Chiss Ascendancy

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This is about the current Chiss Ascendancy. You may be looking for:

Chiss Ascendancy
General Information
Status Active
Leader Aristocra Reius Rothschild
2IC Syndic Prard`aga Rono
Owner Aristocra Reius Rothschild
Historical Information
Founded Year 13 Day 312(as House Yar)
Political Information
Affiliation Neutral
Industry Shipwrigt firm
Holosite Chiss Ascendancy


The Chiss Ascendancy first came into existence as the Chiss, after many years of tribal fighting, chose peace and cooperation. Under the Ancient Chiss Ascendancy, the Chiss civilization grew and prospered. The “Golden Age” of the Chiss Ascendancy wasn’t to last, as fighting from both outside and inside, eventually caused the Ascendancy’s downfall. Many Chiss made their way off-world in hopes of preserving Chiss culture.

As the Exiles set forth in restoring the Ascendancy and Chiss culture. They faced many obstacles but eventually were able to restart the Chiss Ascendancy. As the years passed, the reborn Ascendancy reestablished the Council of Families, Parliament and the CEDF. Establishments that were lost to the Chiss for many years, now formed, as the new Chiss Ascendancy takes shape. The Chiss culture was once again brought back from the brink.

It is in the spirit of our ancestors that the Ascendancy opens its doors to the galaxy to sell premier ship for all occasion, to wage war or simply to cruise the galaxy in the best and most secure ship there is. We welcome all beings of the galaxy to join. As a neutral organization, we welcome all clients, and serve all on equal ground.


Ancient Chiss Ascendancy(5000 BCGT - xx BCGT)

This is the emblem of the Chiss Ascendancy, used by the 1st Chiss Ascendancy Government

The first Chiss Ascendancy known as the Ancient Chiss Ascendancy marked the start of Chiss Culture. It’s formation was the mark of the ending of tribal warfare and the beginning of Chiss prosperity. The Chiss before this time was broken up into multiple tribes that fought all the time over land and resources. The Ascendancy was born after three years of negotiating amongst each tribal collectives. The tribes then began to title themselves as Houses and pulled all their resources together.

The Ancient Chiss Ascendancy was the one responsible for the “Golden Age”. During this golden age, the Ascendancy sponsored many economic, scientific, and technological improvements. Many new trade partners and goods brought prosperity to the already booming economy on Csilla. Out of these programs came the Charric Technology. Soon enough the Charric technology was being applied to weaponry and once again the economy was given a giant boost.

The Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet (CEDF), was also created during this time both as a result of the discovery of Charric technology and the growing need to protect as well as expand. The Ancient Chiss Ascendancy inaugurated the new military into action. The fleet was first designated to defend Csilla as well as protect merchants in and out of Chiss Space. As the fleet grew though in size, it was ordered to colonize and explore. As a result of the massive amount of information coming in, the Ascendancy created the Chiss Expeditionary Library, and placed the CEDF in charge. The colonization brought many new star systems into the Ascendancy.

The ‘Golden Age’ would last for 5,000 years until the Chiss Civil Dispute that would destroy the Ancient Chiss Ascendancy.

2nd Chiss Ascendancy(Year 8 - Year 9)

This is the emblem of the Chiss Ascendancy, used by the 2nd Chiss Ascendancy Government

For more information:Chiss Ascendancy (Year 8),Chiss Ascendancy (Year 9)

The second Chiss Ascendancy was given the nickname the ‘Sith Ascendancy’ by Chiss historians since it was founded by a Dark Lord of the Sith Isoldor Storm. Isoldor Storm himself was trained and given the license to rule the mid rim worlds by then Galactic Emperor Vodo Bonias. In response to this new found power Storm then transformed his New Sith Order into the government titled ‘The 12 Colonies’. The 12 Colonies would go on to suffer many defeats and as a result morality hit a new low. Storm, while on Csilla during this time became fascinated with Chiss culture and made a deal with the Chiss Parliament. The Chiss Parliament would name him Chancellor of the Chiss Ascendancy and in turn the Parliament will stay in control. It continued like this until an assassin by the name of Lance Hawke killed Storm by a swift blaster bolt to the head.

After Storm’s death, the 12 Colonies broke up, but one splinter of the group stayed behind. The group led by Prard Al Kayrek, a Chiss pirate, took control of Storm’s assets, and transferred them to create a new group. This group would go by the name of Black Nebula. Black Nebula would go on to plunder what was left of the Chiss economy and infrastructure as well as disband Chiss Parliament.

3rd Chiss Ascendancy(Year 10)

For more information:Chiss Ascendancy (Year 10)

The Legitimists, who were a group of Chiss that had sided with the Sith regime of Storm. Made a last ditch attempt to revive their version of the Ascendancy. They created a group with help from Black Nebula, the legitimists would run Csilla but Black Nebula would rule only by name. The plans would eventually would fall apart as one member was accused as being a part of the pirate group, Eidola. Then a New Republic offensive attacked Csilla(see:Battle of Csilla).

It was during these times that Csilla was plunged into darkness and it would be years before a glimmer of hope would emerge.

4th Chiss Ascendancy(Year 11 - Year 13)

This is the emblem of The Fourth Chiss Ascendancy. According to Aristocra Carn`ilo` Sabosen, who commissioned the new logo, the black replacing the traditional white represents the tragic recent history of the Chiss people.

For more information: The Chiss Ascendancy, Chiss Ascendancy-in-Exile

The Fourth Chiss Ascendancy can trace it’s origin to the Chiss Society, a small social group made up of Chiss from all over the galaxy. After a while two members of the Society, Carn`ilo` Sabosen and Flar Gar started to work together to re-establish the Chiss Ascendancy. Many Chiss around the galaxy came to help support the rebuilding of the Chiss government. As the rebuilding began, a new Aristocra was appointed, Carn`ilo` Sabosen became the new leader for the rebirth of the Ascendancy. Under the leadership of Aristocra Sabosen, the CEDF and the Council of Families was reborn.

The Fourth Chiss Ascendancy had many challenges ahead of themselves. They founded a medical corporation to help fund the Ascendancy’s activities but after awhile faced betrayal by the General Minister Sye Montaris. After secretly selling the CEDF to suspicious parties(who then sold it to Karl Korne), Sye Montaris faked suicide to escape from Chiss Intelligence. Aristocra Sabosen decided it was time to move on and started to plan for the future.

On Year 11 Day 210, the Council of Families met and agreed with the Aristocra’s plan to create a new mining corporation, Chiss Material Extractions. CME was able to set up headquarters on their newly settled planet of Dayral, which became the first chiss colony. After awhile though there came to be internal disagreements between the two leaders, Aristocra Sabosen and Lord Flar Gar. As a result, CME became a separate entity from the Chiss Ascendancy.

Ideological Division

In order to differentiate from organisation led by Flar Gar, Aristocra Drak`ora Sabosen commissioned this new logo. The logo was designed by chiss artist Rachel Keiko-sho. Sabosen's only instructions were to create a more polished version of the traditional Chiss Ascendancy logo.

Chiss Materials Extractions continued to grow and expand, a rift began to develop. Carn`ilo` Sabosen carried the standard of adherence to traditional chiss cultural values , while Flar Gar accepted a more multicultural view.

Philosophically, Carn`ilo` Sabosen a Traditionalist, while Flar Gar is "Progressive"(favoring some changes to chiss culture in favor of adaptation).

Their divergent philosophies resulted in several controversies, which eventually rippled into the chiss community. Both men eventually gained some support.

In Year 12, perceiving that Flar Gar had mocked his vision of a revived Chiss Ascendancy, and that Flar was not leading Chiss Material Extractions in a more Traditionalist philosophy, Carn`ilo` Sabosen took action. He hired a bounty hunter. Flar Gar however heard by indirect means and trapped Carn`ilo` Sabosen On day 108, Carn`ilo` Sabosen was arrested and prepared to stand trial.

On day 109, after a controversial trial, Carn`ilo` Sabosen was put to death. His death equally controversial due to the chiss not preforming execution as a form of criminal punishment.

On the Progressive perspective rare exceptions was made possible. In this case it was due to Carn`ilo` Sabosen holding ownership of a share of stock. Potentially this was a security risk, Flar and others felt Carn`ilo` Sabosen could use to bring harm. At any rate it was generally agreed by those holding a progressive view that Carn'ilo' Sabosen could not be trusted, by taking hostle premeptive action, and added that to exile him was not an option.

Flar Gar felt that Carn`ilo` Sabosen on some level had became threat to chiss culture. This is despite the fact that Carn`ilo` Sabosen had also contributed in no small way to the reconstruction of chiss culture. In Gar's opinion, the extraordinary case had to be meet with extraordinary measures. Shortly after the execution, Chiss Material Extractions changed its name to 'The Chiss Ascendancy', frustrating the remaining traditionalists.

The traditionalists kept the name Sabosen had given their community:'Chiss Ascendancy-in-Exile' and insisted that the renaming is an usurpation, while Flar and the Progressives argue that 'The Chiss Ascendancy'(formerly Chiss Material Extractions) is the practical expression of Chiss community goals and have equal but not exclusive right to being called Chiss Ascendancy.

Flar Gar also claims that a core tenant of being progressive is that both the Chiss Ascendancy-in-Exile and The Chiss Ascendancy share equal right to the name because they both share the same historical genesis and hold goals that overlap, but differ in that the Chiss Ascendancy should not be for Chiss only. He argues that the Chiss are not irrational and while they might express xenophobic tendencies, in some peoples eyes, it would do the Chiss an injustice.

Matters Resolved

In a venture to cease all hostilities between our peoples and put an end to intra-species bickering. I would like to promote an offer of understanding and increased civility to our people.

The organizations known as The Chiss Ascendancy and Chiss Ascendancy-in-Exile have agreed to put their differences aside and work towards a more peaceful & less harmful correspondence towards each other."

-Flar Gar and Roeg`eri Csapla, Agreement of Civility(Year 12 Day 204)

It was this concern which led him to approach the Chiss Ascendancy-in-Exile with a proposal. After days of negotiation, both sides agreed to be more respectful and to cease the hostile correspondence that had occurred between them in the days following Day 109. While not a formal treaty, the agreement was meant to be a public signal to the Galaxy that the two groups were prepared to focus on developing Chiss Culture and prosperity, of which the hostility was a detracting factor.

On Day 284, after multiple rounds of negotiations, the Chiss Parliament was founded.It was to be a new cooperative effort and represented a turning point. Not only did it mark a new plan for the revival of Chiss Society, but it also represented the resurgence of the most famous Chiss Family in the Galaxy:House Nakesh, who made a name for themselves by being advocates and architects of the Chiss Parliament.

The success of the negotiations ultimately bore fruit on Day 319, when the Chiss Ascendancy-in-Exile announced it was merging with The Chiss Ascendancy.

The Fifth Chiss Ascendancy(Year 13 - Year 14 Day 129)

(see:Chiss Ascendancy (Year 13))

The rise of the Fifth Chiss Ascendancy had its roots in the Chiss Parliament. The Chiss Parliament was reorganized from a common assembly into a bicameral legislature where Houses had their representatives seated in the Chiss Cabinet, and five elected Senators in the Chiss Senate.

After ratifying a Charter, a Legal Code, and establishing the CEDF, the Senate began to falter as senators resigned to focus on other projects or disappeared altogether.

Into this lull, The Chiss Ascendancy released a bombshell: They were going to rename themselves. The name "Chiss Ascendancy" would once again be free for a new company to take. The former Fourth Chiss Ascendancy took the name Empire of the Hand and completed its adaptation of a multiculturistic view. Traditionalists rejoiced at the prospect of ending the confusion of what they saw as the true Chiss Ascendancy and Pretenders. Drak`ora Sabosen was almost ready when Simon Eusnomis announced that he was funding a friend who would make a Chiss Ascendancy bounty hunting company. The young Aristocra had 12 hours to create the company, which was already planned to focus on medical services.

After the Fifth Chiss Ascendancy was declared to the galaxy on day 164, the upcoming Senate election was suspended, which put the Parliament in a State of Limbo. A few notable Chiss were rewarded with Ambassadorships and became the first wave of dual citizens. similar to the program offered by the Avance Coalition, the Chiss Dual Citizenship Program grants all the benefits of citizenship to Chiss serving in other organisations,as long as those organisations were not hostile to the Ascendancy.

During the planning for the new company, it was decided that the Chiss Parliament was be reformed. The debate over reform eventually settled on a plan for a reorganization of the Chiss Ascendancy based on consensus.The result was to write a new Constitution to replace the flawed Charter written solely by House Sabosen. The process of doing this was to be known as the Chiss Convention and would be great accomplishment that would only be overshadowed by the fall of the Fifth Chiss Ascendancy.

Sixth Chiss Ascendancy(Year 14 Day 129-Present)

On Year 14 Day 129, the Chiss Parliament passed a motion to recognize House Yar as "Stewards of the Chiss Ascendancy" and that they would govern according to the Chiss Constitution.


Council of Families

The Council of Families, or Ruling Circle(as it has been called at some points in its history) is the central executive authority of the Ascendancy. Seated on the Council are the Aristocra of the Major Chiss Families. For a family to gain a seat it must meet the merit of power(accumulation of capital for the primary purpose of supporting the Ascendancy) and virtue of service(legitimate development of an organisation) conditions of the Chiss Constitution. Exiled Families are forbidden to hold a seat on the Council of Families.

Chiss Parliament

The Chiss Parliament is the sole legislature of the Chiss Ascendancy. Each Chiss House(that has not been exiled) is granted two seats: one for their Aristocra and one for a democratically elected senator. An Aristocra serves until death or resignation and must be Chiss. A Senator has a 90 day term(or until resignation or removal) and cannot be an Aristocra. One of the Senators is elected to the presiding officer of the Parliament, the Crahsyndic. The Crahsyndic serves a term of 90 days(or until death, resignation, or removal)and must be Chiss. It is the Parliament that determines the passage of Chiss law, the entry or exile of a Chiss House, and other legislative affairs. Unlike the Council of Families, you may be a dual citizen to be a member of parliament, which has allowed chiss working for other employers to contribute to the Chiss Parliament and Chiss Society at large.

Chiss Houses

Chiss Sages

Chiss Force Sages, also known as "Sages", are a rare, but not unheard of, sect within the Chiss, comprised of those of the Chiss people who have been awakened to the living Force; "Force Sensitives", by the Galaxy's standards. Chiss Sages generally tend to intermingle with non-sensitive Chiss people, rather than cloistering themselves off with their own kind.

In philosophy, the Sages take on a stoic, observatory nature , favoring full insight into the nature of affairs before choosing an action. This often makes the Sages appear to lack direction or motivation, in truth, they simply wait for things to play out, making a move only when it has been deemed prudent. That being said, the Sages, upon making a decision, generally stick firmly to it as being a correct path, and are often regarded as being wise and calculating, as well as exuding an aura of confidence in their choices.

In practice, the Sages favor the same; seeking to incapacitate or disorient an opponent first and foremost, only resorting to kill when no other viable pathway is present. Their stoic nature tends to show itself in combat, as a Sage's guard is hard to break; and their attack, relentless. When an Sage chooses to defend themselves, or press the advantage, everything is thrown into that action for the moment. Sages often become more reliant on their use of weaponry or hand-to-hand combat rather than force abilities, but has been known to combine force techniques with saber strikes with stunning results. The Sage avoids what is deemed "unnecessary force" if at all possible- becoming overcome with one's rage and passion in the heat of battle is seen simply as a lack of control; one that should be corralled and dealt with rather than embraced.

The Force grants the Sages extraordinary mental and physical vision to accentuate the stratagems of the Chiss. Whereas the Chiss as a people already are formidable in the area of naval command, an Sage's command of the Battle Meditation technique propels them to even greater heights, allowing for near flawless execution of naval maneuvers. In addition, the Sage's physical vision and attentiveness is often augmented as well, gifting them with extraordinarily long vision, and often, the ability to preemptively feel events in the near future, particularly arrivals to the Sage's position. Whereas an Sage is liable to receive many insights, internal decisions often prevent them from acting upon what is seen, choosing to let what they have seen occur, for better or for worse. This behavior can be attributed to a general feel that the Sages are often unconcerned and disinterested; disjointed from society, for they know what will happen and yet do nothing about it.

Beyond that, Sages often differ from each other in terms of being "light" or "dark". Many favor a quick, aggressive use of force powers once it has been decided as prudent, favoring basic manipulation of fear, or the much more brutal restricting of airways to quickly incapacitate their opponents. These dark Sages are often quicker to decide a life or death fate than light Sages, and hold absolutely nothing back when assaulting their opponents. However, they still avoid lightning and the collateral damage it causes if at all possible, as well as the life drain ability. Light Sages, on the other hand, tend to be a great deal more ponderous. Lacking the quick aggressive force powers of the Dark Sages, Light Sages tend to focus almost completely upon lightsaber mastery for attack. A Light Sage's guard is legendary, for they are more apt to protect themselves and others, striking only when it is sure to bring an end to a confrontation. Light Sages practically radiate a strong, bright aura, but are also known to throw incredibly strong pushes, and are quite often known to be healers as well.

Chiss Force Sages are, above all, members of Chiss society and race, and strive to simply improve the Chiss. Like most Chiss, they have a great loyalty to their own houses, and view the life of a fellow Chiss to be sacred, not to be taken if any other pathway is available.

The origin of the Chiss Sages is unknown, but they may predate the First Chiss Ascendancy.A very small portion of the Chiss population were revealed to possess superior reflexes, enhanced focus, and even accurate prediction abilities. As the Chiss were unaware of "the Force", the abilities were characterized as gifts from their ancient deities or "the ancestors".

An encounter with a collective of Sith circa 1000BCGT allowed for the opportunity to learn how to use and construct lightsabers. Only when adegan(the unique crystal used in lightsabers) deposits were discovered in Chiss space did the Chiss sages began to train with lightsabers.As the Ascendancy began to collapse , the Sages began to train with lightsabers exclusively, even forming the "Sacred Phalanx", who also trained with the Sarvchi Colonial Phalanx as pilots. The next year, they would turn on those who had trained them in the Sarvchi Civil War.
