Echuu Shen-Jon

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Echuu Shen-Jon
Biographical Information
Race Verpine
Homeworld None
Mother Unknown
Father Elm Aran (Adopted)
Spouse None
Siblings Xpofer Tomas (Adopted), Larry Turner (Adopted), Stack Soto (Adopted)

Allana Aran-Kutol (Adopted Sister)

Jaydon TaVolarian (Adopted Sister)

Florian Laiden (Adopted brother)

Sabo Magus (Adopted brother)

Tika Majere (Adopted Sister)

Shall Ti (Adopted Son)

Pat Kil`astra (Adopted brother)

Krios Malana (Adopted brother)

Siejo Kutol (Brotherinlaw)

Calista Kutol(Adopted Niece)

Children None
Born Unknown
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 1.9 meters
Hair Color None
Eye Color Black
Political Information
Affiliation Confederacy of Independent Systems
Rank HC-4
Positions Head of State
Prior Affiliation Rebel Alliance, NeuroSavv Technologies, Omega Order Vehicles, Triton Dynamics, Scitrok Mining Incorporated, Kathol Republic, Drax Industries, The Freeholders, Corporate Alliance

Echuu Shen-Jon is a proud Verpine, and one of the most prominent members of his species in the galaxy. When he left Empire controlled space, he only dreamed of fighting back against the oppression that separated him from his family. Echuu is a crack shot, and has a natural talent for leadership and science. He is protector and founding member of The Family known as Tal'ShenAran, one of the oldest families in the galaxy. Echuu has black eyes, and light green skin. He can usually be found wearing a lab coat and no shoes. He enjoys the occasional death stick, and never turns down fresh greens.


Year 4 Day Unknown

A Rebellious Start - Year 5

Echuu Graduated from the Rebel Alliance Fleet Academy within months, and began searching for a means to support himself financially outside of the Alliance Military. Meeting with a friend from The Academy Zeff Traner, Echuu was offered an opportunity as Head of Security for a Alliance supporting company, NeuroSavv Technologies. Within weeks Echuu was asked to take command of the company, while appointed as Executive Officer under Jimothy Qrrrg.

Taking in a large number of Rebel recruits, Echuu took leadership of operations to claim and develop planets within the Republica system.

After a year of employment, Echuu became bored of corporate control for political gains. Taking a small loan from the company, Echuu recruited a group of mercenaries and left Republica for the deep Outer-Rim Territory. Landing on a small forest moon weeks away from any government controlled space. Construction broke ground on a militia complex equipped with planetary shields, orbital defense weapons, and support facilities. Freelance Mercenary Corps was officially founded.

Family Affairs - Year 6

After months of odd jobs, Echuu and his men were recruited by his adopted father Elm Aran, to help fund a new mining conglomerate, Scitrok Mining Incorporated.

The Freeholder - Year 7-11

After the withering of the Kathol Republic under leadership of Auron Kun, Echuu took his leave and partnered with his longtime friend Ryann Lhojugg. Together they worked to liberate and unite the system of Gamorr in the Outer-Rim, battling with Czerka Corporation for control of the Sector. Founded on the principles of peace and prosperity within the system, The Freeholders was created in early Year 7.

Confederate Obligations - Year 12-13

Following the decision to liquidate The Freeholders, Echuu was called to assist his brother Siejo Kutol of the Corporate Alliance.


Head of State - Confederacy of Independent Systems


Sub Lt. Rebel Alliance Fleet

Captain Rebel Alliance Army

Chief of Security NeuroSavv Technologies

XO NeuroSavv Technologies

Omega Order Vehicles Armed Forces CO

Personnel Manager Triton Dynamics

Director of Logistics Scitrok Mining Incorporated

Senator Kathol Republic

Leader Drax Industries­­­­

President & Owner The Freeholders

Leader Corporate Alliance

Leader & Owner Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc.

Leader Confederacy of Independent Systems