Welcome to the Holocron Data Services
This is a compiled database of all the Freighters that have been listed by the current Galactic Government
Please feel free to choose the ship you wish to know about. Simply clicking on the item will bring up the ship of your request with the desired information.
Star Galleon-class Frigate Delta-Class JV-7 Escort Shuttle
BFF-1 Bulk Freighter GR-75 Medium Transport
Firespray-class Interceptor YT-1300
Aggressor Assault Fighter Modular Conveyor
Mobquet Medium Transport YT-510
Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 Gamma Assault Shuttle
J-type 327 Starship J-type 322 Starship
H-type Yacht Barloz-class Freighter YG-4210 YT-2000 Consular-class Cruiser Muurian Transport Action VI Transport AA-9 Transport Infiltrator Star Courier Zeta-class Long-Range Shuttle Sheathipede-class Transport Shuttle Atlas-class Troop Transport Shuttle GAT-12h Skipray Blastboat AT-AT Barge Sentinel-class Landing Craft ATR-6 Assault Transport Pursuer Enforcement Ship Scurrg H-6 Bomber GRZ-6B Wrecker YT-1210 Theta-class T-2c Shuttle Naboo Star Skiff Minstrel-class Space Yacht Starwind-class Pleasure Yacht Xiytiar Super Transport W-23 Star Hauler StarSpeeder 3000 YT-1760 Gozanti Cruiser Personal Luxury Yacht 5000 Rho-class Shuttle Baudo-class Star Yacht BR-23 Courier Sprint-class rescue craft Starlight Light Freighter CR-20 Class VI Bulk Freighter S40K Phoenix Hawk-Class Light Pinnace HWK-290 Jedi Ambassador Shuttle