One Nation Under Jou

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One Nation Under Jou
General Information
Motto Believe in better worlds.
Status Active
Leader Lilith Delcroix
2IC Ninian DeLayn
Headquarters Morobe
Historical Information
Formed from Tion Defence Division
Founded Year 21 Day 308
Political Information
Affiliation Confederacy of Independent Systems
Troika Medical Distribution
Celestial Heavy-Tech
Scrapper Guild
Industry Mercenaries
Holosite One Nation Under Jou

One Nation Under Jou, also known as Kingdom of Morobe and Vorsia Companion, is an independent and neutral sovereign territory encompassing the Morobe system and a part of the Vorsia system, unified by a federal government under the Vorsian Crown. It is a sociopolitical union which shares and celebrates the values of one ruler, citizen rights, rule of law, common language, and education in social progress. All planets across the nation work together to provide education, healthcare, quality of life, personal safety and housing to all its citizens to promote prosperity and unity.


The chronicle of One Nation begins with a parallel history of two systems, Morobe and Vorsia, and of several companies coming together over the course of a decade. The years beyond the founding of the nation connect to the rich history of the galaxy through One Nation’s pursuit of economic partnerships and political alliances.

Prelude Era

Vorsia Companion - Year 11 Day 310

Almost ten years prior to the establishment of the One Nation, the key infrastructure of the moon Vorsia Companion was purchased by Lilith Delcroix, making her de facto owner of the moon. This began her life as a stateswoman and an aristocrat, and could be considered the earliest foundation for what would become the One Nation. Since Year 11 Vorsia Companion has been developing as an independent state with its own unique culture.

Dark Skies Gearworks - Year 13 Day 185

The biggest obstacle to improving the standard of living on Vorsia Companion was its overcrowded and poorly managed residential infrastructure. The initial attempts to address this were done by LeadRaven Recycling. The company was unfortunately unable to complete their efforts, which inspired Delcroix to create her own recycling company to continue the moon's redevelopment. During its operational lifetime, Dark Skies Gearworks played a significant part in making Vorsia Companion a prosperous and comfortable place to live.

Aurora Technologies - Year 13 Day 225

The acquisition of Aurora Technologies was an important first step for the group of retired Imperial Naval officers that eventually discovered the Morobe system system. Under President Blackrain's leadership, the group established itself as an industrial powerhouse that was neutral in the galactic conflict between the Imperial Union and the Galactic Alliance, and kept a profitable relationship with both sides. The precedent of neutrality that was established by the company is something that remains true for One Nation to this day.

Independent Era

Operation Edelweiss - Year 14 Day 110

The existence of the Morobe system was confirmed in Year 14 by an independent group of entrepreneurs who surveyed the Morobe sector after leaving Imperial service and sought to establish themselves in the galaxy on their own. Information about the system was held in secret until colonisation efforts were completed with help from the Damorian Manufacturing Corporation. By the time the star charts were released to the public domain on Day 110, the corporation held control over all four planets. The effort was code-named Operation Edelweiss.

Sienar Fleet Systems - Year 14 Day 233

Morobe system continued to be held by the corporation until the group of former Imperials created the second iteration of Sienar Fleet Systems, working alongside Aurora Technologies and Rim Mining Guild to develop shipbuilding infrastructure in the system, which saw an influx of colonists as new opportunities were created near the Galactic Core, offering an alternative work to the surrounding Imperial controlled sectors. The manufacturing company grew to widespread galactic recognition, being one of the few suppliers of BFF-1 Bulk Freighter and BTL-S3 Y-wing Starfighters. These products gave the company quick profit margins, generating billions of Credits in income despite being a relatively new company.

Permanent Solutions - Year 16 Day 43

With the increase of population and system traffic, it became clear the system needed an organised defensive force. This led to the creation of Permanent Solutions, a mercenary company that would oversee Morobe's security and also provide protection services to customers across the galaxy. In Year 16 the Morobe system experienced development of military space stations and many of its shipyards shifted focus from civil vessels to warships. Under command of some of the most experienced naval officers, the mercenaries were the foundation of One Nation's future military.

S.W.A.T. Industries - Year 17 Day 141

When the exclusive contract with Aurora Technologies ended, the executive board of Sienar Fleet Systems decided to take a new direction and he company was rebranded as S.W.A.T. Industries in Year 17, producing equipment and weapons for Permanent Solutions. The manufacturing company was later closed when it was no longer needed to produce for the galactic market, limiting its operations to Morobe factories.

Hegemony Era

Tion Defence Division - Year 18 Day 318

In Year 18 Permanent Solutions negotiated a mutually beneficial merger with the Tion Hegemony. The company was assimilated into Tion's military and became the 3rd Fleet, or better known as the Tion Defence Division to the wider galaxy. The vast resources and expertise of Tion's government under leadership of Lady Hegemon Stephanie Barefoot enabled the system's population to grow from millions into billions and continue to prosper. During this period the Morobe system retained its relative independence by the terms of the original negotiations. This partnership lasted for several years.

Sovereign Era

One Nation Under Jou - Year 21 Day 308

When Lady Hegemon announced to Tion's High Council her intention to step down from her role as the Head of State in Year 21[1], those responsible for the initial colonisation of Morobe felt that the system was ready to be its own sovereign territory. It was mutually decided that the burden of leadership would fall to Countess Lilith of Vorsia by merging Morobe with the independent long-standing state of Vorsia Companion. A new governmental system was devised, combining a federal system with Vorsian's monarchy. This hierarchical system was the most familiar to all involved, ensuring a smooth transition of power. One Nation Under Jou declared sovereignty on Day 308[2].

Celestial Heavy-Tech - Year 22 Day 106

In Year 22 the Galactic News Service announced the formation of the Celestial Heavy-Tech company[3], a mining company with headquarters in Morobe. The report explained the new company was established on a partnership agreement rather than being nationalised by One Nation. The government of Morobe began as a collective of enterprising individuals and this showed that it remains open to supporting the pursuit of independent ventures. Celestial Trans-Tech was opened later that year to provide manufacturing and transportation services.

Scrapper Guild - Year 22 Day 336

After several months of successful cooperation between One Nation and the Celestial Tech Group, the government further expanded its affiliate program by including the Scrapper Guild. As part of this new partnership, One Nation established the first church dedicated to the Church of Jou outside of its own territory. The church, dedicated as the Sanctuary of Blessed Light, was built on Chag II in the Chargi system with support from the Dorinian Military Corps[4].

Royal Vorsian Healthcare - Year 23 Day 141

Within the first year of the partnership between One Nation and the Scrapper Guild, it became apparent the local medical production on Vorsia Companion was not enough to supply the billions of citizens across their territories with an adequate amount of pharmaceutical products. Rather than outsourcing bacta and medical supplies, it was decided to build upon the successes of the Vorsia Future Foundation and expand its operations across multiple systems as the Royal Vorsian Healthcare in Year 23.

Confederate Era

Confederacy of Independent Systems - Year 24 Day 13

Cooperation between One Nation and the Confederacy of Independent Systems began as early as Year 22, when Galactica Security Services was the first group to set up a tavern for bounty hunting contracts in Tor Aashrur. In the following year, the Scrapper Guild was granted governorship of the Zrak system by the Confederacy. Already a partner of the Guild, One Nation supported development projects in the system, and later in the year Zrak became one of the founding systems of the hospital network created by Royal Vorsian Healthcare[5]. It soon became apparent that the Confederacy shared ideals of prosperity and peace, leading to negotiations of partnership. First signs of the negotiations being successful were seen in the later half of Year 23 when additional shipyards were built in Morobe for use by the Confederacy. In early Year 24 the Confederacy and One Nation signed a mutually beneficial agreement, with the announcement broadcasting on Confederate news networks on Day 13[6].

Troika Medical Distribution - Year 24 Day 48

Throughout Year 23, Royal Vorsian Healthcare had successfully established itself in the Northern Confederate territories. However, it soon became apparent that there was an excess of pharmaceutical companies operating within the Confederacy. Leadership of Outer Rim Medical was approached first with the idea to join with Royal Vorsian into one company. The leading motivation was to increase efficiency by freeing resources and personnel. This proposal gained traction within the leadership of the Confederacy, and Asher Institute of Medical Research was invited to join the negotiations. The conclusion was to amalgamate all three into Troika Medical Distribution, whilst retaining individual companies as sub-division. The merger was concluded in Year 24 on Day 48[7].


Star map of One Nation.

One Nation holds sovereignty over the entire binary star system of Morobe and partial sovereignty in the Vorsia system, claiming jurisdiction over the Vorsia Companion moon and its immediate orbit. The nation does not have any protectorate territory, and has shown no attitude towards expansions beyond its current borders. One Nation maintains very few deep space outposts.

Planet Type Size Population
Moroa Temperate/breathable 10x10 584,028,061
Talasea Temperate/breathable 12x12 42,830,114
Morta Hot/no Atmosphere 6x6 31,287,173
Morabora Cold/toxic Atmosphere 13x13 6,194,960,856
Vorsia Companion Moon 3x3 24,475,759

Tor Aashrur

Main article: Morta (Tor Aashrur)

City of Tor Aashrur, located on planet Morta, is the only free port in the Morobe system. It is a popular destination for traders, smugglers and bounty hunters alike due to the system's central galactic location and close proximity to the Combat Alley Hyperlanes.


One Nation is a federal monarchy of partially self-governing planets under a central government with a single monarch as the head of the federation. Planetary authorities enforce the law, to ensure the safety and health of citizens, and to prevent crime and civil disorder. From the federal government to the smallest local authority, all work in the sovereign's name for the benefit of the people.

The federal government was created on the basis that the monarch, acting according to the laws of the nation, is the highest power under Jou in the nation, and has supreme authority over all persons in all causes, as well ecclesiastical as civil.

The monarch has absolute authority over the nation's written laws, legislature and customs, and cannot be compelled by the courts to be bound by them because the courts are given authority by the monarch and are created by the monarch for the protection of the nation's citizens. However, ideologically, the monarch is still held accountable by a higher power because the nation's shared religion provides a framework of ideals against which the monarch's actions can be measured. The idea of absolute sovereignty is therefore disconnected from the person bearing the crown.

The Crown is also an abstract metonymic concept that represents the monarch and the legal authority for the existence of the government.


The roles of One Nation armed forces are the defence of sovereignty and protection of commerce within its borders. It is also in charge of customs. Serving members pledge allegiance to the Crown, however, in practicality the direction and use of the military is directed by the federal government and carried out by the admiralty in the monarch’s name.

When One Nation was established, the admirals used their combined experience of Imperial and Tionese Navy to devise strategy and tactics to defend the Morobe system. Focus of Vorsia Companion defence is more about preventing landing on the ground, than defending the system which is not part of their jurisdiction. For better response time the Navy has been making efforts to chart a faster hyperlane between Morobe and Vorsia systems.


Morobe is an industrialized system where each planet developed to support different markets and collectively sustain the nation. The economic direction is decided on Moroa, where most of the service and luxury markets are found. Talasea is the agricultural and scientific center of the system. Morabora and Morta provide mining and manufacturing capabilities. Vorsia Companion, while disconnected from Morobe, plays a significant role in supporting the financial markets. Before the One Nation was formed, the moon has been its own stable nation without internal turmoils, giving investors and businesses the confidence to operate there. The federal government aims to distribute the nation's wealth across all planets to bring them to the same base standard of living.


Church of Jou

"If you can share a value, one value, you can connect with another person even if for a moment."

Main article: Church of Jou

The Church of Jou, also known as the Vorsian Orthodoxy, is the prevalent religious organisation of One Nation Under Jou. It was spread across all of the nation's planets to provide common ground for the new society. The primary purpose of the Church is to offer support to the people of One Nation. The teachings are meant to inspire shared values, to provide guidance to those that need it, to inspire charity and to offer common ground. As such the Church has more cultural than spiritual influence on the populace. Vorsian Orthodoxy is a deistic religion founded on historic events and rational thought. The faith does not support divine supernatural beings, and accepts the Force as the highest metaphysical power in the galaxy, based on observable evidence. Vigo Amaranalah Jou, the central figure of the faith, is revered as an extraordinary woman but is not attributed any divine powers to interfere in people's lives or perform miracles. Prayers to Vigo Jou are symbolic affirmation of faith and to seek comfort.


Humanocentrism and xenophobia are not common in One Nation, especially not in Morobe system where the vast majority of citizens live. It is known that Monarch Lilith of Vorsia holds humanocentric views, however, the influence of those views can only be felt on Vorsia Companion where Human High Culture was pursued long before the creation of One Nation. Not only was it not feasible to implement humanocentric policies in a system with billions of citizens, but the newly formed federal government would not have supported them. As such, the demographic of Morobe is varied across all known sentient species and they all enjoy the same rights and privileges across the nation.

The effects of humancentrism are more prevalent on Vorsia Companion where the population remains predominantly human. For example, citizen rights are referred to as human rights in Vorsia. It is a common criticism among those who do criticise Vorsian culture, and Lilith's opinions. In the society of Morobe, Vorsian humanocentric views are generally considered outdated, but it is not a pressing concern considering how small the population of Vorsia Companion is in comparison to Morobe. In most cases, the closest thing to humancentrism that can be witnessed in Morobe is in politics of the royal court, where those within Lilith's social circles tend to be human.


  • (Year 21)
