Vorsia Companion is a large moon that orbits the gas giant, Vorsia, in the Vorsia system, which is located in the Neshig sector. Despite being in the middle of the [[Trade Federation]] space the moon enjoys independence and is mostly closed off to outsiders. Most of the surface is covered in cities that were integrated into the endless forests and jungles. Since its first colonisation the moon’s control passed through many organisations and private owners, developing militaristic and traditionalist population that is currently ruled by [[Lilith Delcroix|Countess Lilith Kaine-Delcroix]], de-facto owner of the moon.
'''Vorsia Companion''' is a large moon orbiting a Gas Giant in the Vorsia system. The surface of the moon was entirely covered in dense woodlands and jungles, however, since the easiest colonisation much of the vegetation has been cleared out to make room for urban development. Though what remains of the jungles still has great impact on the climate, causing high daytime temperatures and significantly colder nights. Prolonged rainy seasons are also common on Vorsia Companion.
Details about the first settlers on the moon are lost to history. The first recorded government of the moon was established by the original [[Bounty Hunters Guild]] when they found an abandoned base and claimed it for their own. The Guild developed many large cities on the surface, the population quickly increased, and eventually the Guild turned it into a large recruitment center and a military base. Every city hosted a number of barracks for all its paramilitary personnel. Unsurprisingly, the culture became highly militaristic and almost every citizen served in the armed forces at least once during their lives.
Details about the first colonisation of the moon are all lost to the history of time. The first recorded government of the moon was established by the original Bounty Hunters Guild (BHG), when they found an abandoned base and claimed it for their own. The BHG developed many large cities on the surface, the population quickly raised and eventually the Guild turned it into a large recruitment centre and military base. Every city hosted a number of barracks for all its military personnel. To no surprise the culture became highly militaristic and almost every citizen served in the army at least once during their lives.
After internal struggle within the Bounty Hunters Guild, the government of the moon was crippled and the population succumbed to chaos and crime when control was given to the [[Black Sun]] syndicate. This was in exchange for assets stolen from the Guild by its former Second-In-Command [[Karl Korne]]. It did not take long for the crime syndicate to gain total control over the moon and establish a new political system. It is believed the moon was overseen by former Vigo [[Tar Alaks]], as the only palace on the surface was known as the Vigo's summer retreat. After some time, Black Sun lost interest and the moon's control was sold into private hands, including [[Aries Rathakar]] and [[Anakin Aikinar]], respectively. It is unknown what changes the moon underwent; however, population and crime levels remained high during this time.
After internal struggle within the Bounty Hunters Guild the government of the moon was crippled and the population succumbed into chaos and crime when the control was given to Black Sun syndicate in exchange for assets stolen from the Guild by its former 2nd-In-Command Karl Korne. It didn't take long for the crime syndicate to gain total control over the moon and establish a new system. It is believed the moon was overseen by former Vigo Tar Alaks, as the only palace on the surface was known as the Vigo’s summer retreat. After some time the Black Sun lost interest and the moon’s control was sold to a private hands, including Aries Rathakar and Anakin Aikinar. It is unknown what changes the moon underwent; however, the population remained high and the crime level still remained high along with it.
In late [[Year 11]], the control of the highly populated moon was sold to [[Lilith Delcroix]]. At that time she was part of the Black Sun Family and so it was easier for her to root out independent crime cells and decrease their activities. However, the moon remained independent from all political bodies and under her sole ownership, which was not fully welcomed by the populace. City administrators had enjoyed relative freedom for many years, but Lilith believed a political system with a single figure with absolute authority would be far more effective and efficient.
In the late Year 11 the control of the highly populated moon was sold to [[Lilith Delcroix]]. At that time she was still part of the Black Sun Family and so it was easier for her to root out crime cells and decrease the overall level of crime, although the moon remained independent from all political bodies and under her sole rule, which wasn’t fully welcomed by the populace. City administrators enjoyed relative freedom for many years but Lilith believed a single ruler would be far more effective and efficient and of course she desired to have control over something she de-facto owned. Despite its militaristic culture the moon lacked any form of united defence or a fleet, because only the core population held the military tradition while most cities could barely sustain the number of people. With help of the Family, hired mercenaries and her own small private fleet, Lilith was able to relatively quickly secure the orbit and airspace due to very little opposition. As owner of all the major infrastructure Lilith was able to land her forces securely, cutting off power to whole cities at a time to minimize resistance. Some cities were without power for several days and among the original population it is remembered as “The Black Out”.
[[File:ON_Vorsia_Landscape.png|460px|thumb|right|Landscape of Vorsia Companion.]][[File:ON_Vorsia_City.png|460px|thumb|right|City on Vorsia Companion.]]Despite its militaristic heritage the moon lacked any form of united armed forces or a defense fleet. This is attributed to the fact that only the core population held the military tradition, while most of the other cities could barely sustain the number of people they contained. With the help of Black Sun Family, hired mercenaries and her own small private fleet, Lilith was able to quickly secure the orbit and airspace due to very little opposition. As the owner of all the major infrastructure, Lilith’s forces cut off power to whole cities at a time to minimize resistance. Some cities were without power for several days and among the original population it is remembered as "The Blackout".
After all the major cities were secured the power began to be restored and the people were informed about the new form of government that was being established. Taking the moon’s palace didn’t go without bloodshed and collectively Lilith’s forces were called “Bloodthrone” by the locals, which later became their official name. From the several groups, clans, and corporations that held power in the main population areas, the three most prominent ones were approached to help form families that would govern districts of the moon under rule of the sovereign. After peace was achieved and their rule went unchallenged House Delcroix was established and Lilith with her Mistress took noble titles of Countess and Dark Countess, respectively.
After all the major cities were secured, the power began to be restored and the people were informed about the new form of government that was being established. Taking the moon's palace did not go without bloodshed and collectively Lilith's forces were called "Bloodthrone" by the locals, which later became their official name. After peace was achieved Lilith began her reign by proclaiming herself Sovereign Countess. From the several groups, clans, and corporations that held power in the main population areas, the three most prominent ones were approached to help form families and a council that would govern districts of the moon, act as advisors and to rule in the sovereign's absence.
Since then the moon enjoyed times of prosperity and stability. Lilith became known as Sovereign Countess after the death of her Mistress at the end of year 11. The Council of Three was created to help with day-to-day duties and needs of the moon, act as advisors and rule in sovereign’s absence. Near end of Year 12 Vorsia Companion’s territory was expanded with annexation of several cities on Gas Giant Shownar II, which lead to creation of House Ravenscar to overseer the autonomous cities-collective. In year 13 when Lilith formed [[Dark Skies Gearworks]] the moon was officially declared under control of the company, however it did not affect the local government.
Since then the moon enjoyed times of prosperity and stability. Despite orbiting a [[Trade Federation]] controlled planet, Vorsia Companion remained isolated and had little contact with the system’s government until [[Year 14]] when development expanded into orbit and beyond. Several industrial space stations were built with the cooperation of the Federation to enhance the moon's economy, which prompted the larger government to improve the system's defenses with more military stations. Relationship with the Trade Federation continued to develop until [[Year 16]] when Lilith was discharged from office of Regional Governor. The moon later received further support from the [[Tion Hegemony]] government whilst Lilith was the First Lady of Tion between [[Year 18]] and [[Year 21]]. When Lilith’s wife [[Stephanie Barefoot]] resigned from her role as Lady Hegemon, Vorsian Crown expanded its territories to [[Morobe (System)|Morobe]] system and created [[One Nation Under Jou]].
The moon was always relatively independent and isolated without belonging to any major galactic government and it is to this day. Absolute monarchy was established after [[Lilith Delcroix]] and her Mistress took control, to ensure their rule would be absolute and remain within their family in future generations. The sovereign has the ultimate authority over the military and collectively are known as “Bloodthrone”. The first and current sovereign is [[Lilith Delcroix]]. Even though she is not bound by laws in her rule Lilith does not believe in tyranny and control through fear. She believes that a single ruler without limitations is more efficient and beneficial to the people as it roots out the bureaucracy, inefficiency and inevitable corruption that are likely in democratic governments or similar governing bodies with an election system where the leader is limited by political parties, constitutions and laws.
To help the sovereign tend to the day-to-day business of the moon or make decisions in her absence, the Countess formed the Council of Three. One representative from each major family has a seat on the Council, all of which were approved by the Countess. Since the Council’s establishment the families continue to work on improvement of the moon. It is not without struggles and skirmish engagements between Houses are not unheard of, but wellbeing of the people is always held above everything else. All of the three families hold the same authority to minimize the need to gain power and keep the general peace.
=== Bloodthrone===
[[File:Vorsia Monarchy.jpg|400px|thumb|right|The Countess, Council of Three and Ravenlord.]]
'''House Delcroix''' - “Truth at any cost.”
<br />The house was established when Lilith gained control over the moon and needed to create a ruling house. The house got its name from House Del`croix, which was originally a noble house in the Hapes Cluster during the reign of Queen-Mothers and lost its nobility after the rise of King Andrew, or so Lilith has been told by her then-partner. Even after her world was destroyed by lies and deceit Lilith decided to keep the name to stay true to tradition and as a constant reminder how important the pursuit of the truth is. The House currently has no other members and through Lilith is related to House Kaine.
===The Three Families===
'''House von Vorsia''' - “Failure is not an option.”
<br />They are descendants of the first colonists and the biggest of the three families. Some think they should be the ruling house of the Vorsia moon, but they have no such ambition and prefer to concentrate on helping the moon prosper. They are aristocratic in nature and most of their members are high ranking in the military. Throughout the history the von Vorsians had many conflicts with Drakenlunes, some of which are unresolved eve after many years.
'''House Bathori''' - “We endure.”
<br />Members of the house were always very mysterious, secretive and spiritual. After embracing the Church of Reansucru ideology they were granted titles of spiritual leaders and oversee the Church on the moon. Rumours exist that the core of the house is actually made out of ancient Anzati aliens, but this remains unconfirmed. Family members of Bathori can be easily recognised by their pale skin and thorn tattoos on their bodies.
'''House Drakenlune''' - “Flesh is weak.”
<br />A mercenary clan at its origin, it is unknown when exactly they settled on the moon, but by Year 11 majority of the barracks were occupied by their members which gave them a strong foothold. It is assumed they enjoyed the militaristic code and honour of the population, and that it encouraged them to remain over the years. They have always utilized cybernetics, but it wasn’t till few years ago they began to endorse them to all of their members and population of their territory. The Drakenlunes are the most ruthless of the Council families.
===Minor Houses===
'''House Ravenscar''' - “We stand apart.”
<br />To fit into the Vorsia Companion’s hierarchy the group of business women and men that administrated the Ravenscar cities formed a House. The head of the House is commonly known as the Ravenlord. She makes sure the city collective is well maintained and sends reports to the Bloodthrone sovereign. Despite having only administrative power it is an influential position because of the many trading and business opportunities located in the cities.
Vorsia Companion is separated into four districts and those are subdivided into smaller regions. The biggest district falls under rule of the Bloodthrone. The other three are each governed by one of the Council families and their vassal minor families. Within each district the family acts as a governing body with authority over their regions, but all answer to the Countess. Each district oversees a different part of the moon’s infrastructure so they are all equally important to ensure that all families have equal authority and there are no disputes over power.
'''The Capital District'''
<br />The Capital district is the biggest and falls under control of the sovereign. It consists of the major cities on Vorsia Companion, including the capital city which makes it the most populated district. The district is in charge of administration, information, treasury and military. The capital Bloodthrone city is home to the largest hospital, Sovereign’s palace and HoloNet centre among other landmarks. Angel’s Falls is the only city open to visitors due to [[Dark Skies Gearworks]] headquarters and the only starport on the moon. Sharrad city is the oldest city and military headquarters.
'''The North-West District'''
<br />The North-West district is ruled by the von Vorsia House. It is the second most populated district, it consists mainly of civilian housing areas. The main focus of the district is to watch over wellbeing of the general population, the education and business operations. It supplies the necessary structure and support for families. Majority of mining on Vorsia is under administration of this district. Which gives its unique power, as Vorsia’s off-world trade are mainly raw materials. The capital city of North-West is Natanaele High Garden.
'''The North-East District'''
<br />The North-East district more commonly known as District Zero is home of Drakenlune House. Majority of its regions are off limits to the general population, for they house the planetary defences. While not in charge of the military Drankenlune maintain the planetary weapons and shield network that protects the moon. This makes them second in charge of the off-world traffic. Vast majority of the population are varying levels of cyborgs. The most important members of the house are more machine than human, while mere workers have only very few cybernetic implants. The North-East is also in charge of the Holo-Net, cybernetic warfare, research and data storage. The capital city is Origin, or 0.0.0 as it is more commonly known by its population. The Origin city reassembles a hive with large quantities of cables, droids, terminals and servers. All communication is shared over wireless networks that only members of Drakenlune house can access. There are very few outsiders.
'''The South-West District'''
<br />The South-West district or the Forest District is the least populated part of the moon, and also the smallest district with no regions. The whole district is covered by dark forest which makes it different to the jungles and other forests of Vorsia. It is ruled by the Bathori House. Despite being in charge of the religion it is often described as grim and unfriendly district by those who do not live there. The capital city of South-West is Necrogothal.
<br />Ravenscar is an autonomous city-state under sovereignty of Vorsia's Companion located on Shownar II Gas Giant. It is a collective of five floating cities orbiting high above the planet’s core. When Countess Lilith came into the possession of the cities she saw it as an opportunity to expand Bloodthrone’s territory, however Shownar II is located at the very South of the galaxy, which is very far from the Vorsia system and so it is not directly ruled over by the Vorsia’s moon government. Instead it is open to private merchants, entertainers, pilots and others to set up their business that are overseen by a representative family from Vorsia. Ravenscar is home of a schockball stadium, zoo and a large wild life preservation among others to enrich the life of the population and visitors. The cities are in cooperation with Er`edal city.
The law on Vorsia moon is more flexible and less restrictive than in much of the galaxy. There are no laws against carrying a weapon, usage of drugs or contraband. All citizens are expected to fulfil their duty efficiently and respect the freedom of others. In a way they are free to do as they will as long they are able to do their duty and their actions do not restrict or prevent others from doing their duty. For example, if a Vorsian is unable to do her job because of alcohol abuse she will be sent to prison where she will work on hard manual tasks without luxuries. More severe punishments are reserved for more serious crimes, such as murder. Theft is the least common crime because of the Vorsians’ unselfish nature. The law and punishment is enforced in each district by the ruling family. Only the sovereign and Vorsian Jurisdictional Command (VJC) has the authority on the entire moon. The VJC ensures that no fugitives can hide in districts where the family that issued the warrant has no authority.
[[File:LoginoII_MCL.png |303px|thumb|right|MCL Liner "Dance With The Devil" in orbit of Vorsia Companion.]]
The entire surface of the moon is covered with forests and jungles so the atmosphere is rich with oxygen and the air feels somewhat moist on most of the areas. All of the cities on the moon were built with comfort and practicality in mind without destroying the moon’s rich environment, and as a result, no space was wasted with buildings that weren’t needed and obsolete infrastructure that has served its purpose has been recycled and rebuild into something new. The architecture has no particular influence and only a small amount of structures were designed to be artistically pleasing, as practicality is favoured over visual appeal. Art in all of its forms is welcomed hobby for Vorsians, but not widely accepted as a duty, which contrasts with Countess Delcroix who is known for her design skills throughout the galaxy.
The capitol of Vorsia Companion is Bloodthrone city located at South of the moon. The most dominant structure in the city is the Bloodthrone palace, the Seat of Power of the Sovereign Countess and the Council of Three. It has been rebuilt a few times through history, but its appearance changed the most when Countess Delcroix took control. Large portions were taken down and built into tall golden towers with countless windows. The front of the palace sembles a cathedral, but to keep the Vorsian tradition the remainder of the palace still appears more like a fortress so it could protect the monarch. The rest of the city contains entertainment centres for its citizens, luxurious skyscrapers and streets filled with statues. It also houses the largest hospital on the moon. Another important city is the oldest city Sharrad where the military control centre and training academy are located, but more importantly it is the location of the Ivory Tower, the oldest temple and centre of religion on the moon. As not the entire city serves the military and the Church, there is also a civilian district that offers almost the same luxury as the capitol.
The capital of Vorsia Companion is Bloodthrone city, located in the moon's southern hemisphere. The palace, which was once a crime lord’s summer retreat, has been enriched with grandiose golden spires and countless windows, reassembling a cathedral fortress. Today it is the seat of power of the ruling government. The rest of the city contains entertainment centers for its citizens, luxurious skyscrapers and streets filled with statues. It also houses the largest hospital on the moon. The support and resources Countess Lilith was able to secure through her service in larger governments allowed a high standard of living to be common across the vast majority of the moon.
Vorsia Companion is mostly self-sufficient and is not dependant on off-world trade, thought it largely cooperates with [[Trade Federation]] that controls the Vorsia system. The main imports are construction materials for development of the infrastructure and planetary defences. Some of the natural resources found on the moon are exported and sold, mainly Alazhi and Varium. The official currency is Galactic Credit and the treasury is backed by Lowican rare gems. Krath’s Nova Crystals are no longer accepted on the moon as currency.
The population of Vorsia moon is mostly isolated; the whole moon is enclosed by planetary shields and outsiders are not often granted passage, and when they are, it is rare for a visitor to be allowed to freely roam the cities. Necessary off-world trade and other business are mainly conducted in space stations orbiting the moon or a diplomatic ship. Citizens of the moon have a strong sense of public service and are highly disciplined. Tradition and honour are among the most important aspect ofs the society. It is every citizen’s duty to contribute towards the welfare of the population in some way by working hard and efficiently. Militaristic tradition dates back to the first colonisation of the moon and so the society is very regimented and organised. Bureaucracy is regarded as a waste of time; all changes, advances and decisions accepted by the leadership are quickly adopted by rest of the society with minimal resistance.
Individuality and personal desires are instinctively set aside for the good of all. There are no poor sections of cities where people are abandoned to rot in poverty like as is often witnessed on many civilized planets; all regions of the moon meet a certain standard of living so the population can prosper as a whole. Vorsians are taught to have a high sense of honour and personal accountability, and to accept every decision they make, whether good or bad, and face the consequences. One of the biggest acts of dishonour a Vorsian can commit is to lie about their actions. Crime is not an uncommon occurrence, but the justice system is more efficient than typically expected, as most captured criminals will simply confess their crime if questioned directly.
Behind the idyllic image of peaceful culture there is notable lack of aliens in the moon’s population. Since Countess Delcroix’s reign that population has dropped by more than half. To the public it was justified as improving the standard of living but rumours exist about large scale deportations of aliens during the first months of development. No official statements were released; however, the overall standard of living has improved as the Countess devoted a great deal of resources into rebuilding old military cities with the comfort of her people in mind. This led the wider galaxy into believing that Vorsia moon’s population is highly xenophobic and doesn’t treat aliens as equals. It is unknown if it has always been so, but [[Lilith Delcroix|Countess Delcroix]] is known for her speciest nature.
Due to the vast majority of population being humans the only official language on the moon is Galactic Basic. Other human languages such as Hapanii are only used among minority groups. The Drakenlune citizens use their own version of Binary computer language, though since it can be only utilized via specialized cybernetics implants, the rest of the population is unable to comprehend it.
[[File:IvoryTower.png|300px|thumb|right|The Ivory Tower temple on edge of the city.]]
People of Vorsia moon are free to choose their own religion, though the majority of the population follows believes of the Church of Reansucru. Even when the Church has closed its doors to the galaxy at large, the Countess chose to support it on the moon, most likely because the Church was founded by her family. At its peak the Church was once, with sovereign’s blessing, in control of the moon but it didn’t last long as the [[Lilith Delcroix|Countess]] didn’t find it effective way to govern. For the short period the sovereign’s title was Progenitor-Countess. Over time different cults emerged and formed branches of the Church, such as the Cult of Machine, which to an extent preaches glorification of cyborgs, and Cult of Madness which pursues study of the Dark Side. When the Church of Reansucru officially re-opened in the Halla Sector, the cults on the moon remained and kept the beliefs and practices unique to Vorsia.
All groups and cults are welcomed on the moon as long as they do not impede anyone's ability to perform their duties. Although not officially forbidden or illegal, the practice of the Jedi code or similar beliefs associated with the so-called Light side is not very welcome on Vorsia moon. The only known Force group based on Vorsia Companion are Dark side leaning Red Jedi, but neutral within the Force as they walk between the light and the darkness.
There are no civilian universities and education institutions on Vorsia Companion. As with almost everything else, education is encompassed within the military structure. All citizens are provided basic education from early age to teenage years. Some elements of the basic education include preparing for military training. If citizen is unable to continue their education they are sent to train in manual labour. If they pass basic education they continue either into full military training or into more specialized roles. The Sharrad Academy de Vorsia provides the highest education provided on the moon and many successful graduates start high within the militaristic hierarchy. All education is provided free for citizens as the government realizes the importance of skilled population. Students are simply required to pass their training; otherwise they are not able to advance and have to begin work.
The military plays a large part in Vorsia’s society. It is not just an armed force; it is an all-encompassing public works organization. The police and justice system are part of the Military Police and Vorsian Jurisdictional Command. The Engineers Corps develops and maintains both military and civilian equipment and structures. Public and cargo transportation is provided by the Military Logistic department. There are almost no independent civilian organisations that are not part of the military one way or another, which ensures that all changes are adapted quickly and orders carried out swiftly, decreasing the bureaucracy to bare minimum.
Out of tradition the sovereign is also the military leader, so [[Lilith Delcroix|Countess Delcroix]] holds the title of Lord Commander but it is mostly a honourary title and she rarely uses it, only on special occasion when tradition requires it. Majority of the armed forced are part of Vorsian Defence Fleet commanded by Admiral Aria Lerann. The fleet is separated into two main branches, the Space Navy and the Air Force. The Navy operates primarily in the moon’s orbit but also patrols around space stations owned by the moon’s government and Dark Skies Gearworks. The main frigates in service are Neutron Star-class bulk cruisers. The Air Force concentrates operating around the moon and providing fighter support. There are several different squadrons in service, but bulk of the fighters consist R-41 Starchasers and exotic Ginivex-class.
Vorsia Companion is a large moon orbiting a Gas Giant in the Vorsia system. The surface of the moon was entirely covered in dense woodlands and jungles, however, since the easiest colonisation much of the vegetation has been cleared out to make room for urban development. Though what remains of the jungles still has great impact on the climate, causing high daytime temperatures and significantly colder nights. Prolonged rainy seasons are also common on Vorsia Companion.
Details about the first settlers on the moon are lost to history. The first recorded government of the moon was established by the original Bounty Hunters Guild when they found an abandoned base and claimed it for their own. The Guild developed many large cities on the surface, the population quickly increased, and eventually the Guild turned it into a large recruitment center and a military base. Every city hosted a number of barracks for all its paramilitary personnel. Unsurprisingly, the culture became highly militaristic and almost every citizen served in the armed forces at least once during their lives.
After internal struggle within the Bounty Hunters Guild, the government of the moon was crippled and the population succumbed to chaos and crime when control was given to the Black Sun syndicate. This was in exchange for assets stolen from the Guild by its former Second-In-Command Karl Korne. It did not take long for the crime syndicate to gain total control over the moon and establish a new political system. It is believed the moon was overseen by former Vigo Tar Alaks, as the only palace on the surface was known as the Vigo's summer retreat. After some time, Black Sun lost interest and the moon's control was sold into private hands, including Aries Rathakar and Anakin Aikinar, respectively. It is unknown what changes the moon underwent; however, population and crime levels remained high during this time.
In late Year 11, the control of the highly populated moon was sold to Lilith Delcroix. At that time she was part of the Black Sun Family and so it was easier for her to root out independent crime cells and decrease their activities. However, the moon remained independent from all political bodies and under her sole ownership, which was not fully welcomed by the populace. City administrators had enjoyed relative freedom for many years, but Lilith believed a political system with a single figure with absolute authority would be far more effective and efficient.
Landscape of Vorsia Companion.City on Vorsia Companion.
Despite its militaristic heritage the moon lacked any form of united armed forces or a defense fleet. This is attributed to the fact that only the core population held the military tradition, while most of the other cities could barely sustain the number of people they contained. With the help of Black Sun Family, hired mercenaries and her own small private fleet, Lilith was able to quickly secure the orbit and airspace due to very little opposition. As the owner of all the major infrastructure, Lilith’s forces cut off power to whole cities at a time to minimize resistance. Some cities were without power for several days and among the original population it is remembered as "The Blackout".
After all the major cities were secured, the power began to be restored and the people were informed about the new form of government that was being established. Taking the moon's palace did not go without bloodshed and collectively Lilith's forces were called "Bloodthrone" by the locals, which later became their official name. After peace was achieved Lilith began her reign by proclaiming herself Sovereign Countess. From the several groups, clans, and corporations that held power in the main population areas, the three most prominent ones were approached to help form families and a council that would govern districts of the moon, act as advisors and to rule in the sovereign's absence.
Since then the moon enjoyed times of prosperity and stability. Despite orbiting a Trade Federation controlled planet, Vorsia Companion remained isolated and had little contact with the system’s government until Year 14 when development expanded into orbit and beyond. Several industrial space stations were built with the cooperation of the Federation to enhance the moon's economy, which prompted the larger government to improve the system's defenses with more military stations. Relationship with the Trade Federation continued to develop until Year 16 when Lilith was discharged from office of Regional Governor. The moon later received further support from the Tion Hegemony government whilst Lilith was the First Lady of Tion between Year 18 and Year 21. When Lilith’s wife Stephanie Barefoot resigned from her role as Lady Hegemon, Vorsian Crown expanded its territories to Morobe system and created One Nation Under Jou.
The capital of Vorsia Companion is Bloodthrone city, located in the moon's southern hemisphere. The palace, which was once a crime lord’s summer retreat, has been enriched with grandiose golden spires and countless windows, reassembling a cathedral fortress. Today it is the seat of power of the ruling government. The rest of the city contains entertainment centers for its citizens, luxurious skyscrapers and streets filled with statues. It also houses the largest hospital on the moon. The support and resources Countess Lilith was able to secure through her service in larger governments allowed a high standard of living to be common across the vast majority of the moon.