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Tomas o`Cuinn (talk | contribs)
extensive history retcon
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{|  style="border: 1px solid grey; padding: 1px; margin: 5px; width: 25%; float: right; font-size: 11px;"
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|  width="100%" colspan="2" style="background-color: #21314c; font-size: 16px; text-align: center;" | <font color=white>'''Tomas o`Cuinn'''</font>
|  width="100%" colspan="2" style="background-color: #21314c; font-size: 16px; text-align: center;" | <font color=white>'''Tomas o`Cuinn'''</font>
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|  width="69%" | [[Gree (System)|Gree]] [[system]]
|  width="69%" | [[Gree (System)|Gree]] [[system]]
|  width="31%" valign="top" | '''Close Family'''
|  width="69%" | Maeveen o`Cuinn (''mother'') †<br>Culain o`Cuinn (''father'') †<br>Kelwyn o`Cuinn (''brother'')<br>Kelton o`Cuinn (''brother'')<br>[[Victor o`Cuinn]] (''nephew'')
|  width="31%" valign="top" | '''Spouse'''
|  width="31%" valign="top" | '''Spouse'''
|  width="69%" | Unknown
|  width="69%" | Unknown
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|  width="31%" valign="top" | '''Born'''
|  width="31%" valign="top" | '''Born'''
|  width="69%" | Year 30 ([[BCGT]])
|  width="69%" | Year 55 ([[BCGT]])
|  width="31%" valign="top" | '''Languages'''
|  width="31%" valign="top" | '''Languages'''
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|  width="31%" valign="top" | '''Quote'''
|  width="31%" valign="top" | '''Quote'''
|  width="69%" | "If a man paints a target on his chest, he should expect that sooner or later someone will take the shot."
|  width="69%" | "If a man paints a target on his chest, he should expect that sooner or later someone will take the shot."
|  width="31%" valign="top" | '''Networth'''
|  width="69%" | 4,801,346,114 [[File:AurebeshSans-Serif credit.png]] (calculated with market values)
|  width="100%" colspan="2" style="background-color: #21314c; text-align: left;" | <font color=white>'''Physical Description'''</font>
|  width="100%" colspan="2" style="background-color: #21314c; text-align: left;" | <font color=white>'''Physical Description'''</font>
Line 72: Line 65:
|  width="31%" valign="top" | '''Prior Affiliation'''
|  width="31%" valign="top" | '''Prior Affiliation'''
|  width="69%" | [[GenoHaradan]] (Marshal)<br>[[Black Sun]] (Director)<br>[[Hyrotii Corporation]] (Chief Operations Officer)<br>[[Black Sun|Black Watch]] (Intelligence Officer)
|  width="69%" | [[GenoHaradan]] (Marshal)<br>[[Black Sun]] (Director)<br>[[Hyrotii Corporation]] (Chief Operations Officer)<br>[[Black Sun|Black Watch]] (Intelligence Officer)<br>Cuy'val Dar (Ruus'alor)
|  width="31%" valign="top" | '''Awards'''
|  width="31%" valign="top" | '''Awards'''
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|  width="69%" | [[File:Cuinn Signature.png]]
|  width="69%" | [[File:Cuinn Signature.png]]
[[Tomas o`Cuinn]] is a well-known entrepreneur with extensive galactic interests, strongly focusing on starship trafficking and military strategy, and currently serves as the Vice President of the [[Gree Trade Authority]] corporation, Governor of the [[Gree (System)|Gree]] [[system]] and Patriarch of the Cuinn Family. He is also a Ruus'alor of the [[Mandalorian]] [[:Category:Mandalorian Clans|clan]] [[Aliit Dael'mor|Dael'mor]], a citizen of the [[Trade Federation]] and a veteran [ sabacc] player, having both won and lost fortunes while playing the high-stakes game. He originally gained widespread recognition for his profit-driven trading career along with galactic notoriety for his public position with the [[Black Sun|Black Sun]] crime syndicate before being forced out of the organization in [[Year 14|Year 14]] ([[CGT]]). He originally gained widespread recognition for his profit-driven trading career along with galactic notoriety for his public position with the [[Black Sun|Black Sun]] crime syndicate before being forced out of the organization in [[Year 14|Year 14]] ([[CGT]]). Cuinn served as the leader of [[GenoHaradan]] from the 208th to the 267th day of [[Year 15]] ([[CGT]]), after which he resigned and founded the [[Gree Trade Authority]].

[[Tomas o`Cuinn]] is a well-known entrepreneur with extensive galactic interests, strongly focusing on planetary infrastructure and starship trafficking, and currently serves as the Vice President of the [[Gree Trade Authority]] corporation, Governor of the [[Gree (System)|Gree]] [[system]] and Patriarch of the Cuinn Family. He is also a [[Mandalorian]] convert of the [[:Category:Mandalorian Clans|clan]] [[Aliit Dael'mor|Dael'mor]], a citizen of the [[Trade Federation]] and a veteran [ sabacc] player, having both won and lost fortunes while playing the high-stakes game. He originally gained widespread recognition for his profit-driven trading career along with galactic notoriety for his public position with the [[Black Sun|Black Sun]] crime syndicate before being forced out of the organization in [[Year 14|Year 14]] ([[CGT]]). Cuinn served as the leader of [[GenoHaradan]] from the 208th to the 267th day of [[Year 15]] ([[CGT]]), after which he resigned and founded the [[Gree Trade Authority]].

==The Mandalorian Training Sergeant==
[[File:CuinnHolocron2.png|200px|left|thumb|Working as an architect on [[Kiffex]]]]
:"''You're the best in your field—the best soldiers, tacticians, sappers, communicators, survival experts. I picked you personally because I want you to train the best commandos in the galaxy. You'll have everything you need, whatever you want, except one thing—home. This is a top-secret project. You'll not tell anyone where you're going and you'll not leave Kamino, ever. As far as your friends and family are concerned, you're already dead.''"
Born sometime in Year 30 ([[BCGT]]) to parents Culain and Maeveen on the [[planet]] of [[Charubah]], Tomas o`Cuinn was the oldest of three children; Kelton and Kelywn were born four and six years later. The Cuinn family owned a successful real estate business that allowed the three kids to enjoy a privileged childhood among a number of uncles, aunts and cousins. An adolescent interest in architecture would lead Tomas to attend the [[Charubah|University of Charubah]], where he would graduate with honors in Year 6 ([[BCGT]]) with an advanced degree in architectural engineering. With little interest in eventually taking over the family business, he would accept a design position with an intergalactic architecture firm that allowed him to remain at home on [[Charubah]]. An interest of traveling the galaxy and personally experiencing different cultures would eventually take root, leading him to request an off world assignment just a few years later. His firm readily approved his request, sending Tomas to assist with a contract on the distant war-torn world of [[Kiffex]].
:::- ''Cuy'val Dar'' leader, recruiting his men
[[File:Cuinn6.png|150px|left|thumb|Commandos on a simulated mission, guided by Tomas' training]]

The [[Kiffar]] are a historically violent people, continuously fighting amongst themselves while harboring an intense distrust of outsiders. The lack of collaboration among the [[Kiffar]] had limited their technological development, leading many of the southern clans, much wealthier and culturally refined than their northern kinsmen, to seek advanced designs for their estates and cities from other worlds. Thus, a certain intergalactic architecture firm won the consulting bid and dispatched a number of experienced personnel, including Tomas, to oversee the contract. Unbeknown to them, however, [[Kiffex]] was controlled from the shadows by the [[Black Sun]] crime syndicate, who did not appreciate business being conducted in their territory without their approval and a cut of the profit. To express their displeasure, they abducted Tomas’ team and dumped them inside a specialized prison.
Per the earliest relevant records, Tomas o`Cuinn, 20 years old, served as the youngest of seventy-five [[Mandalorian]] members of the ''Cuy'val Dar'' - ''[[Mando'a]]'' for "Those Who No Longer Exist" - which was formed to train the clone commandos for the [[Galactic Republic]] on the watery world of [[Kamino]] in Year 35 ([[BCGT]]). For close to ten years, Tomas and the other members of the ''Cuy'val Dar'' served as training sergeants for the elite clone commandos of the Grand Army. These battle-proven sergeants taught the ten thousand commandos in a variety of ways, including teamwork, infiltration methods, demolition techniques, assassination and much more. Along with imparting their combat prowess and tactical skills, the [[Mandalorian]] trainers also included their cultural customs and way of life, believing it important that the clones know of their heritage - especially since their genetic template was a prominent [[Mandalorian]] - despite objections from the [[Kaminoan|Kaminoans]]. When the [[Confederacy of Independent Systems]] launched attacks against the [[Galactic Republic]] in the Sumitra and Centrality sectors in Year 25 ([[BCGT]]), the previously secret clone troopers were revealed and organized into the Grand Army of the [[Galactic Republic|Republic]]; this newly organized army was immediately deployed in response to the attacks. Thus begins the Clone Wars. With their contract ended, many of the ''Cuy'val Dar'' departed [[Kamino]] and returned to their former lives, though a few remained to train future generations of clones; Tomas was among those who left.

Designed as a death camp for the most unruly of [[Kiffex|Kiffex's]] criminals, the prison served as a source of revenue for the syndicate via underground gambling on broadcasted fights between prisoners. Eager to maximize their profit, the syndicate would train the prisoners in basic forms of melee combat and self-defense - a match between knowledgeable and experienced fighters drew more bets than a clumsy and one-sided brawl. As an incentive to promote enthusiastic fighting and overall bloodshed, the prisoners were regularly promised the chance to earn their freedom by making the syndicate a specific amount of galactic credits via outside bets on their personal victories. The more violent the fight, the more bets would pour in. While a few did allegedly earn their freedom, the majority voluntarily marched towards their looming death while clinging to strands of hope. The enslaved fighters were referenced by their family names, and as such, Tomas became known simply as Cuinn.
Despite having fulfilled the decade-long training mission, Tomas was far too duty-oriented to take any sort of vacation and, as such, soon accepted a contract on an obscure [[Outer Rim]] [[planet|world]]; the job consisted of a physical security consultation for the relatively unimportant planet's government. A hideout had been recently established in the natural caves of the planet's mountains and had already proved to be a threat as the enforcers of the newly-arrived criminal organization, known as -'''REDACTED'''-, began raiding the lightly-defended towns. The planet's militia was poorly trained and equipped - a far cry from the force required to ensure security and drive the unwanted raiders off of the planet. When the criminal enforcers began to invade and seize control of entire towns, the government sought aid from the [[Galactic Republic]], but, as a non-member, their pleas were all but ignored - largely due to the start of the Clone Wars. When the government, with nowhere else to turn, began offering contracts to mercenaries for their assistance, Tomas o`Cuinn answered the call.

Though he had truly enjoyed a privileged childhood, one of the core concepts in Cuinn's family was that every member should be capable of defending themselves and one another. To this end, combat training sessions preempted by and followed with relaxed meditation were daily rituals for the family younglings, with focused intensity increasing as age increased. Each individual was expected to achieve an intermediate understanding and ability in the family's chosen martial art, [ Teräs Käsi], which favored speed and the anticipation of strikes over brute force. Due to this childhood training, Cuinn experienced little difficulty in defending himself against his roughly trained opponents, though his reluctance to strike offensively quickly led to regular beat downs by the syndicate enforcers as a strictly defensive fighter brought few bets. Typically employing [ knucklers] and [ CS-12 Stun Masters], the relentlessly brutal beatings swiftly wore down Cuinn's resolve and strength, leading to mistakes and additional pain during the broadcasted fights he was still forced into. Eventually the torture and stress built to levels he was unable to tolerate, causing a massively violent psychotic break during a melee. Mercilessly executing his aggressor, Cuinn continued to blindly brutalize the man's body before being pulled off by armored guards, though their reward was the immediate focus of his uncontrolled rage. He was quickly taken down by a blaster, set to stun, following their savage demise.
Realizing that a simple consultation was far from sufficient, Tomas renegotiated the contract and set to training the militiamen in combat techniques that would prove effective when harassing a larger and better-equipped force. Over the course of almost a year, the militia learned to operate as small squads capable of rapid movement, using the terrain and darkness of night to engage in unconventional warfare against the overconfident force of organized raiders who, through their shared combat experience and uniquely strict leadership hierarchy, acted almost the same as a conventional army. To demonstrate that their hostile actions would no longer be tolerated and that the militia was capable of hurting them, Tomas instructed them in irregular and psychological warfare such as guerrilla tactics and booby traps. Taught to gather intelligence prior to any operation, the militiamen would strike rapidly at the enemy forces and disappear just as quickly, injuring or killing and sowing confusion among the criminal ranks. Coupling this with strategically-placed booby traps proved effective in decreasing morale and introducing fear into the gang's soldiers, limiting their combat capacity and ending their aggressive advances against the planet's towns.

Cuinn awoke refreshed, having released much of his anger and stress, in a strangely dark room. A chair under him and a table to the front, he slowly took in his surroundings as he recalled what had happened. Only realizing that someone was sitting across from him when they spoke, he soon came to discover that he was being vetted.
[[File:Cuinn7.png|200px|left|thumb|Cuinn engaged in jungle reconnaissance, Year 22 ([[BCGT]])]] As Year 23 ([[BCGT]]) rolled around, the criminal force's advance had been effectively stopped, and Tomas switched strategy and worked to turn the militia - now swelling with experience and confidence earned from success - into a highly-disciplined and effective military force. Just as the new training regime was beginning, however, -'''REDACTED'''- quietly brought in its heavy hitters along with reinforcements to deal with the planet's unexpected resistance to subjugation. A surprise orbital bombardment on the militia's "hidden" training base caught the unsuspecting Tomas off guard, bringing the entire compound down around him and his trainees. Tomas, mortally-wounded from the structure collapsing on him, was recovered by -'''REDACTED'''- enforcers. With the knowledge that he had been the source of their troubles on the planet, local -'''REDACTED'''- leadership made the decision to keep Tomas alive - only long enough to suffer for his insolence. To this end, his shattered arms were amputated and replaced with basic cybernetic limbs, though they were useless for all but the most basic of tasks. A Lornan implant was installed into his brain to regulate his body's electrical current, since it was now incapable of doing such naturally. A cheap ear implant was installed to recover his diminished hearing - they figured he should have to suffer his own screams. His lungs, damaged beyond repair by the chemical asphyxiation and smoke inhalation caused by the bombardment, were removed and replaced with a cybernetic pair. His damaged eyes and other injuries, however, weren't deemed as life-threatening. [[File:Aftermath.png|right|thumb|Aftermath of the orbital bombardment]]

===Black Sun===
After the string of surgeries and a brief stint in a bacta tank, Tomas was deemed fit to undergo an extensive program of systematic torture, attacking a specific area of the body at a time over the course of several months - always fixed up overnight in a bacta tank for the fresh treatment of pain the following day. This regulated torture lasted for two years, until -'''REDACTED'''- leadership decided the expense was no longer worth the continued punishment and opted to turn Cuinn into a trophy, displayed publicly to serve as a visible reminder of what happened to those who crossed them. The most effective process turned out to be carbon-freezing, with the design-intended tibanna gas being replaced with a [[Mandalorian]] named Tomas. He would hang on display for almost a decade, in the carbon-induced state of suspended animation, until the normal turnover of leadership resulted in his transgressions being forgotten and the outdated carbonite figure being removed and discarded.
====Family. Honor. Profit.====
[[File:CuinnHolocron4.png|left|thumb|230px|The [[Black Sun]] Enforcer]]
Though initially recruited as a small-time enforcer, much of Cuinn's extensive history within the [[Black Sun]] crime syndicate had been shrouded in secrecy. Since his departure from the organization, he has released some of the details regarding his employment. What is known is that he is a veteran of both the [ Woldona VII] and [[Malicar_II_(Planet)|Malicar II]] development projects, constructing homes and jobs for more than 155 billion civilians and creating over 1.05 billion credits in additional monthly revenue for the syndicate. He also fought against the [[United_Rebel_Front|United Rebel Front]] during the Battle of [ Axxila], securing complete control of the [ Ciutric Sector]. He also served as the Chief Operating Officer of the (now defunct) [[Hyrotii Corporation]] for some time, providing assistance to his good friend [[Rexan Vyrim]] during a period of increased raw material requirements. Cuinn personally re-wrote the [[Black Sun]] [ Code of Conduct], expanding its coverage and refining the format for an increased understanding, along with designing the entire training program that turned inexperienced recruits into knowledgeable and efficient members. He served as middle ground between the Family Council and junior members, handling various personnel issues and relaying council orders throughout the chain of command. Near the end of his career with the syndicate, Cuinn was the highest ranking officer and headed up the ("Indoctrination") Recruitment and Training division, while also working as an intelligence officer and senior member of [[Black Sun|Black Watch]].

Shortly after the [[Black Sun]] takeover of [[Xanxus Drol|Xanxus Drol’s]] company, [[The Guild Bank]], in early-to-mid [[Year 14|Year 14]] ([[CGT]]), Cuinn publicly sold off hundreds of the seized assets for vastly reduced prices compared to the market standard at the time. Cuinn's sales, even at reduced pricing, resulted in a net profit of almost 2 billion galactic credits for [[Black Sun]]. He was rewarded with a portion of the profits and an extra promotion for his role in the affair along with quickly accomplishing the massive amount of additional work without issue. The large number of sales and unusually low pricing also helped to build his public presence in the trading community.

His proven loyalty and dedicated work ethic were rewarded numerous times by both Dark Prince [[Banquo Knox]] and Dark Princess [[Cait Catra]]. Despite a career demanding nothing short of respect, one of [[Alexander von Ismay|Alexander von Ismay’s]] initial moves as the newly-appointed Dark Prince was to force Cuinn out of the syndicate on the 354th day of [[Year 14]] ([[CGT]]).
==Family. Honour. Profit.==
[[File:CuinnHolocron4.png|left|thumb|150px|The [[Black Sun]] Enforcer]]While it is not public knowledge what happened after his carbonite frame was discarded, Cuinn eventually emerged as an officer for the [[Black Sun]] crime syndicate. While his history with the syndicate was shrouded in secrecy, many of the details have been released since his expulsion from the organization in [[Year 14]] ([[CGT]]). Originally recruited as a small-time enforcer, Tomas quickly worked his way up the ranks by producing results through sheer dedication and a hands-on work style. Most of his earned salary went towards improving his cybernetics, gradually returning the range of physical capabilities he'd enjoyed decades before. Of his career in [[Black Sun]], what is known is that he is a veteran of both the [ Woldona VII] and [[Malicar_II_(Planet)|Malicar II]] development projects, constructing homes and jobs for more than 155 billion civilians and creating over 1.05 billion credits in additional monthly revenue for the syndicate. He also fought against the [[United_Rebel_Front|United Rebel Front]] during the Battle of [ Axxila], securing complete control of the [ Ciutric Sector]. He also served as the Chief Operating Officer of the (now defunct) [[Hyrotii Corporation]] for some time, providing assistance to his good friend [[Rexan Vyrim]] during a period of increased raw material requirements. Cuinn personally re-wrote the [[Black Sun]] [ Code of Conduct], expanding its coverage and refining the format for an increased understanding, along with designing the entire training program that turned inexperienced recruits into knowledgeable and efficient members. He served as middle ground between the Family Council and junior members, handling various personnel issues and relaying council orders throughout the chain of command. Near the end of his career with the syndicate, Cuinn was the highest ranking officer and headed up the ("Indoctrination") Recruitment and Training division, while also working as an intelligence officer and senior member of [[Black Sun|Black Watch]].

Shortly after the [[Black Sun]] takeover of [[Xanxus Drol|Xanxus Drol’s]] company, [[The Guild Bank]], in early-to-mid [[Year 14|Year 14]] ([[CGT]]), Cuinn publicly sold off hundreds of the seized assets for vastly reduced prices compared to the market standard at the time. Cuinn's sales, even at reduced pricing, resulted in a net profit of almost 2 billion galactic credits for [[Black Sun]]. He was rewarded with a portion of the profits and an extra promotion for his role in the affair along with quickly accomplishing the massive amount of additional work without issue. The large number of sales and unusually low pricing also helped to build his public presence in the trading community.
After he was forced out of [[Black Sun]] in [[Year 14]] ([[CGT]]), Cuinn returned home to [[Charubah]] for the first time in over a decade. He reunited with his family and contemplated retirement, having amassed more than enough credits to comfortably live out the remainder of his life. This comfort and relaxation was cut short with an assassination attempt on his life early in [[Year 15]] ([[CGT]]).

[[File:Aftermath.png|250px|right|thumb|Destruction caused by thorium charges]]
His proven loyalty and dedicated work ethic were rewarded numerous times by both Dark Prince [[Banquo Knox]] and Dark Princess [[Cait Catra]]. Despite a career demanding nothing short of respect, one of [[Alexander von Ismay|Alexander von Ismay’s]] initial moves as the Dark Prince usurper was to force Cuinn out of the syndicate on the 354th day of [[Year 14]] ([[CGT]]). [[Alexander von Ismay|Alexander]] followed this by blacklisting and declaring Cuinn an enemy of [[Black Sun]] on the first day of [[Year 15]] ([[CGT]]).
A trio of would-be assassins infiltrated Cuinn’s family estate, intent on quietly executing him with blade-like precision before destroying the entire compound with [ thorium charges]. Their failure to take ''Failinis'', his warfare-trained [ vornskr], into account would prove to be their downfall. Their successful entrance into Cuinn’s sleeping chambers was rewarded by the angry vornskr, its whip-like tail subduing one while sharp teeth bit into the throat of another. Awakened instantly by the noise, Cuinn had grabbed his durasteel [ sword] and immediately engaged the remaining assassin. His years of practice and training proved to be more than a match for his opponent as Cuinn managed to disarm his attacker's [ vibroblade], but this only caused the desperate assassin to prematurely detonate a dozen thorium charges placed around the estate. The resulting explosion ravaged the area, collapsing the building and killing many of the occupants – both of Cuinn’s parents, five cousins, three uncles, two aunts and a number of family retainers. Cuinn was dragged from the still-collapsing facility by his vornskr and recovered by his brother, Kelwyn.

He awoke a few weeks later in the [[Athakam MedTech]] hospital Kelwyn had rushed him to. Groggy from pain medication and the long slumber, he slowly realized that his arms felt quite differently than he recalled. The medical staff explained the extent of his injuries, including the advanced cybernetic arms that had replaced the badly damaged limbs remaining after the explosion. His left eye had been ripped apart by shrapnel and removed, a cybernetic replacement installed in its place. Fifty percent of his body had been covered by second-degree burns, his chest and arms receiving the majority. Though his arms had been replaced entirely, his chest dermis and epidermis had been supplanted permanently with [ synthskin]. Later conversations with his surviving family would lead to the reviewing of holorecords and the recovered bodies of the assassins, though Cuinn already recognized the tactics due to his extensive experience in [[Black Sun]] operations. The forensic tests confirmed what Cuinn suspected – the trio were members of the criminal syndicate, his former employer. Alucard Tepes, a long-term [[Black Sun|Blades]] officer, had led the two lower-ranking members, Monte Kase and Ryan Skirata, in the operation. Cuinn had been blacklisted and declared an enemy of [[Black Sun]] by [[Alexander von Ismay]] on the first day of [[Year 15|Year 15]] ([[CGT]]), the same day as the attempt on his life.

Furious over the attack, Cuinn arranged future protection for his remaining family through [[GenoHaradan]] and focused his attention entirely on their operations. His experience as a [[Black Sun|Black Watch]] intelligence officer proved to be quite useful coupled with his [[File:CuinnHolocron3.png|250px|left|thumb|Many a day was spent plotting revenge]] knowledge of [[Black Sun|Black Sun's]] operations. He was even able to utilize his expertise in architectural engineering by designing the new shield networks that protect [[GenoHaradan]] facilities, along with designing the facilities themselves.
Soon after his expulsion from the syndicate by the usurper, Cuinn partnered with the [[GenoHaradan]] paramilitary organization, along with contracting the [[:Category:Mandalorian Clans|Mandalorian clan]] [[Aliit Dael'mor|Dael'mor]], to seize control of the [[Gree (System)|Gree]] [[system]] from [[Black Sun]]. Due to the internal confusion due to [[Alexander von Ismay|Alexander]] seizing the throne, the syndicate's soldiers in [[Gree (System)|Gree]] were unaware that Tomas o`Cuinn, [[Cait Catra]], [[Niobe Asha]], and [[Nyarlathotep Alaks]] were no longer members of [[Black Sun]], resulting in the rapid detainment and deportation of all syndicate forces from the [[system]]. With the non-violent removal of enemy troops, the defensive emplacements and military equipment invested in by [[Black Sun]] were easily re-purposed for use by [[GenoHaradan]]. When the expected counterattack failed to occur, control of the system was turned over to the newly-established system government, the [[Gree Trade Authority]]. It turned out that the leadership of both the [[Black Sun|Blades of the Prince]] and [[Black Sun|Black Watch]] was gutted by a paranoid [[Alexander von Ismay|Alexander]] attempting to consolidate control.

Using the intelligence they had taken, the [[GenoHaradan]] were instrumental in removing [[Black Sun]] forces from the [[Gree (System)|Gree System]] and turning control over to a newly formed system government, the [[Gree Trade Authority]]. [[Nyarlathotep Alaks|Nyar]] and Cuinn, now full-time [[GenoHaradan]] operatives, persuaded their colleagues to contract the [[:Category:Mandalorian Clans|Mandalorian clan]] [[Aliit Dael'mor|Dael'mor]], led by their close friends and former Dark Princesses [[Cait Catra]] and [[Niobe Asha]], to assist with taking and holding the system from a plausible counterattack, but the criminal syndicate never managed to respond. In exchange for their assistance and continued support, the local government agreed to allow [[GenoHaradan]] to freely operate out of the [[Gree (System)|Gree System]]. Syndicate leader [[Alexander von Ismay]] posted a news article informing [[the galaxy]] that the [[system]] was a gift to the leadership who had handed him his throne.<ref>[ The Sun Will Always Burn (Posted by Alexander von Ismay on Year 14 Day 351)]</ref> Later on, [[Alexander von Ismay|Alexander]] would contradict himself and state that the gifts had actually been stolen, declaring a select number of [[GenoHaradan]] and [[Aliit Dael'mor|Dael'mor]] members as enemies of [[Black Sun]].<ref>[ Black Sun Trade Ban List]</ref>
In exchange for their assistance and continued support, the local government agreed to allow [[GenoHaradan]] and [[Aliit Dael'mor|Dael'mor]] to operate freely out of the [[Gree (System)|Gree System]]. Syndicate leader [[Alexander von Ismay]] posted a news article informing [[the galaxy]] that the [[system]] was a gift to the leadership who had handed him his throne.<ref>[ The Sun Will Always Burn (Posted by Alexander von Ismay on Year 14 Day 351)]</ref> Later on, [[Alexander von Ismay|Alexander]] would contradict himself and state that the gifts had actually been stolen, declaring a select number of [[GenoHaradan]] and [[Aliit Dael'mor|Dael'mor]] members as enemies of [[Black Sun]].<ref>[ Black Sun Trade Ban List]</ref>

===Gree Trade Authority===
Realizing that his grief could never be repaired with anger and death, Cuinn resigned from his position within the [[GenoHaradan]] organization a few months after the liberation of the [[Gree (System)|Gree]]. Working closely with the newly independent citizens of the system, he helped found the [[Gree Trade Authority]] as a system-based government focused on promoting economic growth, allowing him to focus on new creations instead of the destruction of his previous employer. Accepting a generous employment offer from the freshly formed [[Gree (System)|Gree]] leadership council, Cuinn stepped into the role of Chairman and focused on rebuilding the infrastructure that was suppressed during the criminal syndicate's occupation. Designing a massive network of cities, he tasked the [[Gree Trade Authority]] with developing the planets in the system. Though their focus was on vastly expanding the residential and industrial systems, every opportunity was taken to strengthen the aging defensive emplacements on each of the planets.

=Supplemental Information=
==Gree Trade Authority==
Even with [[Black Sun]] incapable of mounting a campaign to retake the system, Cuinn accepted a position with the [[Gree Trade Authority]] as a security consultant to ensure that the syndicate would never be able to overcome the system's defensive capabilities. He immediately set himself to designing and overseeing construction on a series of shield networks and anti-orbital weapon platforms on each of the [[Gree (System)|Gree]] [[planet|planets]] whilst simultaneously ordering the fabrication of new defensive and early warning space stations along the [[system|system's]] outer perimeter. His efforts were recognized when the [[Gree Trade Authority]], lacking any experienced leadership, offered him the chairman position to oversee the entirety of the [[system|system's]] development and operations. He switched his focus toward rebuilding the infrastructure that was suppressed during [[Black Sun|Black Sun's]] lengthy occupation. Using his knowledge from the [ Woldona VII] and [[Malicar_II_(Planet)|Malicar II]] development projects, he tasked the [[Gree Trade Authority|Authority]] with developing [[Gree IV]], promoting increased immigration, tourism, and intersystem commerce.

[[File:CuinnHolocron5.png|200px|left|thumb|Chairman of the [[Gree Trade Authority]]]]
Cuinn is a [[Hapan]] [[Category:Males|male]] of standard build standing 1.79 meters in height, rather unimposing and disarming in appearance. Both of his arms have been replaced by advanced cybernetic prosthetics while the dermis and epidermis of his chest have been permanently supplanted with synthskin due to extensive second-degree burns. Prior to the burns and subsequent skin replacement, his torso had worn a lifetime of scars from years spent training and fighting. After the assassination attempt in [[Year 15]] ([[CGT]]), there are only few moments where he will shed the protection of his custom-forged set of [ heavy battle armour] and [ helmet], though it is usually worn beneath either a synthetic business suit or [ Morellian oilcoat]. An [[Galactic Empire|Imperial]]-built [[Nightstinger|Nightstinger sniper rifle]] hangs on his back, held by a sling around his torso. His custom-forged blade hangs from his belt, sheathed on the right hip. To complement the [[Nightstinger]]’s range and his sword’s melee, Cuinn carries a pair of modified [ ELG-3A] blasters, one strapped to his left thigh and the other on the rear of his belt.
[[File:Cuinn Hunt.png|300px|right|thumb|Recklessly testing his combat prowess against a [[krayt dragon]]]]

Cuinn formed numerous naval fleets to defend the system and ensure the safety of all citizens and visitors; chief among these is the impressive [[Aliit Dael'mor|Dael'mor]] fleet that remains to help deter future counterattacks, formed around the former [[Black Sun]] [[Imperial Star Destroyer|Imperial-class]] and [[Victory Star Destroyer|Victory-class]] [[Star Destroyer|Star Destroyers]] captured during the liberation of the [[Gree (System)|Gree]] [[system]]. Supporting these fleets is a multi-tiered ring of defensive [[space station]]s of varying designs, including the Ataturk-class and Golan models I & II, placed in strategic locations throughout [[Gree (System)|Gree]]. Placed along the outer edges of the [[system]], a ring of XQ1-series platforms serve as customs checkpoints, an advanced warning system and the initial line of defense against pirates or other would-be invaders. Each of these platforms is supported by a [[Corona-class frigate|''Corona''-class frigate]] and shelters two starfighter squadrons - one comprised of [[Y-wing]]s and the other of [[R-41 Starchasers|R-41 starchasers]] - for defense.

His business dealings with the [[:Category:Mandalorian Clans|Mandalorian clan]] [[Aliit Dael'mor|Dael'mor]] only proved to strengthen Cuinn's interest in the [[Mandalorian]] [ culture]. Guided by [[Cait Catra]] and [[Niobe Asha]], he adopted the [[Mandalorian]] way of life and began adhering to the [ Resol'nare], though he would neither receive invitation nor request membership of any aliit. Standing dar'tome and without any vode, he would adopt a ramikadyc and title of Ruus'alor, intent to carve his own path in the galaxy. Eventually the relationship between [[Aliit Dael'mor|Dael'mor]] and Cuinn would intensify and evolve, leading to an invitation of membership. He readily accepted, joining the secluded [[:Category:Mandalorian Clans|Mandalorian clan]] and taking the offered seat at their table.

Though only recently a [[Mandalorian]] convert, Cuinn has spent a lifetime engaging in training and combat, the experience of which allowed him to easily adjust to the warrior culture. To keep his skills honed, he has hunted a number of different species of dangerous animals such as [[krayt dragon]]s, [[acklay]]s and [[reek]]s. While employed by [[Black Sun]], he also volunteered for security patrols with The Blades, their military division, and has taken the same practice up with the [[Gree Trade Authority]]’s security and law enforcement department.

=Supplemental Information=
===Educational Background===
[[File:CuinnHolocron6.png|200px|left|thumb|The Galactic Businessman]]
Cuinn's adolescent interest in architectural engineering led him to the [[Charubah|University of Charubah]] where he pursued and eventually earned an advanced degree in the field, graduating an entire standard year early and at the top of his class. He was able to draw on this education in the future, working for [[Black Sun]] to build homes and jobs for more than 155 billion people. Cuinn is currently using this experience to spearhead a development program in the [[Gree (System)|Gree]] system, creating residences and places of employment for the rapidly expanding population of immigrants and refugees on the gaseous world [[Gree I]], where over 1 billion new civilians have been taken in and absorbed into the local communities.
Cuinn is a [[Hapan]] [[Category:Males|male]] of standard build standing 1.79 meters in height, rather unimposing and disarming in appearance. Both of his arms have been replaced by advanced cybernetic prosthetics while the dermis and epidermis of his chest have been permanently supplanted with synthskin due to extensive second-degree burns and blunt impact damage. Prior to the burns and subsequent skin replacement, his torso had worn a half-lifetime of scars from years spent training and fighting. Very rarely will he shed the protection of his custom-forged set of [ heavy battle armour] and [ helmet], and it is usually worn beneath either a synthetic business suit or [ Morellian oilcoat]. An [[Galactic Empire|Imperial]]-built [[Nightstinger|Nightstinger sniper rifle]] hangs on his back, held by a sling around his torso while his custom-forged blade hangs from his belt, sheathed on the right hip. To complement the [[Nightstinger]]’s range and his sword’s melee, Cuinn carries a pair of modified [ ELG-3A] blasters, one strapped to his left thigh and the other on the rear of his belt.
* [[Year 6|Year 6]] ([[BCGT]]): Advanced (Eight Year) Degree in Architectural Engineering ([[Charubah|University of Charubah]])
[[File:Cuinn Hunt.png|300px|right|thumb|Recklessly testing his combat prowess against a [[krayt dragon]]]]

===Trading Career===
===Trading Career===
Cuinn’s trading career began with [ the sale] of a [ Nu-Class Attack Shuttle], which was gifted to him, to Leah Asalah on the 331th day of [[Year 13]] ([[CGT]]). He immediately adopted a profit-based business model and used the liquid capital from his initial sale to jump start a starship trafficking business, purchasing derelict vessels for a fraction of their value and restoring them for resale. Since then, his trading business’ [ public records] indicate that he has earned more than four billion credits in net profit. Cuinn’s quarterly business reports, however, suggest he has made almost twice that amount. Whatever his actual income, the number is presumably vastly inflated due to the widely-fluctuating market value of starships and his assignment from [[Black Sun]] to sell off [[The_Guild_Bank|The Guild Bank's]] assets in [[Year 14]] ([[CGT]]). As of the 122nd day of [[Year 16]] ([[CGT]]), Cuinn has personally moved more than 29,000,000,000 credits through the [ Centrepoint Market] in 625 individual business transactions. [[File:CuinnHolocron6.png|200px|right|thumb|The Galactic Businessman]]
Cuinn’s trading career began with [ the sale] of a [ Nu-Class Attack Shuttle], which was gifted to him, to Leah Asalah on the 331th day of [[Year 13]] ([[CGT]]). He immediately adopted a profit-based business model and used the liquid capital from his initial sale to jump start a starship trafficking business, purchasing derelict vessels for a fraction of their value and restoring them for resale. Since then, his trading business’ [ public records] indicate that he has earned more than ten billion credits in net profit. Cuinn’s quarterly business reports, however, suggest he has made almost twice that amount. Whatever his actual income, the number is presumably vastly inflated due to the widely-fluctuating market value of starships and his assignment from [[Black Sun]] to sell off [[The_Guild_Bank|The Guild Bank's]] assets in [[Year 14]] ([[CGT]]). As of the 266th day of [[Year 16]] ([[CGT]]), Cuinn has personally moved more than thirty three billion credits through the [ Centrepoint Market] in over six hundred individual business transactions.

===Armor & Armament===
===Armor & Armament===
Though heavily outfitted, Cuinn believes in surrounding himself with trustworthy and security-oriented allies since the assassination attempt on his life. A highly cohesive unit of veteran [[Abyssin]] soldiers, twelve-strong, serves as his personal escort while in public and otherwise vulnerable locations. His personal [ Droideka], nicknamed Ver'gebuir, is his constant companion and bodyguard regardless of location.
Though heavily outfitted, Cuinn believes in surrounding himself with trustworthy and security-oriented allies; a highly cohesive unit of veteran [[Abyssin]] soldiers, twelve-strong, serves as his personal escort while in public and otherwise vulnerable locations. His personal [ Droideka], nicknamed Ver'gebuir, is his constant companion and bodyguard regardless of location.

Line 167: Line 149:
* Custom-forged durasteel (9093-T7511 grade) [ sword] infused with [ phrik] and based on [ Echani] design
* Custom-forged durasteel (9093-T7511 grade) [ sword] infused with [ phrik] and based on [ Echani] design
* Military-grade [[Nightstinger|Nightstinger sniper rifle]]
* Military-grade [[Nightstinger|Nightstinger sniper rifle]]
* Duo [ ELG-3A] blaster pistols, modified with shorter barrel lengths
* Dual [ ELG-3A] blaster pistols, modified with shorter barrel lengths
* Custom-built [ cybernetic arms] (major strength increase & armored hull) covered with [ Synthskin]
* Custom-built [ cybernetic arms] (major strength increase & armored hull) covered with [ Synthskin]
* Trained War-[ Vornskr], "''Failinis''"
* [ Destroyer droid] "''Ver'gebuir''" (Galactic Droid Registry #168263)
* [ Destroyer droid] "''Ver'gebuir''" (Galactic Droid Registry #168263)

===Naval Fleet===
<!-- removed the following section (Personal Assets), but keeping the information here for future reference.===Naval Fleet===
Throughout his lifetime, Cuinn has managed to accrue a sizable fortune that partially serves as funding for his growing collection of rarer-than-usual starships. His naval fleet is not listed on any government registry and maintains no standard prefix, but every ship boasts a name in the Mando'a language and typically a paint scheme of dark steel and green, though a few of the ships maintain their own unique image. The following ships are just a few of the more noteworthy craft:
Throughout his lifetime, Cuinn has managed to accrue a sizable fortune that partially serves as funding for his growing collection of rarer-than-usual starships. His naval fleet is not listed on any government registry and maintains no standard prefix, but every ship boasts a name in the Mando'a language and typically a paint scheme of dark steel and green, though a few of the ships maintain their own unique image. The following ships are just a few of the more noteworthy craft:

Line 192: Line 173:
[[File:Cuinn Ship3.png|Ke'gyce Keldab]][[File:MTC S.png|Ruusaar be Parjai]][[File:Bayo S.png|Karyai Mar'e]][[File:Bayo S2.png|Oribru Mirshmure'cya]][[File:Sundered Heart L.png|Ranov'la Udes]][[File:Corona L.png|Taab'echaaj'la Vod]][[File:Lancer S.png|Can'gal Mirshmure'cya]][[File:Tabder S.png|Nuhaatyc Orilin]][[File:Cuinn Defender.png|Bes'uliik be Gra'tua]][[File:Cuinn Ship2.png|Ramikadyc T'ad]][[File:Sentinel L.png|Beskaryc Birikad]][[File:AWing S1.png|Hodasal be Iviin'yc]][[File:Razor S.png|Bralir Burcyan]]
[[File:Cuinn Ship3.png|Ke'gyce Keldab]][[File:MTC S.png|Ruusaar be Parjai]][[File:Bayo S.png|Karyai Mar'e]][[File:Bayo S2.png|Oribru Mirshmure'cya]][[File:Sundered Heart L.png|Ranov'la Udes]][[File:Corona L.png|Taab'echaaj'la Vod]][[File:Lancer S.png|Can'gal Mirshmure'cya]][[File:Tabder S.png|Nuhaatyc Orilin]][[File:Cuinn Defender.png|Bes'uliik be Gra'tua]][[File:Cuinn Ship2.png|Ramikadyc T'ad]][[File:Sentinel L.png|Beskaryc Birikad]][[File:AWing S1.png|Hodasal be Iviin'yc]][[File:Razor S.png|Bralir Burcyan]]

<!-- removed the following section (Personal Assets), but keeping the information here for future reference.
*'''[[Veltraa-Class Cruiser|Veltraa-class cruiser]]'''
*'''[[Veltraa-Class Cruiser|Veltraa-class cruiser]]'''
**"'''[[Ke'gyce Keldab]]'''"  
**"'''[[Ke'gyce Keldab]]'''"  
Line 245: Line 226:

<!-- This family tree was created by Tomas o`Cuinn. I used a sample made by Rupert Havok along with wikipedia instructions.
===Lineage of the Cuinn Family===
===Lineage of the Cuinn Family===
<!-- This family tree was created by Tomas o`Cuinn. I used a sample made by Rupert Havok along with wikipedia instructions.
Line 278: Line 259:
<!-- removed the following section (Lineage of the Cuinn Family), but keeping the information here for future reference.
{{familytree/start|style=background:#0C3248;|summary=Cuinn Family}}
{{familytree/start|style=background:#0C3248;|summary=Cuinn Family}}
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* <b>- - -</b> Adopted
* <b>- - -</b> Adopted
* <b>†</b> Deceased
* <b>†</b> Deceased

[[File:Cuinn End.png|center|A rare moment of respite]]
[[File:Cuinn End.png|center|A rare moment of respite]]

Revision as of 03:05, 23 August 2015

Tomas o`Cuinn
Biographical Information
Race Hapan / Cyborg
Homeworld Charubah
Residence Gree system
Spouse Unknown
Children Unknown
Born Year 55 (BCGT)
Languages Fluent: Galactic Basic, Hapan, Mando'a
Limited: Binary, Huttese
Religion Manda
Quote "If a man paints a target on his chest, he should expect that sooner or later someone will take the shot."
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 1.79 meters
Weight 200lbs (90kg)
Eye Color Blue/Green
Hair Color Brown
Political Information
Political Standing Neutral
Citizenship Trade Federation (level 1)
Affiliation Gree Trade Authority
Positions Vice President of the Gree Trade Authority
Vice President of the Gree Mining Authority
Ruus'alor of clan Dael'mor
Governor of the Gree system
Patriarch of the Cuinn Family
Prior Affiliation GenoHaradan (Marshal)
Black Sun (Director)
Hyrotii Corporation (Chief Operations Officer)
Black Watch (Intelligence Officer)
Cuy'val Dar (Ruus'alor)
Awards No formal awards
Numerous rewards for loyalty and dedication

Tomas o`Cuinn is a well-known entrepreneur with extensive galactic interests, strongly focusing on starship trafficking and military strategy, and currently serves as the Vice President of the Gree Trade Authority corporation, Governor of the Gree system and Patriarch of the Cuinn Family. He is also a Ruus'alor of the Mandalorian clan Dael'mor, a citizen of the Trade Federation and a veteran sabacc player, having both won and lost fortunes while playing the high-stakes game. He originally gained widespread recognition for his profit-driven trading career along with galactic notoriety for his public position with the Black Sun crime syndicate before being forced out of the organization in Year 14 (CGT). He originally gained widespread recognition for his profit-driven trading career along with galactic notoriety for his public position with the Black Sun crime syndicate before being forced out of the organization in Year 14 (CGT). Cuinn served as the leader of GenoHaradan from the 208th to the 267th day of Year 15 (CGT), after which he resigned and founded the Gree Trade Authority.


The Mandalorian Training Sergeant

"You're the best in your field—the best soldiers, tacticians, sappers, communicators, survival experts. I picked you personally because I want you to train the best commandos in the galaxy. You'll have everything you need, whatever you want, except one thing—home. This is a top-secret project. You'll not tell anyone where you're going and you'll not leave Kamino, ever. As far as your friends and family are concerned, you're already dead."
- Cuy'val Dar leader, recruiting his men
Commandos on a simulated mission, guided by Tomas' training

Per the earliest relevant records, Tomas o`Cuinn, 20 years old, served as the youngest of seventy-five Mandalorian members of the Cuy'val Dar - Mando'a for "Those Who No Longer Exist" - which was formed to train the clone commandos for the Galactic Republic on the watery world of Kamino in Year 35 (BCGT). For close to ten years, Tomas and the other members of the Cuy'val Dar served as training sergeants for the elite clone commandos of the Grand Army. These battle-proven sergeants taught the ten thousand commandos in a variety of ways, including teamwork, infiltration methods, demolition techniques, assassination and much more. Along with imparting their combat prowess and tactical skills, the Mandalorian trainers also included their cultural customs and way of life, believing it important that the clones know of their heritage - especially since their genetic template was a prominent Mandalorian - despite objections from the Kaminoans. When the Confederacy of Independent Systems launched attacks against the Galactic Republic in the Sumitra and Centrality sectors in Year 25 (BCGT), the previously secret clone troopers were revealed and organized into the Grand Army of the Republic; this newly organized army was immediately deployed in response to the attacks. Thus begins the Clone Wars. With their contract ended, many of the Cuy'val Dar departed Kamino and returned to their former lives, though a few remained to train future generations of clones; Tomas was among those who left.

Despite having fulfilled the decade-long training mission, Tomas was far too duty-oriented to take any sort of vacation and, as such, soon accepted a contract on an obscure Outer Rim world; the job consisted of a physical security consultation for the relatively unimportant planet's government. A hideout had been recently established in the natural caves of the planet's mountains and had already proved to be a threat as the enforcers of the newly-arrived criminal organization, known as -REDACTED-, began raiding the lightly-defended towns. The planet's militia was poorly trained and equipped - a far cry from the force required to ensure security and drive the unwanted raiders off of the planet. When the criminal enforcers began to invade and seize control of entire towns, the government sought aid from the Galactic Republic, but, as a non-member, their pleas were all but ignored - largely due to the start of the Clone Wars. When the government, with nowhere else to turn, began offering contracts to mercenaries for their assistance, Tomas o`Cuinn answered the call.

Realizing that a simple consultation was far from sufficient, Tomas renegotiated the contract and set to training the militiamen in combat techniques that would prove effective when harassing a larger and better-equipped force. Over the course of almost a year, the militia learned to operate as small squads capable of rapid movement, using the terrain and darkness of night to engage in unconventional warfare against the overconfident force of organized raiders who, through their shared combat experience and uniquely strict leadership hierarchy, acted almost the same as a conventional army. To demonstrate that their hostile actions would no longer be tolerated and that the militia was capable of hurting them, Tomas instructed them in irregular and psychological warfare such as guerrilla tactics and booby traps. Taught to gather intelligence prior to any operation, the militiamen would strike rapidly at the enemy forces and disappear just as quickly, injuring or killing and sowing confusion among the criminal ranks. Coupling this with strategically-placed booby traps proved effective in decreasing morale and introducing fear into the gang's soldiers, limiting their combat capacity and ending their aggressive advances against the planet's towns.

Cuinn engaged in jungle reconnaissance, Year 22 (BCGT)

As Year 23 (BCGT) rolled around, the criminal force's advance had been effectively stopped, and Tomas switched strategy and worked to turn the militia - now swelling with experience and confidence earned from success - into a highly-disciplined and effective military force. Just as the new training regime was beginning, however, -REDACTED- quietly brought in its heavy hitters along with reinforcements to deal with the planet's unexpected resistance to subjugation. A surprise orbital bombardment on the militia's "hidden" training base caught the unsuspecting Tomas off guard, bringing the entire compound down around him and his trainees. Tomas, mortally-wounded from the structure collapsing on him, was recovered by -REDACTED- enforcers. With the knowledge that he had been the source of their troubles on the planet, local -REDACTED- leadership made the decision to keep Tomas alive - only long enough to suffer for his insolence. To this end, his shattered arms were amputated and replaced with basic cybernetic limbs, though they were useless for all but the most basic of tasks. A Lornan implant was installed into his brain to regulate his body's electrical current, since it was now incapable of doing such naturally. A cheap ear implant was installed to recover his diminished hearing - they figured he should have to suffer his own screams. His lungs, damaged beyond repair by the chemical asphyxiation and smoke inhalation caused by the bombardment, were removed and replaced with a cybernetic pair. His damaged eyes and other injuries, however, weren't deemed as life-threatening.

Aftermath of the orbital bombardment

After the string of surgeries and a brief stint in a bacta tank, Tomas was deemed fit to undergo an extensive program of systematic torture, attacking a specific area of the body at a time over the course of several months - always fixed up overnight in a bacta tank for the fresh treatment of pain the following day. This regulated torture lasted for two years, until -REDACTED- leadership decided the expense was no longer worth the continued punishment and opted to turn Cuinn into a trophy, displayed publicly to serve as a visible reminder of what happened to those who crossed them. The most effective process turned out to be carbon-freezing, with the design-intended tibanna gas being replaced with a Mandalorian named Tomas. He would hang on display for almost a decade, in the carbon-induced state of suspended animation, until the normal turnover of leadership resulted in his transgressions being forgotten and the outdated carbonite figure being removed and discarded.

Family. Honour. Profit.

The Black Sun Enforcer

While it is not public knowledge what happened after his carbonite frame was discarded, Cuinn eventually emerged as an officer for the Black Sun crime syndicate. While his history with the syndicate was shrouded in secrecy, many of the details have been released since his expulsion from the organization in Year 14 (CGT). Originally recruited as a small-time enforcer, Tomas quickly worked his way up the ranks by producing results through sheer dedication and a hands-on work style. Most of his earned salary went towards improving his cybernetics, gradually returning the range of physical capabilities he'd enjoyed decades before. Of his career in Black Sun, what is known is that he is a veteran of both the Woldona VII and Malicar II development projects, constructing homes and jobs for more than 155 billion civilians and creating over 1.05 billion credits in additional monthly revenue for the syndicate. He also fought against the United Rebel Front during the Battle of Axxila, securing complete control of the Ciutric Sector. He also served as the Chief Operating Officer of the (now defunct) Hyrotii Corporation for some time, providing assistance to his good friend Rexan Vyrim during a period of increased raw material requirements. Cuinn personally re-wrote the Black Sun Code of Conduct, expanding its coverage and refining the format for an increased understanding, along with designing the entire training program that turned inexperienced recruits into knowledgeable and efficient members. He served as middle ground between the Family Council and junior members, handling various personnel issues and relaying council orders throughout the chain of command. Near the end of his career with the syndicate, Cuinn was the highest ranking officer and headed up the ("Indoctrination") Recruitment and Training division, while also working as an intelligence officer and senior member of Black Watch.

Shortly after the Black Sun takeover of Xanxus Drol’s company, The Guild Bank, in early-to-mid Year 14 (CGT), Cuinn publicly sold off hundreds of the seized assets for vastly reduced prices compared to the market standard at the time. Cuinn's sales, even at reduced pricing, resulted in a net profit of almost 2 billion galactic credits for Black Sun. He was rewarded with a portion of the profits and an extra promotion for his role in the affair along with quickly accomplishing the massive amount of additional work without issue. The large number of sales and unusually low pricing also helped to build his public presence in the trading community.

His proven loyalty and dedicated work ethic were rewarded numerous times by both Dark Prince Banquo Knox and Dark Princess Cait Catra. Despite a career demanding nothing short of respect, one of Alexander von Ismay’s initial moves as the Dark Prince usurper was to force Cuinn out of the syndicate on the 354th day of Year 14 (CGT). Alexander followed this by blacklisting and declaring Cuinn an enemy of Black Sun on the first day of Year 15 (CGT).


Soon after his expulsion from the syndicate by the usurper, Cuinn partnered with the GenoHaradan paramilitary organization, along with contracting the Mandalorian clan Dael'mor, to seize control of the Gree system from Black Sun. Due to the internal confusion due to Alexander seizing the throne, the syndicate's soldiers in Gree were unaware that Tomas o`Cuinn, Cait Catra, Niobe Asha, and Nyarlathotep Alaks were no longer members of Black Sun, resulting in the rapid detainment and deportation of all syndicate forces from the system. With the non-violent removal of enemy troops, the defensive emplacements and military equipment invested in by Black Sun were easily re-purposed for use by GenoHaradan. When the expected counterattack failed to occur, control of the system was turned over to the newly-established system government, the Gree Trade Authority. It turned out that the leadership of both the Blades of the Prince and Black Watch was gutted by a paranoid Alexander attempting to consolidate control.

In exchange for their assistance and continued support, the local government agreed to allow GenoHaradan and Dael'mor to operate freely out of the Gree System. Syndicate leader Alexander von Ismay posted a news article informing the galaxy that the system was a gift to the leadership who had handed him his throne.[1] Later on, Alexander would contradict himself and state that the gifts had actually been stolen, declaring a select number of GenoHaradan and Dael'mor members as enemies of Black Sun.[2]

Gree Trade Authority

Even with Black Sun incapable of mounting a campaign to retake the system, Cuinn accepted a position with the Gree Trade Authority as a security consultant to ensure that the syndicate would never be able to overcome the system's defensive capabilities. He immediately set himself to designing and overseeing construction on a series of shield networks and anti-orbital weapon platforms on each of the Gree planets whilst simultaneously ordering the fabrication of new defensive and early warning space stations along the system's outer perimeter. His efforts were recognized when the Gree Trade Authority, lacking any experienced leadership, offered him the chairman position to oversee the entirety of the system's development and operations. He switched his focus toward rebuilding the infrastructure that was suppressed during Black Sun's lengthy occupation. Using his knowledge from the Woldona VII and Malicar II development projects, he tasked the Authority with developing Gree IV, promoting increased immigration, tourism, and intersystem commerce.

Cuinn formed numerous naval fleets to defend the system and ensure the safety of all citizens and visitors; chief among these is the impressive Dael'mor fleet that remains to help deter future counterattacks, formed around the former Black Sun Imperial-class and Victory-class Star Destroyers captured during the liberation of the Gree system. Supporting these fleets is a multi-tiered ring of defensive space stations of varying designs, including the Ataturk-class and Golan models I & II, placed in strategic locations throughout Gree. Placed along the outer edges of the system, a ring of XQ1-series platforms serve as customs checkpoints, an advanced warning system and the initial line of defense against pirates or other would-be invaders. Each of these platforms is supported by a Corona-class frigate and shelters two starfighter squadrons - one comprised of Y-wings and the other of R-41 starchasers - for defense.

Supplemental Information

The Galactic Businessman


Cuinn is a Hapan of standard build standing 1.79 meters in height, rather unimposing and disarming in appearance. Both of his arms have been replaced by advanced cybernetic prosthetics while the dermis and epidermis of his chest have been permanently supplanted with synthskin due to extensive second-degree burns and blunt impact damage. Prior to the burns and subsequent skin replacement, his torso had worn a half-lifetime of scars from years spent training and fighting. Very rarely will he shed the protection of his custom-forged set of heavy battle armour and helmet, and it is usually worn beneath either a synthetic business suit or Morellian oilcoat. An Imperial-built Nightstinger sniper rifle hangs on his back, held by a sling around his torso while his custom-forged blade hangs from his belt, sheathed on the right hip. To complement the Nightstinger’s range and his sword’s melee, Cuinn carries a pair of modified ELG-3A blasters, one strapped to his left thigh and the other on the rear of his belt.

Recklessly testing his combat prowess against a krayt dragon

Trading Career

Cuinn’s trading career began with the sale of a Nu-Class Attack Shuttle, which was gifted to him, to Leah Asalah on the 331th day of Year 13 (CGT). He immediately adopted a profit-based business model and used the liquid capital from his initial sale to jump start a starship trafficking business, purchasing derelict vessels for a fraction of their value and restoring them for resale. Since then, his trading business’ public records indicate that he has earned more than ten billion credits in net profit. Cuinn’s quarterly business reports, however, suggest he has made almost twice that amount. Whatever his actual income, the number is presumably vastly inflated due to the widely-fluctuating market value of starships and his assignment from Black Sun to sell off The Guild Bank's assets in Year 14 (CGT). As of the 266th day of Year 16 (CGT), Cuinn has personally moved more than thirty three billion credits through the Centrepoint Market in over six hundred individual business transactions.

Armor & Armament

Though heavily outfitted, Cuinn believes in surrounding himself with trustworthy and security-oriented allies; a highly cohesive unit of veteran Abyssin soldiers, twelve-strong, serves as his personal escort while in public and otherwise vulnerable locations. His personal Droideka, nicknamed Ver'gebuir, is his constant companion and bodyguard regardless of location.

A Matter of Race (Metamorphosis Plague)

It is unknown whether Cuinn was personally affected when the Metamorphosis Plague raged across the galaxy in Year 14 (CGT). However, numerous reports from routine security scans have since surfaced with varying results in regards to his DNA. These conflicting scans, all between Year 14 and Year 15 (CGT), have classified him as Amani, Anx, Anzati, Diathim, Gotal, Kaleesh and Whiphid. While his physical appearance is obviously that of a Human [[::Category:Males|male]], Cuinn has said simply that he was injected with an experimental DNA scrambler while working as an operative for Black Watch, the purpose of which was to mask his identity from enemy detection and prevent collection and/or manipulation of his DNA. While this claim isn't likely to be proven anytime soon, there are a number of rumors in circulation about Cuinn's actual race, the most interesting of which suggests that he is actually Clawdite. He has dismissed these rumors as silliness, publicly maintaining that he is simply a true-born Human of Hapan ancestry.

A rare moment of respite
A rare moment of respite


Vice President (Gree Trade Authority)
Preceded By:
Arika Cavoh
Tomas o`Cuinn
Day 214 — Present
Succeeded By:
Lord (Rennokk)
Preceded By:
Position Created
Tomas o`Cuinn
Day 126Day 214 of Year 16 (CGT)
Succeeded By:
Position Abolished
Chairman, President and CEO (Gree Trade Authority)
Preceded By:
Position Created
Tomas o`Cuinn
Day 267 of Year 15Day 214 of Year 16 (CGT)
Succeeded By:
Arika Cavoh
Governor (Gree system)
Preceded By:
Position Created
Tomas o`Cuinn
Day 203 of Year 15 (CGT) — Present
Succeeded By:
Marshal (GenoHaradan)
Preceded By:
Nyarlathotep Alaks
Tomas o`Cuinn
Day 208Day 267 of Year 15 (CGT)
Succeeded By:
Director of Indoctrination (Black Sun)
Preceded By:
Corwyn Zythor
Tomas o`Cuinn
Day 324 of Year 13Day 354 of Year 14 (CGT)
Succeeded By:
Position Abolished