The War for the Republic

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   "The War for the Republic" is the name given to a series of campaigns of the Second Galactic Civil War following the collapse of the New Republic in Year 21. It lasted from Day 16 to Day 229 and spanned the entirety of the former New Republic territory, as well as sectors previously controlled by The Resistance and the Jedi Order. 

The Chaos Erupts

On Day 3 of Year 21, Galen Darksol succeeded Jin Solas as the 15th Chief of State of the New Republic. Darksol was a highly decorated civil servant, serving seven terms as a Republic senator, a diplomat, and as CEO of the Incom Corperation. He defeated fellow senator and celebrated businessman Robby Rae in a landslide election, garnering 75% of the popular vote. Upon his election, the newly minted Chief of State vowed to increase national morale, expand the economy, and build stronger alliances as the government found its way as an independent state. The New Republic had withdrew from the Galactic Alliance on day 74 of the previous year. The optimism and excitement came to a sudden and shocking halt on Day 16 when sentients all over the galaxy saw a broadcast by the ruler of the Galactic Empire, EmperorSeele, that claimed Chief of State Darksol had unconditionally surrendered on behalf of the New Republic, thereby dissolving the Republic and signaling the end of the war with the Galactic Empire. The broadcast explained that Darksol had finally realized the corruption and futility of the Republic and had decided to concede for the good of his citizens. Other sources would later argue that he had been bribed, blackmailed, or had been an Imperial agent for most of his career. These accusations have never been proven, and Darksol disappeared from the public eye soon after his surrender. The galaxy was in shock. Many Republic citizens believed the announcement to be a hoax, and hoped their Chief of Staff would soon emerge to put the rumors to rest. Instead, reports soon surfaced that the CEO's of all New Republic nationalized industries had been replaced by Imperial Union officials, and the planetary shield systems of most New Republic worlds were deactivated by those Darksol had recently appointed or were otherwie controlled by Imperial Union sympathizers. As Imperial fleets mobilized to blockade Republic systems, it became clear that the New Republic had fallen. Republic worlds were gripped by pandemonium. The streets filled with protesters and riots. Nearly every single urban center in the New Republic was soon engulfed in chaos. The holonet filled with rumors, conspiracies, cries for help, and promises of assistance. Broadcasts from groups as dissident as the Jedi Order and the anti-human group Sanctuary Prime attempted to inspire hope and rally sentients against Imperial incursion.

The New Reality

After nearly a standard month of uncertainty and strife, the new reality of a galaxy without the New Republic began to take shape. On Day 30, the Imperial 1st Legion officially wrested control of Republica from the local forces still loyal to the former government. Emeperor Seele arrived at the capitol to address the Republic senate and announce that the senate and government of the New Republic had been officially dissolved. The announcement was met with applause, as the only senators that remained on Republica were those open to cooperating with the new regime. Widespread riots and resentment continued to seethe but were unable to prevail against the Imperial forces.

The scene looked different across other former-Republic systems, however. Acts of defiance blossomed after a broadcast by High Admiral Josh Jericho, former Chief of Military Operations, assured the Republic citizens that large elements of the Republic armed forces had evaded capture and were preparing to fight. In the ensuing weeks, forces organized in the nearby Terr’skiar sector under the protection of the Triumvirate Coalition and fortified the sector as a base of operations. Soon, the riots and protests grew in ferocity as former Republic reserve units banded together into guerilla groups, assisted by advisors and material support from The Resistance. The fighting was not constrained to the former New Republic sectors, either. On Day 44, Grizzik Lo-Lo leader of the Sanctuary Prime group, narrowly survived an assasination attempt while passing through Tion Hegemony space, a recognized neutral party to the war. On Day 82, former Chief of State Orion Chran announced that the surviving military and political elements of the New Republic had been reorganized into the Rebel Alliance,a group he would lead as their Supreme Commander.

Two months after Darksol's surrender, the Galactic Empire announced its plans for its newly claimed territory. The Empire would be assuming direct control of the Csilla, Ehosiq, Sluis, Danjar, Mayagil, Garis, Brema, Grumani, Quess, Savareen, Arkanis, Grohl, and Abrion sectors. Grand Moff Inwe Venitidus, head of the newly formed Office of Imperial Integration and Grand Moff Nikolaus Ephranor, governor of Empire's Amber Region would work together to transition these territories into the Empire. The Zoraster, Trax, Mytaranor, Ghost Nebula, and Marasa Nebula sectors would be administrated by the Imperial Union member state The Faerytale Family, out of respect for the sectors' cultural sensibilities. This announcement soon followed by an increase in Imperial Union forces across the named sectors. On worlds where rebel movements were contained or defeated, transitional governments began to take shape.