Imperial Civil Wars

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The Imperial Civil Wars were a series of political and military conflicts between opposing coalitions within the Galactic Empire. The most important conflict occurred between Emperor Trey Connel and the naval officers loyal to the recently departed Grand Admiral Gorn Veynom. The resulting hostility continued during the subsequent reigns of Connel's successors, Mccarthur and Charon, and gave birth to various separatist movements.

The following is a list of civil wars in the Galactic Empire. There have been four Imperial Civil Wars to date.

First Imperial Civil War

Main article: First Imperial Civil War

The First Imperial Civil War (Year -2Year 0), which occurred during a turbulent era known as "the Dark Years," refers to an extended period of political instability and social unrest that culminated in a conflict between a coalition led by former emperor Hiram Drayson and General Diablirus Balseraph against the incumbent Emperor Suntzu and his patron Vodo Bonias. The exact dates of the various crises are unclear because the Empire teetered between normalcy and crisis for many years. In the eyes of Charonist historians, Suntzu was a weak ruler and, during his brief reign, "the Imperial spirit itself was crushed beneath acts of corruption and treason." Suntzu enacted unpopular policies which caused dissent within the Galactic Empire. The commander of the Imperial Army, General Balseraph, accused Emperor Suntzu of implementing policies that favored the Imperial Navy. Balseraph soon gained the support of a former emperor, Drayson. Together, Balseraph and Drayson formed the Order of Darkness. This latter collective claimed that Suntzu was a puppet of Vodo Bonias. As these beliefs gained prevalence, Suntzu was viewed as weak by his subjects and forced to abdicate. The instability within the empire continued during the subsequent reign of emperors Bonias and Spytek. The ascension of Piett to the Imperial throne ended the so-called "dark years" and inaugurated a golden age.

Second Imperial Civil War

Main article: Second Imperial Civil War

The Second Imperial Civil War (Year 1 Day 307Year 3 Day 290) was one of the most significant politico-military conflicts in the Galactic Empire. It began as a series of political quarrels during "the golden age" of Emperor Piett's rule between Grand Admiral Gorn Veynom and his political supporters in the Imperial Navy, against Trey Connel who was supported by Imperial Army and its legions. When Piett abdicated the Imperial throne, he appointed Connel as his successor on the condition that Connel would later choose Veynom to rule as the next emperor. However, after ascending the throne, Emperor Connel accused Veynom of treason and permanently denied him consideration for the position of emperor. His decision appalled Veynom's supporters in the Imperial Navy. In disgust, Veynom departed the Empire for the Unknown Regions on Year 0 Day 305. Despite Veynom's departure, several fleets in the Imperial Navy rebelled against Connel's rule and, on Year 1 Day 307, formed a separatist movement known as the Imperial Core. The Core later merged with Vodo Bonias' Order of the Sith to form the Dark Empire. After a long politico-military struggle, the Galactic Empire during the reign of Emperor Charon later reunified with Bonias' Dark Empire. Following reunification in Year 3, a lengthy political subversion of the Imperial government's institutions by Bonias and his adherents led to Charon's overthrow. After a transitional period under Greyson Uebles which saw a mass exodus of disgruntled Imperial personnel, Bonias became the dictator of the Empire. The deep animosities created by this conflict would later trigger the Third Imperial Civil War.

Third Imperial Civil War

Main article: Third Imperial Civil War

This war was between Emperor Vodo Bonias and a combination of supporters of the former Emperor J. Charon and the detractors of Bonias and Grand Moff Daelin Zerk.

Fourth Imperial Civil War

Main article: Fourth Imperial Civil War

This war was between Vodo Bonias and Orphaea Imperium with the objective of removing Bonias from the throne.

Imperial Civil Wars
First Imperial Civil War

Galactic Empire · Order of Darkness

Major Figures

Hiram Drayson · Suntzu · Vodo Bonias · Dyvel Price · Diablirus Balseraph

Second Imperial Civil War

Galactic Empire · Imperial Core · Dark Empire · Order of the Sith · Hutt Council

Major Figures

Piett · Trey Connel · Gorn Veynom · Adric Simms · Jennifer Dreighton · Vodo Bonias · Mccarthur · J. Charon

Third Imperial Civil War

Galactic Empire · New Imperial Order

Major Figures

Vodo Bonias · Daelin Zerk · Garen Karrade · Thomas Cherokee · Slicer · Michael Pangborn · Seele


Operation Warspite · Battle of Uvena

Fourth Imperial Civil War

Galactic Empire · Orphaea Imperium

Major Figures

Vodo Bonias · Orphaea Imperium · Thomas Cherokee · Seele
