Clan Systems

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A clan is a group of people united by actual or perceived kinship and descent. Even if lineage details are unknown, clan members may be organized around a founding member or apical ancestor. The kinship-based bonds may be symbolical, whereby the clan shares a "stipulated" common ancestor that is a symbol of the clan's unity. Clans preceded more centralized forms of community organization and government; they are located in every country. Members may identify with a coat of arms or other symbol to show they are an independent clan. Also, their members act towards each other in a particularly close and mutually supportive way approximating the solidarity among kinsmen.

Clans as political units

In different cultures and situations, a clan does not usually mean the same thing as other kin-based groups, such as tribes, and bands. Often, the distinguishing factor is that a clan is a smaller part of a larger society such as a chiefdom, or a state. In some societies, clans may have an official leader such as a chieftain or patriarch; in others, leadership positions may have to be achieved, or people may say that "elders" make decisions.

Examples include Falleen and Mandalorian clans, which exist as kin groups within their respective nations. Note, however, that tribes and bands can also be components of larger societies.

Falleen Clans

Clan Traditions

Yhu’ra – The Wanderers, the Lost, the Unguided. Before the Plight, some Falleen fell to the temptation of ‘exploration’ and ‘adventure’, leaving Falleen Prime in order to travel the cosmos. Others have been taken forcefully, becoming enslaved to one of the many pirate groups present in the galaxy. In some extreme cases, Falleen members have actually been cast out from their clan and forced to survive on their own with little social support. Either way, these Falleen have long since forgotten their third name, their Clan Name, and are looked upon with mixed feelings by the Prime Clans, curious as to how to react to such difference. Some clans will easily take in Yhu’ra as their own, while others may feel disdain or even content, especially if they were the ones that originally rejected them. Yhu’ra usually do not participate in Falleen politics until they have joined a clan, but have been known to create their own small business’s in order to survive.

Karghr – An extremely taboo word, it is often used as an insult or to scare disobedient Falleen children. Those clan members who have committed acts of atrocity or worse can be officially labeled with this by their clan leader, and are automatically expelled from both their clan and their family. Other then clan leaders, this is the only part of Clan culture that is officially recognized by the government, and being named Karghr is legitimate reason for being jailed and tried. The word Karghr itself was almost impossible to say in public in years past, but nowadays it has become much more apart of slang and gutter speech.

Mixed Blood – Mixed clan blood is very common, and typically the child’s clan follows that of the fathers. All clans support marriage with outside groups, although in the case of the Huruk-Rah this may unfortunately lead to some form of innate prejudices surfacing.

Marrying and breeding with other races is thought of as peculiar by most Falleen, while some find it outright blasmephy and will go to any length to harass those not of pure strain. The Falleen Federations government, however, has no prejudice against different blood strains remaining in office.

The Primal Law – Any member of a Clan may challenge their clan leader for control of the clan. This law dates back to the years following The Plight, when it was every Falleen for him or herself, and it was necessary for the strongest to rule. The actual form of competition has changed over time and differs from clan to clan, from downright savagery to a more of a refined game sometimes being used, but it always results in either a new leader or a reaffirmation of the old one. In times of crisis or expansion, the Primal Law has often been totally ignored, and currently is only used once a tribes leaders trust or rulings have been doubted or seen as unjust. A clan leader need not always comply to a challenge, especially if most of his or her clan supports him/her, but if the hopeful successor finds enough backing, then the clan leader will feel little choice but to engage this would be leader. Some rival Clan leaders have been known to back would be uspurer’s in order to gain favor with the new leader if they make it into power. This Law is not to be used lightly, and most new members should keep away from its temptation unless they feel justified by using it.

Hyarla – The time of initiation comes for all Falleen, and before a youth is recognized as being Hyarla they must have proven themselves a useful member of Falleen society or to a particular clan. Ancient rites of passage have focused mainly on tasks of strength or skill, but the modernization of our culture has allowed for the differentiation of each specific duty a member must have performed before become recognised fully.

Clan Hierarchy

Nathran – Originally fought for to the death (sometimes the case even now), the clan leadership represents the pinnacle of Falleen social power. The Clan leader has special privileges, access to restricted facilities and a whole host of respectful clansmen under his or her direction. The Clan Leader must be the guiding light for the clan, looking after internal problems and solving social ills, and he should make it his duty to represent his clan’s view to the Falleen Government. There is no restriction on how long someone may remain in power, and it is up to the Clan Leader in question as to when they should retire from power.

Tizmarat – Sometimes a Clan leader will require the blessings of his religious leader before being able to perform an action, or will need his or her knowledge on how to best perform an action without insulting Kiyorath Dhin. The Tizmarat need not be a member of Clan Chir’dorna, but merely a believer-member of the clan, knowledgeable of the religions workings. Some clans have decided to completely do away with this position, often at the expense of relations with other clans. Chir’dorna Tizmarats often make up the high priesthood of Falleen Prime, belittling the Ta’Shir position within that clan.

Ta’Shir – Even the wisest of Clan leaders needs guidance at times, and these counselors help him make important decisions when necessary. Noted for their fairness and initiative, they are selected by the Clan leader to form his inner circle. Clan leaders should also beware that it is from within their own Ta’Shir that significant vocal opposition may arise, and possible competition for power. Yar’borouh – After years of service and dedication, any clansmen may be bestowed with Eldership, marking them as a knowledgeable and integral member of a clan. This is a title that is highly respected within Falleen culture, and only the Clan leader can give this distinction to others.

Hertheka – Clan Warriors especially chosen for their undying dedication, strength and skill. When the Clan leader is in need of their services for protection or duties, they will obey immediately, willing to sacrifice their lives if necessary for the clan. The Falleen Government, watchful for misuse of these warriors, has warned these clan soldiers to be able to distinguish between orders that help the clan, and those that may hinder the Falleen race as a whole.

The Noble Clans


“God will have us remember not only what we will eventually achieve in life, but what we have done in the past. It is with his mandate that
we have crept from the ashes and helped lead the Falleen race to power.”– Suhra Fyuorl Huruk-Rah, the Clan Nathran addressing his Clan 
consul, 25 BF.

Loyal, intelligent, enthusiastic. These are some of the well-known traits of a Huruk-Rah, be it as a soldier, scientist or pilot. Descended directly from the Hyorh’Mah princeship, one of the original ruling families of Falleen, this clan has rebuilt their ancestral home of Jhoust after The Plight. The Huruk-Rah is particularly prejudicial about their bloodlines, finding it difficult to accept new members to the clan who simply don’t have the right genes or particular shade of green skin. Often locking heads with the Eu’maios and Ghera’jh over political control, the Huruk-Rah cannot help but believe that their clan leader is nothing less than complete ruler of all Falleen. Becoming clan leader is incredibly difficult, and requires not only strong support from the elders, but a healthy dose of pure princeship blood. Therefore, clan leadership tends to follow from father to son, until the line is broken and the next strongest bloodline is found. Grudgingly accepting of the shift to Federation-hood, the Huruk-Rah will still jump at any excuse to remind other Falleen of their pedigree and their evident right to the throne. This clan dominates in the city of Jhoust, and with strong economic control there, is able to hold sway political power equal to that of the Eu’maios. Members enjoy a great many benefits from being a part of this clans, and the Falleen government has had to be especially watchful of high level Huruk’s giving privilege to any of their less fortunate clansmen. The Huruk-Rah realize that the Federation has brought the Falleen nation a long way from its days of competing tribes, but they will always remember what might have been had the Huruk-Rah bloodline continued to dominate the planet.

Main Article: Huruk-Rah


“Within an infinite galaxy of possibilities, the obvious is merely the extraordinary made repetitive.”– Shhriovin Delar Mindano, late clan
Yar’borouh, during the Federations ceremony of Formation, 0 AF.

Ankhialos was barely the metropolis it is now when it received news via old-fashioned radio wave that Tyrol Mindano and his space exploration fleet had surprisingly returned. The nation was in a state of rebuilding since the Empires massacre, and it was this small group of returning spacefarers, having left in years past to colonize a distant star, who helped craft the current form of government. Bringing with them tales of barren planets and hostile aliens, they were equally amazed at how much Falleen had changed from what they had been taught to remember of it as. The Mindano’s created the first Falleen Federation starfleet, a rag-tag ensemble of freighters and fighters with a limited range, but they were all repaired and flown almost exclusively by the talented Mindanian mechanics and pilots. Tyrol is now dead buried within the Falleen Ossuary, but his clansmen have carried on his dream of Falleen space exploration. Advances in education has enabled many other Falleen to join the ranks of these spacefarers, but most Mindano’s are still known to have some form of connection with the races interstellar travel, and some are even trained since birth by idealistic parents for the singular task of piloting ships.


“Heretics have begun to muster strength within the Clans. Give us your guilty, so that they may be judged properly in the eyes of 
Kiyorath Dhin.”– Terqu’ran Rhe Chir’dorna, religious announcement given to all clans 4 BF.

Every year as Kiyorath Dhin sweeps methodically across the Falleen desert to deal justice to those who have sinned, the Children of Chir’dorna make a pilgrimage to watch their God’s holy wrath. The current clansmen of Cithorah trace their heritage to that of Cithorah Chir’dorna, the prophet of Falleen Prime, who appeared from the clouds of dust that speck the horizon and United the tribes under his name. Establishing his Commandments as the basis to life, he held freedom to be the true birthright of all Falleen and lead the rebellion on Prime that would eventually lead to the birth of the Federation. Mysteriously disappearing into the wind-swept plains of Carloda, his loss was mourned but the Children still wait expectantly for his return when the Falleen race will need him the most. Despising tyranny, the Chir’dorna have been the largest advocators for a holy Jihad against the Empire, for the crimes it has committed and are continuing to commit throughout the galaxy. While not declaring war against the strongest faction in the universe, clansmen are often found working within the confines of the Temple of Kiyorath Dhin or reminding those Falleen they work with that there is only the One True God. Chir’dornan’s have garnered the reputation for never compromising on their principles, and use the common religion of Kiyorath Dhin to good political use.


“The Federation must learn to drop the shackles of religion and tradition in order accept the New Age of Technology. If we, as a race, 
cannot appreciate what the universe has to offer, we will assuredly die out.”– Someratai Ghera’jh, clan spokesman for the 1st Annual 
Technology Conference, before his assassination.

An elitist party of proletariat scientists, this group could only barely be called a clan. Founded by the Princeps five years after the creation of the Federation, membership is only loosely based around genes and is actually more concerned with merit. The Ghera’jh have been known as excellent advisors in all areas concerning technology, and some clan families and Federation government groups hire them even if they don’t have any particular reason too, mainly to show the rest of the organization that they too have a Ghera’jh working for them. Sometimes dabbling in the realm of politics for their own interests and gains, they usually don’t go far due to the disability to look beyond Falleen research and technology. Based in the major city of Ankhialos, they represent the new wave of both young and old Falleen who have abandoned their traditional clans to form this own branch of life, one both exciting and steeped in its own rules. With internal squabbling occurring on a daily basis, especially when it comes to what areas of knowledge have research priority, it is only their expertise in the advanced sciences that has made them tolerable to most other clans. Often so involved in their work, they can become unaware of things happening outside their realm of reality, and as such many of them suffer from proper leadership skills. New members are accepted in only if a majority of the members agree. Leadership is vote based with the majority vote used to decide who will be the next president, as it seems that most Ghera’jh have simply forgotten that the Primal Law ever existed. But regardless of who is in power, each member first priority is usually to concentrate on their project at hand and make sure that R&D is a relevant part of Falleen life.


“We are the true sons of the land. Kiyorath has given us the sand to walk on and the sun to watch over us, and it is by his providence 
that we have survived where others have not.”– For’yur Kthra, Clan Tizmarat, conversation with his Ta’Shir, 27 B.F.

Cut off from the landward winds by the Ajiloin Mountains, the desert nomads of Kthran endured intense hardships following the Imperial desecration of Falleen Prime. Isolated geographically from the rest of Falleen society after the civilization’s destruction, the population of Kthran fell into decline until only the strongest and most shrewd remained to protect the sparse and increasingly hostile land of their ancestors. After years without outside contact, these burdened people arduously moved from hunting, to agrarian, to secondary production. The Kthran lived with the foreboding knowledge that survival was the exception, not the rule. Contact with other clans was eventually established, enriching the Kthran with a new sense of culture and idealism, but the desert’s mark continues to show in such aspects as their unique physique and suspicious disposition. Of intimidating physical prowess compared with most Falleen, the combination of difficult labor and constant movement afforded members of Kthran, both males and females alike, a reputation as legendary in strength and agility. Initially wary of outsiders and tradition-breaking ideas, the Kthran suffered from their paranoia and conservatism; many prejudiced Falleen initially ridiculed the Kthran, finding them equally archaic and haughty. With a Machiavellian ethos they have, however, proven to be both diligent and vital members of the Federation. Furthermore their survival-tuned minds and powerful bodies have proven extremely effective both tactically and physically in the Federation Military. The Kthran have no evident animosity toward other clans, but will quickly seek to subvert the status quo when demeaned or undermined , and often find it difficult to work with the more snobbish Huruk-Rah and agrarian phobic Ghera’jh. The Kthran are well adapted to both melee and projectile technology, and their transition of leadership is almost always through some form of combat.

Due to the Kthran’s intimate relationship with the deserts of Falleen Prime, the clan’s Nathran is known as the “Desert Lord” and has come to be viewed as a sort of monarch in his own right. Harsh, overbearing, and often aloof, if not the strongest member of the clan the Desert Lord is almost certainly the most cunning.

The Minor Clans


"Stand firm, stand together. We fight, we die for each other.”– Derris Chor’matt, Herethka of Clan Aj`Salan to his battalion during 
the seige of Anhkron, 34 BF.

In the ancient history of Falleen, the city-state of Aj’Salan was one of the most powerful city-states in the western deserts of Falleen Prime. Home to powerful soldiers, the city-state required almost every adult male to enter its military. It had a very Spartan lifestyle, with war and honor being a way of life.

Inter-state wars led to an accumulation of territory, extending the city-state and spreading its forces. Aj’Salan commanders chose to integrate the best warriors of the subjugated states, incorporating their training, skills and abilities, into their own forces. These soldiers remained loyal to their new state, as it offered them freedoms and privileges denied to them by their former allies. Over the years, this led to a pedigree of piloting, armed and unarmed combat unlike anything seen on Falleen Prime.


“The written word is the mightiest tool, builder and destroyer, ever devised. To it we pledge our lives.”– Inscription on the cover 
of the bound volume containing pages from the first Feleos membership roles.

In ancient times there were soldiers and heroes, potentates and lords, servants and slaves, but one profession was the prerequisite for the existence of all the others: scribe. No one could rule without the written law. No one could hope for success in mass conflict without the written order. The Falleen society could not have risen without its written history and culture. Masters of the written word, languages, and dialects of the Falleen people were truly artists of the highest caliber who ensured the survival and might of the civilization.

Feleos, the ancient Falleen phrase literally meaning “the word,” was the title and mark of early Falleen scribes. They were the recorders of history, communicators and diplomats, and also fierce defenders of all that the Falleen race labored to create. As the written word spread among the peoples, a movement of the educated formed. Those of similar convictions banded together and formed a true Clan to continue the development and defense of all that is Falleen.

In the modern Federation, Clan Feleos thrives. Most still are cut from the same cloth as the members of the ancient eras long past. Our ranks are filled with communicators, diplomats, educators, and history keepers. We serve the Sovereign and contribute to the security of the People by strengthening ties with our allies, keeping our enemies at bay, and educating all citizens who wish to serve.

Feleos warriors see more than an inconsequential pillar of Falleen society in the written word. They serve a higher cause. Our soldiers protect Falleen heritage, sacred history, and the all powerful freedom to write and speak and think. “Feleos” must be protected or otherwise it shall be lost in the great sands of our desert jewel.

While the city-state of Aj’Salan itself as a government fell long ago, the wide geographic area encompassing it still has a large percentage of it’s population serving in the military, and years of development of their skills has honed them into among the most respected warriors in the Federation. Due to their ancient past, Aj’Salan has been much more tolerant and accepting of outsiders. The greatest warriors among them being honored as equally as their Falleen brethren.


"Always, we must remember our past – Always, we must always be honest and steadfast in our duty. Always, we will protect those we love, 
for the greater good.”– Hertheka Gran’hiror Ienith, first among the Hertheka of Clan Ienith during the admittance of the clan into the 

Ienith, the Falleen word for strength, accurately describes Clan Ienith. This clan traces its lineage back to the Ancient kings of Bajor’kahan, and their secret society of warrior protectors. The Legendary King Hen’kiati had expanded the Bajor’kahan Empire to the very gates of Carloda, an Ancient bastion of Falleen Culture and power. The Carlodi, from who the Bru’jah and Kthran both claim ancestry, could not idly allow such a rival to their power, and began a process of regicide, that saw generations of Bajor’Kahani Kings slaughtered, some still in their mothers wombs. It is said that the dowager Queen Chr’Kalina surrounded herself with elite warriors, who could take on any guise, and detect any trap- these she called the Ienith – as they provided her with the strength to raise and protect King Hertheka the Great.

King Hertheka devoted his life to protecting the Bajor’kahan empire, with such devotion and awe that his name has lived on as the title of the most loyal and dedicated of Clan Warriors throughout Falleen, and the legacy of the Bajor’kahan empire lives today in the modern city of Bajor’kahan built over the ruins of the Bajor’Kahani capital.

The Ienith always fought by the side of their King, and for their king, under many guises, and some archeologists attribute the intrigue of Falleen society directly to these calculating individuals.

With the beginning of the Clan Wars, Clan Ienith set out on a voyage to seek new places to inhabit. The journey was long and hard and filled with many dangers. There are few records that survive from this time, they have been lost or destroyed, and some even suggest that they have been hidden. Clan Ienith have always had their own clan identity and ideology, these are their greatest source of strength and sense of duty, which drove them on into unexplored space.

Upon arriving in the Kanopis system Clan Ienith was at a loss as to where to go. They had traveled far with many hardships and had lost much of their strength. Then came the Tizmarat Amonrath Comn who led Clan Ienith to the Planet Ulaeri. Here life was easier for them and they soon settled into their new life, reviving the almost lost ways of the clan. Opportunity was plentiful and the clan soon flourished and grew strong, yet in these years they developed independently from the rest of Falleen society.

The other bodies in the Kanopis system were harsh and unforgiving and there was a limit to how well Clan Ienith could do on the confines of their secluded planet. The Clan became restless and felt the need to expand once again, but feared the dangers of unfriendly space. Finally word reached them that the Falleen Federation had been renewed and they felt a longing to be reunited with their kind, and once again resume their ancient role as protectors and pillars of strength in Falleen society.

So it was that an envoy of Ienith journeyed to Fallen and made contact with the Falleen Federation once again, renewing the old oath of allegiance to Falleen and to the King.

The Karghr Clans

Karghr – An extremely taboo word, it is often used as an insult or to scare disobedient Falleen children. Those clan members who have committed acts of atrocity or worse can be officially labeled with this by their clan leader, and are automatically expelled from both their clan and their family. Other then clan leaders, this is the only part of Clan culture that is officially recognized by the government, and being named Karghr is legitimate reason for being jailed and tried. The word Karghr itself was almost impossible to say in public in years past, but nowadays it has become much more apart of slang and gutter speech.

These Clans have lost their status within the Federation due to acts against the Falleen Government and the Falleen Clans that have chosen to align with the Federation and the new King, Rick Farlander. A vote was brought before the Sejm concerning the charges against them. After much discussion and debate, it was decided in a unanimous decision to declare these clans as Outlaws and Karghr clans. On Year 13, day 336 King Rick Farlander declared the vote passed and accepted into Falleen law.


“Fellow Falleen, fellow brothers and sisters, fellow bloodline. It is with great difficulty that I bring this news to you.”– 
Dodotyar Rejuhik Eu’maois, the day after the infamous Dodotyar Scandal of 15 BF.

While the city of Ankhialos was starting to re-grow after the Imperials disaster, one clan was able to affirm its position as a powerful player of Falleen society and politics. Clan Eu’maois, skilled and savvy from years of experience and grooming, has a dedicated number of young adults brought up simply for the task of vying for city and planetary control. A Eu’maios without some form of power is seen as useless, and they are willingly lose all previous scruples or work ethics in order to trade verbatim with brother, cousin or nephew alike in order to find a niche within the Falleen government or community. Large quantities of workers are often used in order to free the immediate family from such trivialities as labor, and so be able to pit against one another in the political arena. Most of this rich clan maintains a façade of friendliness when necessary, so it is almost impossible to weed out the sly from the truly sincere. Once in power, most of these Falleen realize that the Race comes first, and give their full attention to the needs of the nation. However, they must continuously keep a wary eye on those below them, as Eu’maios are bred to battle for political supremacy on a daily basis. This clan is especially known for their deadly use of pheromones, especially when they find it necessary to climb the ladder of power quickly without realizing the repercussions of such a short sighted strategy. Most power struggles within this clan would never result in the Primal Law being evoked, as the Eu’maios are more accustomed to showing the stupidity or disability of the current leader with barbed tongue and the twisting or facts rather then an outright confrontation and the risk of their own precious lives.


“A clever businessman never turns his ears away from the masses. It is the very whim of the common falleen that make or break those who 
would hope to rule the Sariln.”– Lorgah Brujah to his son, Korlorah, 28 BF

Along the dry desert plains of Eastern Carloda, simple hospices were erected by Lorgah Brujah in an attempt to create safe havens for those traveling the Sariln trading routes. Lorgah soon became considerably wealthy through the frequent visits of passing caravans, and was wise enough to put most of what he earned back into his work. What started as a few scattered outposts eventually became bustling, self-sufficient towns, and the descendents of Lorgah’s families carried on the businesses. Following in the tradition of Lorgah himself, the sons and daughters of Brujah are sent out into the world in order to learn how to survive through honest work and dedication. Most of these young Falleen find their way with other Brujah families, and so a cycle occurs where parents send out their children and then take in the young from other families. The children are taught since birth that they are to accept the movement form family to family, and it is almost taboo for a young adult to remain with their original family into adulthood. There has been only a handful of Brujah guilty of nepotism over the past millennia, and so the system has continued almost flawlessly, those already in power willing to accept Brujah and other Falleen willing to work into the fold. A Clan Brujah leader will often go out of his way to help inter-clan relations run smoothly, and most clan businesses work under respectable and decent conditions. Clan Brujah members often make expert peacekeepers, and are known to mediate between clans over conflicting issues.

Mandalore Clans

There are two hundred races of Mandalorians, which are found amongst ten thousand individual clans. Those ten thousand clans are usually composed of five 'tribes' each, with a tribe encompassing one distinct family and extended family. For the most part, a Mandalorian is defined by his or her clan, and then by tribe/family within that clan.

Clans are defined by their geographic location, their potential for certain endevours, and physical traits which all members carry in some form or another. One clan may be known for their intelligence, another for their technological prowess, and yet another for their dominance in the physical domain. Some may have predominantly resided by the oceans, while others found a home in the mountainous Southern continent, each location bringing more personality and definition to the clan itself.

A clan tends to pass along at least one (if not several) visible physical traits to its members. The trait could be something distinct, such as a dimple, a widow's peak, or an unnatural shade of color for the hair, eyes or skin; it could also be something subtle, like a common color combination for the hair, eyes and/or skin present in the vast majority of clansmen. It could even be an instinctual tendency or set of instinctual tendencies passed along due to the traditions and way of life the clan leads in the region of the planet it occupies. The eldest remembered head of each clan, perhaps three millennia in the past, is considered to be that tribes 'Faith', or 'totem'. All the people within that race worship their totem, the name of which is generally used as the war cry for the clan itself. Though the Mandalorians are not a religious people, they look to their totems for guidance.

Many old Human customs brought over via the colony ship faded from existance over time as clans began to develop their own sets of traditions and cultural standards for behavior. An example would be that there is no longer a custom such as 'marriage' on Mandalore. A few clans still recognize the claiming of but one mate to bear children with for extended periods of time, possibly until death. The majority of clans, however, operate under the assumption that a man and a woman can bear a child together if the two mutually decide to do so, with no ceremonial custom bringing the two together before or after the child's birth and with no restrictions applied that would keep the two together as a family unit, or keep either from going forth and bearing a child with someone else. This arrangement has brought an extreme genetic variation to the Mandalorian race. Barring internal clan-related circumstances, the offspring of a mating will spend half a year with the mother and the other half with the father. On occasion, (and again, depending on the clan or clans in question) the mother and father will choose to live together.

Clan Akaan'aran

Main Article: Aliit_Akaan'aran

Clan Ar'Klim

Main Article: Aliit_Ar'Klim

Clan A'skimus

Main Article: Aliit_A'skimus

Clan Bajur

Main Article: Aliit_Bajur

Clan Breviin

Main Article: Aliit_Breviin

Clan Chitose

Main Article: Aliit_Chitose

Clan D'ael'mor

Main Article: Aliit_D'ael'mor and Aliit_Dael'mor

Clan Du'trachek

Main Article: Aliit Du'trachek

Clan Gav

Main Article: Aliit_Gav

Clan Jaik'ran (check main article and delete info here if the same)

Clan overview: -A clan founded on the far island of Im'pavic, their members are one of the most diverse in appearance simply because by necessity the population is almost entirely half-breeds. --In their16th year they are allowed to prove their ability to care for themselves. To do so, they are given a day's rations, a knife with their birthmark in the carving, and an animal skin. They leave by the dark of the moon, walking into the jungle alone. They must survive only by their hands and their wits, accepting help from no other save those that the totems see fit to send. They must remain in the jungle until the next dark of the moon, when they will either return with a kill for the cook fires, empty handed, or not at all. -The kill, if they bring one back, is not only a sign of their prowess, but a testament that they are capable of caring not only for themselves but for others. If there is an unmated female in the clan at that time, the kill is brought back to her if the male wishes, as an offer of intent to provide for her. -An empty handed hunter, returning from his jungle leave, is no less the man as one that carries his kill, but is not considered capable of providing for more than himself. He is a man and is welcomed into the Clan as befits one of his independence now, but he cannot attempt the courting or capturing of a mate until his 19th year. -The mating ritual of this clan is something rather odd to be involved with, especially if those involved know little about the customs. The male will study their chosen prey for some time, learning their ways and movements, until they feel they know them to their core. When such an understanding is achieved of their chosen prey, they will move in for the catch. It must be done during the new moon and in absolute secrecy. If discovered, the hunt is forfeit and the hunter must leave the prey be for a period of 6 moon cycles before trying again. -If the capture is successful however, the hunter must make all speed with his capture to a secure hideaway where he must keep her for a period of 2 full moon cycles, without discovery. In that time the hunter is responsible for the comfort and safety of his prospective mate. He is required to see to her every need without complaint or anger. Before he can, it must be proven that she is without child when captured and by the end of the first moon cycle, willing to mate with the hunter, before the ritual can proceed. If either is not true then he must return her to where he found her and is forbidden to hunt her again for the period of 13 moon cycles. If she is willing and is not carrying child, then he may take her as his mate after which she will stay with him for a year. At the end of this period, if she is not with child, she is considered a free woman of the Jaik’ran and may be courted by any other male in a normal fashion.

Clan history: Founded during the 500 years war by a group of warriors who did not believe that one city should have dominance over the others. Taking to the treacherous island chain, they set out to make a clan of their own. After 10 years on their new island, a disturbing trend became all too noticeable. While healthy and suited for their new home, their immunities strong to the hazardous environment, all of the children of this clan were male. At first, this was a good sign for clan, all strong warriors, the daughters of the previous years would have their choice of the strongest to sire their children, but it soon became apparent that no one was having female children.

Another 15 years passed and the trend of the years before was becoming a dangerous liability. Suddenly the number of females that would be the mother to this new clan was known to be finite. As the younger generations began to fight over what there were, the elders began to discuss the problem. It was decided that the females were too precious a commodity to risk; the remainder of the females were confined to a compound where they could be safely guarded. Their every need was met to its fullest with each unspoken for female swarmed with suitors, but this was to prove not enough as the curse of their separation from the other clans became apparent. Prizing their skills in the wilderness, their knowledge of stealth and the terrain, a new tradition was established that would result in the survival or decimation of their clan. The unmated males went out into the war that ripped Mandalore, to insure their clan's survival. With the coming of the next dark moon, females of many clans disappeared into the darkness, without a sound being heard. In the coming dawn of that day, many awoke to find mates, daughters and friends missing without a trace of where they could have gone, most blamed the other cities, and the fighting continued unabated. But this was not the only such incident. Only having brought back enough for insuring another generation as the curse held true, a plan had to be designed to continue the clan. Rules were made as well as complex rituals that would prevent their clan ever being found and yet ensure that the capture of mates would be possible.

Clan traits: -The Jaik'ran as a people tend to be of the mind to live life fast and hard, taking in everything that is pleasurable with reckless abandon. The jungles have been hard on them but they have survived, life has been hard on them, they have survived what ever is ahead, they will survive. There is never a time when the guard is let down, lest they be struck by the unexpected and decimated. Calculating and brutal in most senses, but with an inner soul that delights in the simple pleasures. They treasure adaptivity over all other things save stealth. -As a clan their shared features tend to dark haired and deeply tanned skin. They prefer their hair long and mane-like and it is their pride. To shave it is to take away his pride and to break the clansman; this is one of the worst forms of punishment that they inflict on their own save banishment into the jungle. -It is considered an honor for them to procreate, since their clan's life depends on it. Mating is not essential for this, but a mate without a child speaks badly of the pair. -To the right hand side of their manes, they wear their mate-locks, each woven with a length of their mate's hair twined with theirs and tied off with something of personal meaning between the pair. On that strand there are often a number of bone beads carved into the shapes of animals or plants or myths. Each bead on a mate-lock represents a child that came of that mating. To the left hand side of the mane are the child locks. These range greatly depending on the wearer's personal style, varying from simple braids with a single carved bone bead on the end to more elaborate ones that are woven with the hair of that child and also baring the same sort of bead. -The beads themselves are linked to the one true clan trait that all members and half-breeds of this clan possess. Marked at birth by the blood of the war from which half of their heritage was stolen, all children of this clan have large and very visible birthmarks that range in placement. -It is considered a mark of honor with the totems to have a mark that is distinguishable as an animal or plant or mythical creature. Generally children with a mark such as this, are said they are destined for greatness and their names are chosen to reflect what it is that their mark reveals about them. Some of these marks are even said to be hereditary. When the child reaches adulthood, the mark is embellished with tattooing to give it more distinctive lines and make it more visible. Those without a recognizable mark tend to opt for patterns or objects as their tattoos of adulthood. -Until the age of 16, all children of the clan are kept clean-shaven and their hair above shoulder length.

Main Article: Aliit_Jaik`ran

Clan Krei'ger (check main article and delete info here if the same)

Clan overview: -The Krei'ger have a long tradition of supplying many gunnery officers to the Mandalorian Navy and many artillery officers for the Mandalorian Army. Many Krei'ger also serve in Military Intelligence, and can be quite valuable assets to the organization. There are few Krei'ger willing to serve in the Taraq'Qualim or the Taraq'Kau, because it is believed that most of the members of those ranks are witless brutes. - They revile in death and killing. Many of their rituals involved the consumption of fresh meat and drinking blood. - Krei'ger are very adept at running machinery, and also tend to be quite strong - The Krei'ger practice a martial art known as Krei'gersk'unst. The object of this style is to forge the body into a living weapon. Rather than attempt to parry a blow, Krei'gersk'unst teaches that you allow the blow to strike the point of your elbow, thereby causing the attacker great pain in that limb, allowing the Krei'ger to follow up. In addition to this, the style teaches stealth and infiltration techniques - They prefer to fight their duels in hand-to-hand combat rather than with weapons, for none but clan D'ael'mor can attempt to match their prowess. It also teaches the Krei'ger to function under conditions that would appear impossible; it is not unkown for a Krei'ger warrior to survive by will alone, when another Mandalorian would have succumb to their wounds or to exhaustion long before them. - Clan Krei'ger is very traditional, but by no means hidebound. The Krei'ger are quite capable of innovation and believe that the only dishonor is cowardice or treason; cowards and traitors are disowned by the clan, and are actively purged from the gene pool, to prevent further pollution thereof.

Clan History: Clan Krei'ger was founded by H'al'kath who led his small band of followers to the equatorial region of Mandalore. They numbered approximately 200, and were mainly descendants of former army and naval personnel, who had volunteered to come on the colony ship. In order to survive the bloody wars which racked Mandalore for many years, the Krei'ger were forced to become warriors, devoting themselves to battle and war. Out of this came a warrior society, the personal guard of the patriarch. The head of the society founded Family Ver'urt'eil'ung, his deputy founded Family Tod, and the chief non-commisioned officer founded Famliy Ver'nicht'ung. Each family is given a symbol by the Elders, and the ornateness and color of this tattoo depends upon ones rank within the family, which is determined from birth, and the rank of the family within the clan, which nearly never changes. The tattoo covers almost the entire body, with the exception of the palms, the soles of the feet, the genitals, and the throat and head. The symbols of the Clan Triad are as follows; Family Tod has a displayed Eagle, Family Ver'urt'eil'ung has an Oriental-style Dragon, and Family Ver'nicht'ung has a Viper.

H'al'kath's reign quickly turned repressive; he was paranoid, and had been poisoned by the colony ship's engines. His son, whose heritage was poisoned, was exposed to heavy metals early on, and soon H'al'kath's line was considered corrupt. In 250, H'al'kath's grandson was assassinated by Gul'du'kat of Family Ver'urt'eil'ung, the patriarch of the warrior society, who proclaimed an end to the corruption. He then assumed the role of Clan Patriarch and launched the Krei'ger in a new direction; rather than simply attempting to defend themselves, they began to go on the offensive. The Clan quickly became set in a parallel Caste system. Families Ver'urt'eil'ung, Tod and Ver'nicht'ung became warriors and leaders, Family P'lest became diplomats and spies, providing intelligence for the Clan's war effort, allowing them to understand the dispositions of the enemy's forces, Family Kreig became the scientific mind behind the Clan’s war machine, Family Hun'gers'not became Engineers, building up the infrastructure of the Clan's holdings, thereby allowing the Clan's war machine to function, Family Dr'ache became laborers, Family Q'ual became doctors and medical personnel and Family T'euf'el manned the bureaucracy that allowed the Clan's war machine to function. This caste system allowed the Clan to maintain the complex infrastucture necessary to support the Clan.

Clan traits: Members of Clan Krei'ger (called Krei'ger) have dark hair, which ranges from a deep blue to raven-colored, bluish eyes, ranging from deep blue to blue mixed with another color (e.g., greyish-blue, or greenish-blue), and a dark complexion. No Krei'ger is lighter than a deep tan, and some have been known to have ebony-colored skin, although rarely. All Krei'ger are quite intelligent, for they will breed no witless brutes. Each child, before receiving a naming ceremony, must be examined by a Clan Breedmaster, who will examine the child, and determine if they meet the standards set by the Council of Elders. Any child who does not is killed and cremated; the Krei'ger believe that to have the physical integrity of ones body harmed in so great a way is to also disturb the spiritual integrity, therefore denying that spirit the chance to disturb the purity of the gene pool with its evil.

The average Krei'ger is approximately two and one-eighth meters in height, and masses approximately 129 and one-half kilograms, has light blue eyes, black hair, and a nutmeg-colored complexion. Their hair is always worn close, in a military fashion, and they have solid musculature, but are not especially heavily built.

Clan Totem: The Krei’ger pride themselves on purity, physical strength and discipline. All clan members effectively serve this ‘totem’ and aim for these goals.

Main Article: Aliit_Krei'ger

Clan Ky'bris

Main Article: Aliit_Ky'bris

Clan K'yltek (check main article and delete info here if the same

Clan overview: - The family Tra'esk are the current ruling family in the K’yltek - The clan name is worn proudly where a family name is usually present. If needing family distiction, the family name is appended after the clan name. - Most military clan members join the Army because that is what they are best suited for because of their hunting skills. - Because of being excellent hunters, all clan members must have an above average base dexterity stat, as well as above average in either blaster or dodge. - Clan members are very inadept at all things technical. Living in the forest for all of their lives they have little need for such things. Therefore, most members have poor technical skills, the most proficient never truly exceeding average. Mechanical skills should not typically exceed average.

Clan History: The clan's totem, Ashen K'yltek Tra'esk, was one of the original colonists that survived the crash. He was a member of the original Opy're clan, and migrated into the southern mountains of Mandalore. He and a small group of about 100 settlers then split and settled in the large, densly wooded Q'apla valley. The valley was full of trees, and a small river ran straight through the middle. A deforested area on the south side of the river is where the town first appeared, which would later grow into a small city. After the split, the 100 settlers formed a new clan, taking the name of the founder as the clan name. With the help of the great warrior and leader Ashen, they quickly adapted to their new environment, using his military skill to become expert trackers and hunters, as they had to chase down the untamed beasts that inhabited the forests for food.

In recent days there have been four main families in the clan. The family Tra'esk, The Ry'yak family, which is headed by N'tam K'yltek. The Shug'ar family, headed by Ryan K'yltek. Lastly the Il'daq family, headed by Jeruk K'yltek. The heads of these families form the council which advise Gent K'yltek in most, if not all of his decisions. There are several smaller, lesser known families, but none of which are populated enough to earn a place in the council.

Clan traits: - All members of the clan are dark haired. Almost all have jet black hair, but a few are known to have a dark brown. The hair is always worn short for both males and females, never below the shoulder in length. - Most clan members have grey eyes, very rarely they are blue or green, and never brown. - Clan members are rarely very tall, and are usually of medium height, usually about 5'9". Also, regardless of strength they are never bulky. Always more slim and agile in appearance. - They are usually antisocial unless with close friends, other clan members, or if they are serving within the same squad (if in specific army squads or StarOps squadrons), or ship crew rotations (if in CapOps). - In the clan, of those who stay in the valley with the rest, the most respected and feared group are the hunters. Every year, the huntmaster and his 5 other huntsman venture into the forest with no more than a vibro knife each. They stay out for no more than one week, and their goal is to hunt and kill 500 pounds of edible meat, not including bones or any other inedible part. When (if) they succeed in their goal, they pack all the edible material and strap it onto their backs. Each huntsman carries 100 pounds, the huntmaster carries nothing, and trek back to the city. Then a great feast and festival ensues, with dancing, music, and eating to which EVERYONE attends. If they don't Succeed in killing the 500 pounds of meat, the huntmaster impales himself on a stake in front of the city in shame. The next oldest of the huntsman then becomes huntmaster, and the remaining hunters then choose another of the clansmen to fill the slot. Being a huntsman is the most respected position in the clan (other than the council), and the huntmaster's death if he fails is the price to pay for this honor.

Clan totem: - Every member of the K'yltek clan must practice a form of unarmed combat which is characteristic of the clan. It consists of a series of rapid palm heel strikes and kicks. Every 10 years, the council holds a tournament, known as the 'Tournament of Ashen' in rememberance of their totem. The only style allowed is this nameless form of combat. Everyone between the age of 15 and 20 MUST compete. The winner recieves no material trophy, only the respect of the rest of the clan, and recognition by the council. Because of this, all members must have a brawling skill of above average or greater.

Main Article: Aliit_K'yltek

Clan Ora'jair

Main Article: Aliit Ora'jair

Clan Oryk

Main Article: Aliit_Oryk

Clan Par'tay'on (check main article and delete info here if the same)

Clan overview: - All of the clan members who decide to join the active military join the Navy. Any that join the army, which they view as a less skilled occupation, are no longer considered a part of the clan. Most join StarOps, but some may join CapOps. The members of the clan Par'tay'on are quiet, and show very little emotion, and this should be roleplayed as such. The clan symbol is the silhouette outline of a bird in flight (As a child might draw a seagull) and is usually worn in some form on a members armor or uniform. - All clan members must have at least above average in their mechanical skills. StarOps members should have terrific Starfighter Piloting and Gunnery skills. For CapOps, terrific skills are required in whatever specific department is being specialized in. Although not physically strong or stealthy, members of this clan are fairly handy with weapons, and combined with their reflexes, should have above average in Dexterity. Members usually have a better than average education, and should have no less than average in their knowledge skills. Clan history: Sc'h'wing P'sh'yea, was one of the original colonists on Mandalore. A loner, he set off on his own just shortly after beginning with Ulyna on the journey to the north, going off alone to live his life in peace. He lived for years in the G'nak Valley of the North until finally the growing frontier of the main civiliation reached him. Deciding to stay in his sparse home, he lived quietly amongst the others, eventually giving offspring to being his clan tradition. His years in solitude and fending for himself matured his reflexes extensively, and his offspring continued this trait. After several more years, he and his clan continued north, where they finally settled at the peak of the Sni'akka Mountain, well away from the frontier. They spent much of their dark hours studying the stars, and as civilization and technology sprung up, the new generations quickly moved into the Naval Forces, their quick reflexes and quiet personalities making StarOps an optimal choice.

Clan traits: - Clan members are extremely tall, even the women are at least 5'10", and the average is about 6'4". They have dark hair that ranges from very short to shoulder length, and have dark eyes, often hazel. They are usually not very physically strong. - The members are generally withdrawn and stoic, sometimes giving them the false appearance of weakness, often making people think they are easily led. However, when a member of the Par'tay'on is pushed too far, he is easily capable of a strong and suitable reaction.

Clan totem: The clan totem is Sc'h'wing P'sh'yea one of the original colonists on Mandalore. Clan members follow his path in life of studying the stars in peace and solitude.

Main Article: Aliit_Par'tay'on

Clan S'badai (check main article and delete info here if the same)

Clan overview: - Because of the large game that stalk the valley in which the clan resides, they were quick to become adept with use of weapons such as spears, swords. The traditional use of these weapons is still used in hunts, thus a Melee skill of at LEAST above average is required. - Those who do leave their clan's home land, have very little 'modern' education. Thus, no clan members should have a knowledge skill exceeding average. Note that this does not mean they are 'stupid' by any means; in fact, many show a talent for learning things rather quickly. - Almost all of the few who go to the cities, join the Army as 'grunts'. Their lack of technical training, or modern education makes for a hard time if one wished to join the Navy, but it takes less then a minute to learn how to pull a blaster's trigger. Because of this, anyone within the clan MUST be in the army, unless they submit a -very- good reason. Note that a few of those who have joined the army achieved rank, but at an older age. - Also, the training in basic courses and hard work that grunts must endure, makes them rather strong. Where other's would receive training to become officers, members of clan S'badai gain it through experience. Thus, members should have terrific stamina skills, with their overall strength lying in the above average area. As a member of a family of the S’badaiYour name follow like this 'Name S'badai Familyname'.

Clan history: The clan of S'badai was originally a seven 'families' within one clan who settled along the edges of desert wasteland of the east. After a couple of centuries, struggling under the rule of an incompetent family, a revolt from within occurred. The clan split in two, with S'badai being on the revolting side. It, along with it's allies lost after a few years of fighting. They were throw to exodus away from their former home, deeper into the blazing waste's of the desert.

The first year was the worst, deaths from malnutrition and diseases brought upon by it. But, as all seemed lost they wondered upon a seemingly untouched valley, the plush green forest fed by an underground river which surfaced and ran through it. The remaining families settled here, taking generations to recover from their losses. During this time, they built up their own community, driven by the thought of revenge against those who had in their minds unjustly driven them from their homes. For generations they prepared, stock piling food and weapons, eventually the clan council decided it was time.

They gathered all, young and old, men and women alike, the village warriors trained them in the ways of combat, knowing they would need as many swords in the upcoming battle. Soon, they were ready. After a week of marching, they came upon what appeared to be the remains of the sworn enemies settlement. All that reminded was a half destroyed stone walls where buildings had sat, beyond that not a trace of those they had been taught to hate remained. Disheartened, they returned home. As the clan council heard of the news, and spread it a state of paranoia began. The clan doubled it's warriors, fearing an attack from the unknown force who had destroyed their enemy. For centuries they remained untouched by outside influence, hidden away within the confines of the wasteland.

As Mandalorian society grew, and expanded the clan of S'badai was discovered. They had advanced very little, put into a 'dark age' by their fear of attack. Thought backwards, they rejected almost all outside technology, and to this day most of them do. Although, every now and then a S'badai will become intrigued by the tales of outside of their valley, and will leave his or her clan lands, for the cities. In the past, this action was widely rejected and considered dishonorable. But as the clan's number's swelled, and their valley was suddenly much smaller then it had seemed, it became encouraged for young people to set out to 'serve Mandalore' as the council put it. The original families are as follows, note these families survive up to the current day; - Kt'nga - The largest of the families, they are mostly farmers. They produce enough food to feed themselves and the other families, but because of the hard work, only a very few of those old enough are allowed to leave the clan home lands. Though, every now and then one will run away in the night, not content with simply farming.

  • Vhr'st - The smallest of the families, at all times at least a few are off in various places. Trading the clans crafts, (which many consider good decorations for quarters) and mined gems in exchange for the needs that the few technology the council has allowed can be met.
  • N'Gral - This family farms also, but not to the same degree as Kt'nga. All of their young people are sent to join the army, after serving their time they return to serve on their clan's militia. Recently, they have begun to have 'ill' feelings towards Kt'nga members, upset at how few of that family are forced to join the army.
  • Yyd'k - A long line of black smiths, carpenters and other's of their like. They've understandably pushed for the allowance of more technologies to assist them in their building, and recently have met with success, arguing that the less people requires for building, the less will be forced to live in the valley. Now, they too are a large 'supplier' of young people for the army.
  • L'gyr - For a long time they provided the religious guidance for the clan, setting up the various rituals and 'holidays'. For a while now, their focus has been on teaching the children loyalty to Mandalore, and to their fellow Clansmen. Those who do leave to join the army, often become Medics, helping the wounded regain their strength.
  • T'kko'n - The only family to venture into the dark jungle of the clan's valley, they are the hunters of the clan. Despite farmers who raise some live stock, they insist it is not enough, and rumors of going as far to bribe farmers to not raise live stock have surfaced. They by far are the most violent of the clan, using spears, bows and even clubs of sort to hunt prey within the jungle. Though, every year the whole clan has a massive feast, celebrating the day they arrived in the valley. The family provides near all of the meats for this festival.
  • Q'yth - The miners of the clan, the members of this family work the mineral rich walls of the valley. Unlike the rest of Mandalore, they still cling to their old tradition of pick axes and carts, fearful that their position as miners would be taken by droids. They are also shorter then the other families, but years of working mines have made them considerably tougher. Note they allow a few young men and women from other families to work with them in the mines, some consider this a good way to prepare for basic training in the Mandalorian Army

Clan traits: Members of the clan mostly have light hair, either blond or red. Their eyes are the same, with blue or green eyes. Furthermore clan members range generally from 5'7 to 6'2.

Clan Totem: The totem of the S’badai is unknown but it has been speculated that the circle of life is sacred and o clan members devote their lives to ensuring the balance of nature.

Main Article: Aliit S'badai

Clan Solus`oya

Main Article: Aliit_Solus`oya

Clan Tm'halk (check main article and delete info here if the same)

Clan overview: - The Tm'halk are the least obvious of all the clans. Their strength lies not in the physical but in their superior intellect and cunning. They are known to Mandalore simply as "the thinkers", because they are not known to actively participate in any of the games of physical skill or prowess that the other clans join in. - Having been more or less concealed from the rest of Mandalore since a few hundred years after the crash, they tend to be secretive, though not because they are unwilling to share about their lives but because they are not used to telling others about everyday events.

Clan history: In the year 178 AA, the colonists began breaking apart, forming what was then called cliques. One of these groups were mostly psychologists with a few physical scientists sprinkled in with them. While most of the groups turned towards weapons and even hand-to-hand fighting for survival, the Tm'halk slowly edged towards what most people would call mind control, though was actually just a form of psychological intuition that served a greater purpose. As the years progressed and their knowledge of the mind and how it worked got more and more sophisticated, the Tm'halk gradually began to do more than just survive: they began to prosper. By 1845 AA, the Tm'halk had become a true clan, accepting the responsibilities, privilege and secrecy that most of the clans despised. Communication among the Tm'halk was at a premium, and no other clan had the slightest idea of how well the Tm'halk knew each others thoughts. Clan Tm'halk was slowly aquiring the land, animals, and technological capacity to rely entirely on themselves and, as a result, their mysteriousness deepened into complete secrecy. Suddenly it seemed as though no one had ever heard of them. To all others, they had vanished from the face of the planet.

That is how the Tm'halk managed to remain free of the five hundred year civil war that engulfed the rest of Mandalore. Or, so they thought. However, they eventually realized that if Mandalore were to become a nation, and not merely a bunch of infighting clans, they would have to become involved. In the midst of the worst battle yet, when the Sti'va were about to be wiped out, they made their decision to intervene for the first time. They decided to give one man a series of visions that would convince the warring tribes to lay down their arms and build Mandalore. But they did not want to give these visions to anyone. It had to be someone fit for the task of leading the Mandalorians and promoting unity, strength, and prosperity.

One man fit these expectations, and he lay dying on the battlefield, stabbed in the back with a knife. The Tm'halk fed his emotions, giving rise to the feelings that would free Mandalore. But they must heal him first. With the most itricate of touches, delving deeper than they had ever gone before, they stretched into his mind and began the process of healing his wounds through pure thought and possibly their attunement to some kind of force healing. But for one man to be healed, another must suffer in his place. Thus Ch'ilph, the first speaker, died. Channelled through his mind in his last moments, the Clan gave the last visions to P'narq and also gave him the will to be the "God" of the Mandalorians. Even today, the legend of Ch'ilph has been all but forgotten by the remnants of Clan Tm'halk. For after Ch'ilph died, the Clan fell apart, and violence suddenly held sway. In the brokenness that followed, one man stood apart from the others and fashioned a form of combat that none could call violent. He called it Ra'kthai and he used it for one purpose; to bring the clan together again. Le’choq united the Tm'halk in a way none thought possible; through deception. He lied to the people about everything from what their neighbour did last moon cycle to the plans a certain group of dissidents had concerning the rest of the population. Amazingly, it worked, for in a short time the ways of the mind can become forgotten, and the Tm'halk had forgotten even the simplest of manipulations.

But Le'choq had not. He used the forgotten arts to lead his people together again to form the Clan once more. And he was hated for it. When the Clan was once more a single unit, focusing the powers of the mind on the world again, they realized that they had been deceived, and they knew that they could not leave a deceiver unpunished. So Le'choq was exiled to the deep parts of the jungle and the Clan was whole again, untarnished, and prospering in the dark, unknown areas of Mandalore. Then came the period of siege, when the Vuana came. Clan Tm'halk forced itself to control things from the inside instead of going out and spending their lives fighting the ultimate enemy. They strengthened from the inside, and steadily pored their knowledge of weapons and war into the minds of the other Mandalorians to build ships capable of withstanding the alien technologies. And they focused their minds on understanding their foe and learning to control them. For twenty years the Clan was able to hold the Vuana off, and then the enemy mysteriously disappeared. During the first year of the reign of Hek'thor the passive, the Clan remained ignorant of the Vuana's plans. They lost their tenuous hold on the alien minds and forgot to maintain their vigil. And that is when the Vuana returned.

In a sense, you could blame the Tm'halk for what happened next, though it should be forgiven considering all that the Clan had done for Mandalore. Clan Tm'halk never got the advantage again. Though they tried furiously to make up for their failure, they only succeeded in failing time and time again. Though they were able to prevent Mandalore from being wiped out, they did so at the cost of two alien races. Races so distinct and interesting that even though the Vuana were blamed for killing one of them, it was the Tm'halk that were forced to sacrifice the Juannar to save Mandalore. And through each compromise of the Clan, another, worse decision had to be made. Thus, Mandalore was forced to commit genocide on the Vuana, and destroy the civilization that they had built up.

Finally the Tm'halk had enough. No longer would they remain cut off from the rest of Mandalore. They began exerting their influence on the rest of the world. Tm'halk Emig has been commemorated as the first speaker that succeeded in challenging the pacifist world view that Mandalore had adopted. However, it was not a clean challenge, and the rest of the Clan took care that Emig, and anyone else like him, would never be able to rise to power again.

Clan traits: Members of the Tm'halk Clan are, by nature, very secretive. They can communicate with others of the Clan extremely well through telepathy. Using their minds does have its disadvantages though; when a person becomes blind, their other senses are normally heightened to extremely sensitive to make up for the lack in visual acuity; but when a person gains another sense, like the mind, they tend to slowly become less attuned to their other senses and focus more on the mind. So, while they may not be able to see, or hear, or smell as well as other people, their sense of perception is actually raised and their awareness becomes more powerful. - Their entire list of features has one thing in common: grey. Everything, from their toes to their clothes is in some form of grey. - Their eyes are a gunmetal colour and strength seems to pour from them so that when someone looks in their eyes, they can easily lose themselves to the power contained therein. - While not small by any means, they normally do not exceed six feet in height. - Though not necessarily as strong as people from other clans, they still have a high likelihood of winning in a hand-to-hand fight because of the Ra'kthai that all Tm'halk have learned as a result of the great deception. - Technical and scientific skills vary from person to person since some wish to learn more of the mind while others prefer to study mechanical and computer skills. - Whether serving Mandalore in the Army or the Navy, all Tm'halk maintain a link with the rest of the Clan via telepathy. - No tattoos or other bodily decorations adorn any member of this Clan for the sole purpose of remaining as smooth and easy on the mind.

Clan totem: Some would say it was Le’choq who brought the Clan out of misery, but others, like Le’choq himself, know that the actual Clan totem was the first speaker himself: Ch'ilph.

Main Article: Aliit_Tm'halk

Clan Tracyn`senaar

Main Article: Aliit_Tracyn`senaar

Clan Tr'zch (check main article and delete info here if the same)

Clan overview: Virtually lost in history are the members of the Tr'zch clan, only twice have they risen even in name sake for any accomplishment, and each of these times they have disappeared just as suddenly as they appeared. A mystery to be sure, these fisherman of the deep oceans and hunters of the deep forests. Their lineage, lost in the realm of forgetfulness, their curse it would seem in the midst of so many that worship their roots.

The true origin of this clan is much speculated, as is the existence of it as a clan at all. Their own lore states that they came from the sea, and are its children, but this itself is a contradiction to other myths and legends that stand as 'truth'. A contradiction in existence, their more common belief is that they, among all of the other clans, prospered most suitably from their ocean terrain, living off their inventive nature and wits more than brute strength. The other common belief is that they were forest dwellers, and learned to hunt and trap their game while many of the brute force hunters starved for their lack of cunning. Due to this clan's chaotic nature, there have not been clan leaders up to this day but are now emerging as the Tr’zch adapt to their new life among the free people of Mandalore.

Clan History: The Tr’zch brand of chaos generally makes them outcasts from their non-Tr'zch parent's clan, leaving them to be raised either in secret or by their Tr'zch parent. The net result is that the clan lives on, but only in blood, for there truly is no clan in anything other than the teaching from parent to child. That teaching from parent to child does result in an oddly consistent mentality in all of the Tr'zch, only making them more unified in their chaos. Relying on a natural cunning and gifted hands, the Tr'zch are naturally suited technologically, raised to the belief that strength is a tool just as much as any weapon, and the most cunning weapon of all is the mind. With this philosophy, one would expect them to be almost arrogant in their intelligence, but that is far from the truth. For while their cunning and clever minds are their strength in youth and their prime, they are also their one greatest weakness as they approach adulthood, and they all know the coming of chaos.

It is said in the legends passed down, that the chaos of the eyes is reflected in the soul. Given to turbulent moods and unpredictable shifts in temperament, they suffer from the chaos of their line. The older the Tr'zch, the more pronounced the imbalance and inconsistencies. Eventually, when the Chaos threatens to consume their mind, they will begin intentionally provoking attacks from their companions, driving them away and attempting to force an emotional distance from any that remain close until one of them challenges and puts an end to their approach to madness. The Tr'zch give no reason for this sudden shift of personality, but many that know them realize after the challenge, that it was a merciful death at the hands of a friend rather than the hands of madness, and they died with honour instead of a prisoner of their own mind.

While all these things about madness and cunning seem to point towards self reliance and solitude, again the Tr'zch are a confusion in terms, for while they don't seek out companionship with their own kind, they do seek it in other clans, offering their skills as superior technicians and craftsmen in return for that companionship. Most clans accept them and their oddness, pitying or ignoring, but all agree that they are frighteningly loyal to what companions they choose. Not the most suitable of warriors, they are capable of fighting and are more than willing to die in defence or in the place of a companion. History has always shown the naming scheme of the Tr'zch is rather an oddness to itself. Rarely ever will you see a name of a Tr'zch that can actually be pronounced. They hold special significance to their given names, only writing their name without the vowels, creating some confusion and annoyance with a great many people, but such is their way. When forced to write an intelligible name, they will only write part of it. For instance, Malk'xeven would either write his name as Mlk'zvn or Malk, never the full name. To give one your full name is to give them power over you according to their beliefs, and to write ones full name where anyone can read it is just asking for trouble.

Clan traits: The only true way to identify a member of this clan is the true dominate mutation of the eyes. Rarely, if ever, does a member of this clan breed with its own kind, but the offspring always have the mismatched eyes of the Tr’zch. The left one Amethyst, the right one Emerald. The tint of the colours may change, from deep amethyst to a pale, from kelly green to jade, but the eyes are always the mark of chaos. Physically they vary in their traits as much as they do in their appearance, the only things remaining constant are their high technology (Above average in the majority of the technological skills, terrific in at least one of them) and a relatively high awareness. The T’zch are also known for their self reliance and solitude.

Clan totem: The only true totem this clan has is simply Chaos. It gives birth to them, grants them the minds of cunning and hands of ability, then receives them again in the end. It is sometimes said that they were once all sane and a unified clan, but that a single man, going by Chaos, struck the blow to their unity that gave them the freedom to go into that realm that others fear. The cry of Chaos gives them their freedom from fear of all kinds, deep space, the silent ocean, the darkest caves, even death holds not much more than another mystery from their eternally turbulent minds.

Main Article: Aliit_Tr'zch

Clan V'r'caah (check main article and delete info here if the same)

Clan Overview: Because only those possessing the most talent would depart from the clan lands for a military career, only those possessing great talent in their fields would be selected. As this would be a great honour, they serve with distinction, pushing to excel in whatever field they choose. They also bear the symbol of their clan on their uniform whenever possible, the symbol of a fierce, predatory cat (the Ktynga) pouncing, fangs and claws bared. - For males or females to be in the Mandalorian Navy, they would require a minimum of above average in the mechanical skills, with a terrific score in the piloting field of choice. Clan members are not renowned for being team players, and would very rarely wish to serve CapOps, as StarOps would provide more personal freedom. - Agile as the great hunting cats themselves, this should be reflected in a clan member's stats. Base level Dexterity should be high, concentrated in dodge (Average to above-average dodge for males, above average or higher dodge for females). Strength and awareness skills should be at least average, if not above that. - Technical and Knowledge skills would generally fall around what is considered average or just below average. Technical skills are not very enhanced in V'r'caah clan members, and as a whole, do not exceed average for any member of the clan. - - For the Army, males and females alike would require at the very least an above average brawling and blaster skill. Because of their cunning nature and affinity for the applications of hunting techniques, Clan V'r'caah members would most likely excel in the fields which require a stealthy approach more than merely brute strength and the use of large mechanized weaponry or highly technological devices.

Clan history: Great hunters of the western coast, the Clan V'r'caah are strong-willed, aggressive and ruthless. Predatory in nature, instincts controlling much of their actions, the members of this clan pride themselves in their hunting abilities, as well as their personal honour. Many families belong to the Clan V'r'caah, including the most well known of them all, the family Dra'kmus.

The clan is predominantly run by the females, the eldest females of each family of the clan forming what could be considered the coven or higher council for the clan. The eldest of the family Dra'kmus currently leads the clan, and is a direct descendant of the woman whom was of the original 5000 colonists and founded the clan here by the coast so long ago. Luu'naC'hki, was a strong willed woman, passionate about her cause and opinions. She gathered up the few she could who were willing and able to make the treacherous journey to the west, as her instincts told her only there would they find somewhere suitable to call home. She was the first to observe the dangerous predatory cats of the new found clan lands and live to tell about it, learning much from the large beasts and sharing what she knew with the others to aide in hunting the smaller creatures of the wilderness as a food source. This added source of food saved the clan from famine and near extinction in its early days, and later proved to be the most valuable skill passed down through the generations.

Even though the clan lands of the V'r'caah are civilized in nature, the clan continues to practice its hunting techniques and hone in on those instinctive skills, beginning early in youth. The young are taught the hunting ways of the Ktynga, (a fierce, predatory cat native to the areas of the western coast) as well as the Pna'kotic (a bird of prey which feeds on the creatures of the water by the clan lands), and are encouraged to hunt in this manner as often as opportunity arose. The females usually took to the hunting ways of the great cats, while the males more aptly pursued the ways of the large birds of prey.

The Family Dra'kmus has ruled the clan since it's founding on the Western coasts, the oldest living female of the family holding the position of Clan Leader and head of the Council of Elders. The offspring of the ruling line of Dra'kmus are raised to be strong and assertive, and are typically ruthless by nature. Within their clan, their strong qualities are what have kept them in the ruling line.

Clan traits: - Members of the clan V'r'caah are mainly dark-haired and green-eyed. - Females, on average, range in height from 5'7"-5'11". They prove to be lithe and stealthy enough to make considerably skilled huntresses when it comes to tracking and killing creatures of the land. The females have adapted to the hunting styles of the Ktynga and have, over the years, developed stronger nails and teeth of a slightly pointed nature, as well as other catlike behavioural traits and hunting instincts. The females are usually quick of thought and should be able to adapt well to their surroundings, and on occasion have proven to be fair pilots... not as much so, however, to rival the piloting skills of the males. Females of the descending line of Dra'kmus tend to carry the trait of blue eyes through the generations, and tend to mate with blue-eyed males to preserve this trait in their offspring. - Males, on average, range in height from 5'10" to 6'3". The males of the Clan V'c'raah tend to excel at working with the water, fishing and swimming mainly. They also prove to do well when working with any type of flight, as studying the hunting methods of the Craw-hawks and Pna'kotic (another bird of prey found predominantly on the Western Coasts) has given them a sense of wanderlust for the sky and stars. The males tend to have the broad shoulders of a swimmer, and keep their hair cut in a short style. - Members of both sexes display the characteristics of being possessive and territorial to a severe degree, especially over potential mates. By nature they are cold and ruthless, and have proven to be cold blooded killers. Despite all this, clan members are always loyal to their cause. The method by which individuals pair off to reproduce is a very ritualistic process where the female seeks out and hunts a male, and once he is secured in her control and his potential has been scouted out to the fullest extreme, she decides she is prepared to bear a child and does so. Females generally keep two or three males around for themselves during the time in which they are contemplating bearing a child, and are extremely possessive of these males, not allowing other females to even glance their way without some form of reproach. Females generally must have approval of the oldest living family female, the female that would generally hold a seat on the Council of Elders. This is not a requirement, but has been tradition and is usually upheld by personal choice. When a female of the family Dra'kmus chooses a male, he must be brought before the Council of Elders and approved of by the Clan Leader herself, as well as by the council. (Usually the council will support the Clan Leader's decision on this matter). Females are not encouraged to mate outside of the clan, and females of the line Dra'kmus are strictly forbidden to do so.

Clan Totem: The clan V’r’caah practically worship their ‘natural competition’ and this is why they learn to be like them. This is also why they carry the symbol depicting the great native hunting cat of their lands as their clan motif.

Main Article: Aliit_V'r'caah

Other Clans