved to Vorsia system where Lilith could overseer it directly to ensure only the core skeleton of Namana-class was all that remained of the original ship. Upon completion it was rechristened as "AN Requiem" Since the light cruiser is faster than the flagship frigate and has the ability to land, Lilith uses it more often for personal transport. For heavy duty industrial work and personal cargo storage Lilith utilizes Modular Taskforce Cruiser sister ships "LN Venus Aversa" and "AN Mars Genesis".

Lilith mostly uses starships for transport across lands or cities, however she owns several speeder bikes for when there is no need for a ship or she just wants to pilot something smaller. Mainly used is her S-swoop "LN Red Duke", named for its rich red paint job and flame decals. Whenever Lilith uses it Heavy Isotope music is usually blasting over the roar of engines.

The Force

Lilith training with Azrakh Raleep on BSS Vrazi before her Force Sensitivity.

While the Force had been a constant presence in Lilith’s life, since her service in the Empire, her direct connection had always been very limited. Never, had she personally been able to attune to its presence. This had been much to her frustration; despite hours of studying with the Dark Masters of Maurari, and later friends and acquaintances who were sensitive to the force, it had always eluded her metallic grasp. After years of disappointment, she had given up in its pursuit, allowing the grief and suffering which had stemmed from its existence to subside into nothingness. However, it seemed that as her willingness to move past the elusive connection had finally set in, the Force had very different plans for what would lay ahead. On vacation in the sand dunes of Tatooine, only a week after her marriage, it seemed the Force had finally decided to manifest itself within the emotionally scarred, yet healing Hapan. Having recreationally hunted the local creatures after visiting the B`omarr Monastery, Lilith had fainted beneath the sweltering heat, her body being lifted into the BFF-1 Bulk Freighter, ‘AN Helicon’ to recover under the care of her wife. While it seemed that the desert environment had caused the sudden collapse, within her brewed something far more unusual.

At first it was like a vivid nightmare where she was visited by everyone she was close to in the past and was hurt by them. It wasn’t easy to defend against the painful memories she wanted to forget. On the verge of giving up under the strain from the pain, the nightmare abruptly ended and Lilith woke up. On the following day she felt different, but unable to explain how. Somehow she was aware of her own emotions more strongly and the world around her. She didn’t like it. Knowing one of her old Force sensitive friends was in the Tatoo system, Lilith made contact to seek spiritual guidance. It came as a shock to find out her own connection to the Force was awakened.

Unsure how to deal with the situation Lilith tried to ignore it at first because she was afraid of the taint of pure Darkness from her past, but it soon became obvious she needed to learn how to control it. Lilith reached out to the Force groups she knew how to contact, gathering information and discussing with her partner how to best approach the Force sensitivity. During the first days Lilith simply tried to meditate on her own, slowly strengthening her connection to the Force and practicing new abilities with the lightsaber she possessed for years. Due to the general desire of independence it was more important to first discover her natural powers and worry about philosophical side of the Force later.

Unfortunately quite soon after discovering her connection Lilith was devastated by an event she was not ready to cope with. The pain, suffering and constant depression got her dangerously close to fully embracing the dark side. With her emotions in chaos it was much easier to connect to the negative feelings and use it to fuel her own agony. It provided more satisfying than her past self-harm. Fortunately she was unable to cross the threshold and held back from striking out in anger and hate. Though soon in private she emotionally collapsed and cried for days.

Force powers and abilities

New to the Force, Lilith didn’t discover yet her full potential. In the past her views on the Force have been heavily influenced by the dark side and different views were shunned by the single minded perspective. However over time Lilith developed a different view and when her sensitivity was discovered she quickly realized she would not be able to embrace hate and anger of the dark side. Though neither she was able to focus entirely on the light side. Lilith’s perception of the Force is very similar to the “The Unified Force” concept. While she doesn’t believe there is a destiny to fulfil, she doesn’t view the Force powers as inherently good or evil. Instead it is up to how the Force powers are used.

During initial attempts at self-training Lilith discovered natural ability to attune to her own fears and emotional scars. In turn she also found it easier to sense fear around her, but not yet able to manipulate it in sentient beings. Instead she practiced the ability on non-sentient creatures of Tatooine. Another power she was able to explore on her own was Healing, despite having very limited knowledge of medical treatment.

Being already trained in lightsaber combat and very skilled in swordfight, the Force sensitivity allowed Lilith to take her skills to a new level. Wielding a single crimson blade Lilith kept concentrating on the Makashi form II to be a better lightsaber duellist. Although because of her new abilities Lilith was able to begin training in deflection of ranged attacks, and developed interest to master the Soresu form III.


Lilith’s rebuild lightsaber.

Lilith was in a possession of a lightsaber since late year 11. The gifted lightsaber was heavily customised and the hilt was curved for better use in Makashi combat form. While skilled craftsman Lilith was unable to adequately work with the inner workings of a lightsaber and so she didn’t risk damaging the prized weapon. Instead her only modifications were cosmetic. When she began to train herself in Soresu form Lilith desired a new hilt, more customised to herself.

Using the Force she was able to take apart the weapon completely and reuse some of the intricate components and connect them back together with a new crimson crystal. For the hilt itself she chose a heavy-duty model, with a solid hilt, an emitter shroud and a power cell at the bottom. The hilt was covered with an interwoven fabric wrapping that acted as the grip of the lightsaber. The weapon is in perfect working condition despite looking worn and overly used.