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This Month's Featured Article
Former Warrior Eminence Tyr DeMeer was the ruler of Mandalore, a military dictatorship that governs a number of systems in the Colonies, Inner Rim, Expansion Region, and Outer Rim Territories. Tyr DeMeer does not know where he was born. He is one of several children to Magnus and Rishna DeMeer. The DeMeer family traveled around the galaxy due to reasons unknown to any other than Tyr's parents. The earliest memory Tyr has is from the planet Coruscant and the vast cities there. Because of this he always assumed that he is a native Coruscanti, but the DeMeer family didn't stay long and eventually moved on to another system. (Full article...)
... Kara DuMonte was once the Director of New Republic Intelligence
This Month in History
Day 265, Year 11: The High Council of Kaos Galactica Federation voted for an Imperial Federation based government and appointed Lucious Maximous their Sovereign Emperor.