Lilith Delcroix

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Lilith Delcroix
Biographical Information
Race Hapan (infected with Amani Plague)
Homeworld Unknown Regions
Mother Amelia Delcroix
Father Elenar Delcroix
Partner Jecal Nadrihm
Siblings None
Children None
Born Year -8 Day 177
Quote "Make profit, not war."
Physical Description
Gender Female
Height 1.68 meters
Hair Color Black, red, blond
Eye Color Amber
Political Information
Affiliation Trade Federation, House Soyak-Ikron
Title Sovereign Countess
Rank Director
Positions Sovereign of Vorsia Companion
Director of Vorsia Gearworks
Knight-Headmaster of Evocati
Chief Archivist
Avance Coalition citizen
Prior Affiliation Dark Skies Gearworks
House Valeo
Royal House James of Hapes
Dael`mor Logistics
Black Sun
"Stand in the ashes of a dying world, and ask the ghosts if honour matters. It is all we have left."

Lilith Delcroix, also known by her full name Countess Lilith Delcroix of Vorsia, was born in Year -8 Day 177 (23 years old) by the Combine Galactic Time. She is the current sovereign of Vorsia Companion and Director of Vorsia Gearworks recycling company. Born in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy, Lilith grew up as a child of nobility with Hapan ancestry. As part of the upper class she received the best education since young age. Later, the political scene of her home-system was where she discovered her affinity and talent for business and management. Due to a series of complicated and unfortunate events that ended her career, Lilith left her home in a risky trip to the known galaxy. Giving in to the temptation of the underworld, she became a member of the Black Sun crime syndicate where she lasted almost a year before retiring. Soon after Lilith returned to her business roots when she became a full-time Retainer in the Royal House James of Hapes and after almost two years of service created the Dark Skies Gearworks with help of Cait Catra. As the company established itself Lilith connected with neutral governments and became part of House Soyak-Ikron of the Avance Coalition. In Year 14, weeks after closing down her company Lilith joined the Trade Federation to lead their newest nationalized company. She is also renowned artisanal starship designer with a reputation spanning the galaxy.


Little Flower

Crest of House Delcroix.

Despite carrying the child and giving birth, Amelia Delcroix was not struck by motherly love as perhaps would have been expected. Amelia’s passion was work and politics, she was not very interested in raising a family but having an heir was a useful tool in the web of nobility. House Delcroix struggled to have a child for many years, so when Amelia became pregnant it was a joyous occasion. The joy, however, lasted only until the birth because Amelia did not wish for a girl. In contrast to the mother, Elenar, the father was delighted to have a child. Lilith was named after wild lilies, the most common flower in the estate’s gardens and part of the House crest. The day Lilith was born was 177 of Year -8. Amelia would have had the girl raised by maids and servants, and so Elenar took it upon himself to care for Lilith in her earliest years whenever time allowed him and did his best to make up for the lack of mother’s affection.

As a child of nobility, Lilith was pampered by luxury and everything she needed was provided. To an outsider it would appear as the perfect way to grow up, however much was expected from her since very early age and if it wasn’t for her father, Lilith would not know the love of a parent. To no surprise, over the years Lilith grew much closer to Elenar than to her mother. Since the time she could walk and talk, Amelia was trying to have Lilith educated in manners of nobility and expected nothing less than perfection. Education of young noble women involved more practical lessons as opposed to academic. Manners and etiquette were of importance, including how to curtsey and how to mix with the other noble Houses.

Lilith hated all of it. Learning how to dress and dance, or being told about the Code of Chivalry and Courtly Love was a waste of time in her young eyes. She had no desire to mingle with the pompous nobles and more than once stormed off in middle of an important event. The academic and business classes she preferred a lot more. It led to many arguments between her and Amelia. Besides her father, Lilith was close to only one other person; Jacqueline de`Lorraine. She was a year older than Lilith and they attended lessons together. Lilith called her Jack because when she was younger, she had difficulty pronouncing her friend’s full name. House de`Lorraine, Jack’s family, were of similar political standing and neighbours to House Delcroix. There was very little rivalry between them and nothing interfered with the friendship between their children.

Despite having almost opposite personalities, Jack and Lilith grew inseparable and spent most of their free time together. It was common for them to spend as long as days in home of the other, though Lilith was more frequently visiting Jack in their home because she didn’t enjoy being around Amelia when Elenar was away. Unlike Lilith, Jack was happy to follow the more traditional lessons of what young noble woman should be, while Lilith did everything she could to get out of them and spend more time learning what she enjoyed. She took full advantage of her father’s kindness, there was little he denied to her and often excused her from the practical lessons; to the frustration of Amelia. She cared less about what her daughter wanted and more about Lilith’s rebellious behaviour reflecting on their family’s reputation.

Born to Rule

Lilith's father, Count Elenar Delcroix.

The dissension between Lilith and Amelia began to escalate after Lilith’s fifteenth birthday. A she grew older, much of her views were changing and she was even less accepting of the traditional image of young noble woman her mother wanted her to be. Elenar was not happy about the dispute between his wife and daughter; it was burdensome enough to run a noble House without worrying why Lilith wasn’t often home. His demanding position made it difficult to take care of both his family and responsibilities. In attempt to diffuse the situation and spend more time with Lilith again, Elenar decided to end the practical lessons and teach his daughter in duties of an heir in addition to the business classes. Like every other noble House, Delcroix estate held sessions for the citizens to bring forth their troubles and requests. Lilith was allowed to attend those sessions officially, and occasionally offer council or made minor decisions herself.

Amelia did not want Lilith to be their heir, but as the firstborn and only child, it was her birthright. While each House was able to select their heir from their children or relatives, succession laws of Nobility specified the first child was born with the right so Lilith would eventually inherit everything since Elenar did not plan to have another child with Amelia. House Delcroix remained strong and united to the public eyes, but in private the family and its vassals were torn. As the Head of House, Elenar held all the authority and had more supporters than his wife; though he hoped if Lilith could prove herself to Amelia, their family could be united again. For Lilith it meant a whole new world of politics and business. She knew their family was governing a city with villages and in extension the whole system with other noble Houses, but she had little idea about how much work it involved and how much influence her father really had on lives of so many people.

Elenar was highly regarded and a just ruler, wherever they went the people treated him with respect and Lilith had a distinct impression it wasn’t simply because of their noble status, but because he earned it. It was very inspiring for teenage Lilith and she wanted to be like her father. Much of the governing work involved talking to the right people, arranging contracts and writing reports. Wellbeing of the population was the primary concern, House Delcroix had to make sure shops were supplied, working people were treated fairly, and the living conditions were adequate. Public issues and security also had to be addressed and taken care of. Lilith quickly discovered a talent for making connections and putting them to use, securing her place among the noble elite.

Lilith was not a fan of bureaucracy; it was often in the way and slowed down progress, at least in her opinion. She ended up bending the rules more often than she should and occasionally disregarding them entirely. It was not looked upon favourably by the older generation of the more traditional nobles and business class, but she was well received by the younger people and lower classes. Majority of the other Houses always put themselves above their people, but Lilith had a different approach. There wasn’t much she could have done about other cities throughout the system, but young and idealistic, she wanted to remove poverty from House Delcroix region. Her proposals were often turned down because they would decrease the profits of the higher classes but she was not afraid to argue her point and did not stop trying.

Growing Thorns

After several months Lilith learned how hard it was to keep up with personal life with so many responsibilities, sometime she had not seen Jack for weeks at a time because of travelling from world to world when meeting other noble Houses, or just being engrossed with work. It was hard to deny she missed her friend’s company the longer they spent apart. After she realized the feelings she felt were more than friendship it didn’t take long for Lilith’s confession. Jack was hesitant at first, her parents were trying to set her up with men from other Houses for some time to increase their political influence as was common among noble Houses, but soon they began to explore what a relationship had to offer.

The relationship was kept secret for almost a year before they decided to reveal it to their parents. Lilith’s parents reacted better than Jack’s family. Elenar had no objections with Jacqueline, and was glad his daughter was happy. Amelia surprised Lilith by not objecting either, though for different reasons than happiness. She hoped if their Houses combined, they could have bigger political influence in the Hall of Houses. Not all of Jack’s family were unhappy; it was mainly her parents that did not agree because their daughter entered into a relationship without their permission. They did not dislike Lilith personally, but their ambition was to marry Jack into higher standing House than Delcroix. They did not prevent Jack from seeing Lilith but did not hide their displeasure either. It was enough to cause disagreements between the young couple; Jack was always close to her family and did not enjoy their disfavour.

The difficult private situation did not however excuse them from their responsibilities and duties. Lilith had to attend a long diplomatic trip on behalf of her father that would take her away from home for over a month, she hoped the time apart would give Jack the chance to work things out with her family. When in the last week Jack stopped answering her holocalls, Lilith began to worry something had happened. Upon her return Lilith discovered that in her absence, Jack’s parents convinced her that she would be better off with someone else to help their family. To further Lilith’s shock, Jack was courted by a man from one of the more prominent families. Furious and confused, Lilith interrupted their dinner in de`Lorraine city. Seeing her lover in arms on another was heart-breaking, it consumed her with jealousy and hate. Without a second thought she attacked the man, catching him by surprise with a blow to the head. It didn’t stop there, when he fell over Lilith kicked and punched, oblivious to Jack’s screams.

Eventually she was pulled away by the security guards; the man was unconscious and injured but alive. Jack did not react the way Lilith would have expected, she was afraid and angry with her. The last time she saw Jack was watching her leave after being slapped. Lilith was then taken away to the guard stations where she had to wait for her father to arrange her release. On the way home Elenar did not talk but Lilith was sure of his disappointment, although he still comforted her when she broke down crying. The heartbreak was more painful to Lilith than the political ramifications that were sure to follow the assault. The news spread quickly and Amelia was far from sympathetic, blaming Lilith for failure of the relationship and making sure she knew how much it was going to cost her family in Credits and favours to keep her from facing the courts. Whenever member of noble House was jailed for any period of time, it reflected badly on their House and lowered their standing. Something Amelia was more concerned about than her daughter.

Raising Star

Escaping the Unknown Regions.

For several days Lilith barely spoke to anyone. She didn’t leave their estate while the news of her violent outburst was a hot topic in the system. Without any friends to speak of, and her best friend and lover refusing to talk to her, Lilith felt terribly alone. The hardest thing was to find motivation to do her work. She never experienced depression before and it struck her hard. Elenar continued to support her and when she returned to her duties, Lilith continued to prove her intellect and grasp on management even in her time to grieving. It could not, however, make up for what she lost. The success mattered little when she couldn’t share it with the person she wanted to; week by week the heartbroken young Hapan grew more distant from her home until everything simply felt as a job she had to keep doing.

Feeling trapped, Lilith didn’t see a positive future in her home and decided to leave the system. She knew it was a great risk trying to reach the known galaxy through uncharted space but she had to try. Elenar was sceptical of Lilith’s decision but realized she would have a better chance of success with help than if he tried to keep her home. He knew how stubborn his daughter could be and didn’t want her to run off with a stolen ship. Lilith was given HWK-290 “Caia Caecilia” from the House Delcroix fleet and an experienced crew who also wanted to reach the known galaxy. Leaving her home was the first time Lilith acted irrationally because of failed love life, but it wasn’t going to the last.

The trip through uncharted space wasn’t without its difficulties, even with experienced pilots they couldn’t be sure the next hyper-jump wouldn’t end up in middle of a star or an asteroid field. Lilith often argued with her pilots about the next destination, occasionally she felt sure about where to go, almost as if guided by something but convincing the pilots was the harder part. After two weeks of stressful huper-jumps and dodging asteroids, they have found first signs of civilization; a very old trading space station. There Lilith met Harlynn Kinn, the first person from the known galaxy. Lilith never heard of Mandalorians before and so was intrigued by the young warrior. After a night of being introduced to the local drinks, the two became friends and Harlynn agreed to help Lilith reach the Core Worlds.

Using the starcharts from Harlynn‘s ship, reaching the Core World was a matter of refuelling the HWK and getting used to several days in hyper space. Something Lilith never experienced before and it was making her sick. The short hyper-jumps through uncharted space were stressful, but in a much different way. After seeing the first planet-wide city, Lilith was in awe. She didn’t think such a thing was possible and immediately was intrigued by the administrative nightmare it had to be. The pilots who accompanied Lilith from the Unknown Regions accomplished their task and left to find their own fortunes. Harlynn, however, remained. Soon Lilith also found that in the known galaxy, she was just one of many and her name held no value. Harlynn was more than helpful when it came to showing Lilith how to set up HoloNet profiles, obtain ID cards and access Credit account. Elenar gave Lilith very old account details from before their family left for the Unknown Regions, though unsure if it was still accessible. Fortunately it was and while there was barely any balance in it, Lilith didn’t have to carry anything in cash.

Arriving at Core Worlds.

The Core Worlds were different from what Lilith expected and was used to from her home. Everything from fashion to technology was strange and new. She didn’t waste any time and first few days studied the local politics, culture and city districts. When she was satisfied with where to start, Lilith spent most of her Credits on fashionable and business clothing. Harlynn encouraged her to find some work, showing her all the governments and private companies looking for people constantly but Lilith wasn’t interested to work at the bottom, she wanted to make it on her own. Her career began by frequenting night clubs, bars and strip clubs. With her talent for making connections, it didn’t take for Lilith to start obtaining contacts with businesswomen that came to the places after work. It also had an unexpected side effect. Lilith developed a taste for alcohol, especially Corellian Whiskey and still feeling heartbroken about Jacqueline, she was happy to find comfort in arms of other women.

Lilith travelled a lot around the city and between planets in the system, setting up meetings and negotiating contracts on behalf of many different companies. She made contacts with manufacturers, mining corporations and traders among others, becoming the link that brought them together in profit for all involved. The bigger the deals, the more she was paid for arranging them. It was during that time when Lilith met Ninian DeLayn. She could not remember the meeting or Ninian’s name after waking up in her ship after a night of heavy drinking. The following morning was very awkward and confusing for both of them, but it was the start of a very long friendship. The reckless life style continued but the alcohol, women and night life was taking Lilith down a path she did not anticipate.

Roots of Underworld

Roots of underworld.

The Family

"A balance of fear and love is acceptable."
Vigo Amaranalah Jou.

Kingdom Come

Princess Jessica James of Hapes.

Above all, family

"Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon."
Lilith's wife, Ankha Natanaele.

Business Supremacy

"No fate but what we make."

Personal Information


Countess of Vorsia.
"Countess Delcroix, would you have any advice on how to get started with a new company?"
"Leading a company is quite complex, you should start working for someone, work your way up and learn on the way over few years."
"But Countess, you have lead companies without starting at the bottom."
"Yeah, but I never asked anybody how."
- Unknown interview

Lilith is a very pale, small sized Hapan woman with long blond hair, often coloured fiery red or natural black. She was born with emerald green eyes but the Dark Side turned her eyes amber long time ago, something she is quite fond of. Lilith is not very tall for a human and has a skinny figure; though she always managed to keep it athletic shaped with training. Lilith’s most prominent distinguishing feature is the cybernetic arm. Her whole right arm and part of her shoulder is artificial. The cybernetics changed many times and Lilith had at least one major operation to improve its efficiency, but she never tries to hide the fact that she has an artificial arm. The cybernetics can be easily recognised by the metallic silver surface and engraved flowery patterns.

For casual clothing Lilith is often seen wearing a tailor-made suit with trousers and fitting boots. Contrast to the expensive attire is tattered black robes Lilith wears during Force training, though during ceremonies Lilith wears white robes. When required to wear armour, formally or for protection, Lilith prefers her custom forged ivory heavy battle armour.

The Plague sickness

Ever since the Metamorphosis Plague struck the galaxy in early Year 14 Lilith felt her health deteriorating. The medical droids on board her ships were unable to identify what was wrong with her. Only after she consulted the most skilled doctors on Vorsia Companion they concluded she was struck with a strain of the plague. Their first assumptions were that Lilith was being affected by Anzati DNA as the plague seemed to shut down her biological functions while still keeping her alive. Refusing to be anything less than human Lilith immediately tasked them with preparing a cure. They were not able to cure the virus because it was in her system for too long, but produced a vaccine that would keep her condition in check, though she would most likely have to keep taking it periodically for the rest of her life. During later tests several weeks later, required after the plague mutated and caused new complications, traces of newly discovered Diathim DNA was found within her own. The Vorsian doctors changed the vaccine to combat the new plague strain and Lilith dubbed it "the angel curse."

Towards end of the year, recycling operations took Lilith and her crew to planets within Federation space she never visited before. Soon after arriving onto one of the planets and being exposed to the local environment, humans on the crew began to get sick. However the few aliens among them seemed to be largely unaffected. When all humans, but Lilith, were displaying at least some of the symptoms of the illness, it was assumed the virus came from the planet’s water source because Lilith only drank Whiskey. The assumption proved to be wrong on the way from the planet when she began to cough blood. Her condition was worse than anyone else on the crew, so she took newly purchased Carrack/I cruiser and travelled to Vorsia. Before arrival she collapsed with fever despite being stabilized by medical droids. Chief Medical Officer in Vorsian Fleet Turis Namore was able to identify that the virus attacked Lilith’s Metamorphosis Plague strain and forced it to mutate yet again. Lilith’s vaccine was improved to combat the Togorian mutation, but she was still immobilized in the medical bay for several days before recovering.

In the ever changing galaxy the plague didn’t remain dormant for long. Over the months the vaccine became less effective as the virus adapted to it. Although Lilith limited her extended contact with undeveloped planets and kept distance from newly discovered or uncommon alien species, she couldn’t prevent the virus from mutating again. Since the last time all the ships she used for transport were equipped to handle any future complication, so it didn’t caught her by such a surprise but Lilith still had to spend few days in private deck while her immune system accepted the new vaccine and fought the virus. Fearing the Amani strain of the plague overcoming her, Lilith began to fund Vorsian labs with more Credits for research with hopes to develop a more permanent solution to her health problems.


Forgemaster Delcroix.
" Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way."

Lilith’s personality changed the most after the loss of Ankha. After finding her way into the galaxy’s underworld and having her will broken the by Dark Jedi woman, she was struggling to fill the hole that false love left behind. For many years Lilith searched for purpose through relationships, blindly believing that the only way she would feel whole again was by being with someone. Her eyes were opened when yet again she was alone and in pain after Ankha’s accident. It was not just a realization of how ridiculously dependant she was, it was matter of survival. Her dominant personality buried beneath submissiveness, resurfaced again when she needed it the most. Lilith took charge over life, no longer clinging to the foolish ideals of true love. Since then Lilith demeanour became more dominant, independent and abrupt, though the numerous mistreatments and heartbreaks left behind emotional insecurity she was not yet been able to overcome entirely.

She won’t let anyone or anything stand in her way. She relies on her instincts and sense of honour. If she disagrees with someone, Lilith makes no attempts to hide it and will go into great deals to either get her way or find middle ground. Though she is not unreasonable and if it is clear she is wrong, she is not afraid to admit it and/or work with others if their way is more efficient.

Lilith is confident, intelligent, opinionated, sometime very stubborn and often sarcastic but she is also playful and charismatic when she wants to be. She likes to make decisions, is not easily intimidated by others, and doesn’t worry about what others think of her. Lilith always strives to be in charge when it comes to her professional life. In her relationship, however, she treats her partner as equal and with respect.

Titles and Honours

In the home system Lilith was Lady of House Delcroix, she did not hold any titles but as part of the nobility she was officially addressed as Lady. After leaving home, Lilith did not make any claims to noble titles. When establishing her own noble House on Vorsia Companion, Lilith chose the title of Countess. Her father held the title of Count when she was still at home and did not feel higher title was necessary. When Lilith became the sole ruler or Vorsia, the official title was amended to Sovereign Countess but it is rarely used in full outside of ceremonies. The proper term to address the sovereign on Vorsia Companion is My Liege instead of My Lady; Lilith is not very fond of feminizing certain titles. She wouldn’t use Dame instead of Knight or Lady instead of Lord as one of her own titles.

Lilith does not hold much personal value in titles; besides the title of Countess she doesn’t use any other unless traditions and/or ceremonies require it. Similarly, Lilith’s official attire displays very little in terms awards, ranks and other decorations unless the event calls for a dress uniform.


Jecal Nadrihm with Lilith.

Lilith maintains friendly understanding with many people in the galaxy and strongly cares about welfare of Federation and Vorsian citizens, but she is emotionally distant outside of her private life and does not develop close bonds easily. Over the years of her life she had only handful of confidants. Though once she trusts someone, Lilith is very loyal and doesn’t hesitate to offer assistance as long as loyalty and respect is mutual, but if the line is ever crossed Lilith rarely gives a second chance and can be very stubborn about changing her opinion on someone; especially when she is convinced they are dishonourable and/or dishonest.

Lilith has no immediate family; all of her relatives were left behind in the Unknown Regions. As a child, especially as a teenager, Lilith had a difficult relationship with her mother. She grew up much closer to her father than anyone else in her family. Since leaving her home Lilith missed the family connection but did not dwell on it, she was used to dealing with things on her own because her father’s duties and responsibilities did not allow him to focus on family.

Lilith grew up reading and hearing stories about love and romance, but it didn’t mean much to her in the early years. She has not witnessed it in person between her parents and had little to no interest in people around her. It wasn’t until her later teen years that she discovered interest in her best friend, but the connection between them was developed over many years of growing up together. Lilith did not feel like it was like the kind of love portrayed in romantic stories, but it hurt nevertheless when she lost it. The romantic idealism was exploited several years later by a woman who deceived Lilith into believing she found the true love. She became dependant and reliant on the emotional connection to someone. For far too long Lilith neglected other aspects of her life in favour of pursuing relationships.

There was some form of stability in a very private, long term relationship. Despite eventually drifting apart after two years, the relationship ended on good terms and gave Lilith a better idea of what she was looking for. After getting married to Ankha Natanaele and then finding herself in the same depressing situation as before because she did not overcome her dependency; Lilith changed her approach to relationships. She remained single for many months and concentrated on her professional life instead of trying to find someone. There was nobody she was interested in and little desire to find someone new like Ankha was. It changed when Jecal Nadrihm contacted her after returning from her travels and old feeling resurfaced as they spent time together again. Since becoming lovers their relationship maintained balance of equality and respect, something that Lilith did not experience with dominant partners in the past. The relationship became a positive addition to Lilith’s life, not the sole purpose.


Since young age Lilith practiced sword fighting skills, at first out of interest as martial arts appealed to her more than blasters. Which was influenced by the stories of the Sith and their duels. Much later during her time in Maurari and Black Sun Lilith trained more vigorously to advance her skills. In the underworld of the galaxy she needed to be able to defend herself and once aspired to be the Spectre of her Vigo. In the years following her retirement Lilith kept on training, becoming exceptional swordfighter. Other combat orientated skills are lacking, interest in heavy weaponry made her only averagely accurate. Most of her life Lilith was mainly improving engineering skills to help her with work; such as management, capital ship piloting, crafting and repair.

Personal assets

Dynamic freighter "LDS Dance Macabre II" departing Veltraa-class cruiser in orbit of Vorsia Companion.

Just like many other wealthy individuals Lilith is a collector of rare and hard-to-get assets, though her private collection is secondary concern to being able provide for her people due to the Vorsia moon's independence. Many of the vessels registered under Lilith's ownership are part of Vorsian Defence Fleet. The small private fleet is easily recognisable by its white and black paint, turquoise viewports and a crimson lily, Vorsian and Lilith's personal sigil. All ships are registered with prefix "LDS" (Lilith Delcroix Starship). The following ships are just a few in her ownership:

  • Nebulon-B Frigate " LDS Vigo Jou's Revenge"

The frigate was constructed by Olanji Corporation in 4037 (Year 11). It was commissioned by King Jessy James for his daughter Princess Jessica James to accommodate her needs during space travel within Hapes Cluster. It served in the Phoenix Fleet as Princess Jessica’s personal vessel under the name "HJ Enterprise". In late year 4038 (Year 12) the frigate was presented to Lilith Delcroix as a reward for her outstanding services in the Royal House James of Hapes. Since then the ship operates mainly within Vorsia system. It is the most unique ship in Lilith’s fleet due to its macabre and necrotic design. It was named in honour of Vigo Jou.

  • Namana-class Light Cruiser "LDS Last Hour of Sunlight"

The cruiser came into Lilith's ownership after the disappearance of her wife Ankha Natanaele. The ship's complicated history made Lilith redesign it entirely. Majority of the modifications were remotely supervised and done in Messert shipyards. Though for the final retrofitting the vessel was moved to Vorsia system where Lilith could overseer it directly to ensure only the core skeleton of Namana-class was all that remained of the original ship. Upon completion it was rechristened from "AN Tsek" to "LDS Last Hour of Sunlight".

  • Veltraa-class cruisers "LDS Her Will" and "LDS Tex Navos"

In late Year 14 Lilith gained information about derelict Interdictor-class Cruiser on the outskirts of the known galaxy. Through her numerous business connections she was able to obtain the ancient vessel and had it delivered to Vorsia. The anonymous manufacturers of Veltraa-class cruisers were even harder to contact but eventually they agreed to help repair the defunct ship and sent droids to oversee the operation. With majority of the hull and rooms inaccessible yet, the ship currently resides in Vorsia shipyards where it is being retrofitted with modern systems to match the manufactured Veltraa-class. Upon completion the ship is planned to enter service as Vorsian Defence Fleet flagship under the name "LDS Her Will". The second cruiser of the same class was given to Lilith by her close friend Tex Navos before she died, Lilith decided to name this cruiser in her friend's memory.

  • GR-75 Medium Transport "LDS Miss Leviathan"

"Miss Leviathan" is a modified GR-75 Medium Transport and served in the overthrown Corporate Sector Authority (CSA) logistic fleet under the name "Orion" between Year 5 and Year 10, as far as reports go. In the first month of Year 12 the ship was offered for auction via Centrepoint Marketplace by Orphaea Imperium who stole it from CSA. It was eventually purchased from Centrepoint by Lilith Delcroix for 136,000,000 Credits. The heavy freighter is easily recognizable by its unique engines that are much larger than those of standard GR-75, making it twice as fast in sublight.

  • M-Class Mon Calamari Luxury Liner "LDS Dance With The Devil"

The Luxury Liner was purchased by Lilith for 140,000,000 Credits in Year 12 and became her favourite ships to use for recreational cruising or for attending diplomatic events.

  • J-Type 327 "LDS Kaab be Werde"

The Mandalorian name translates to "LKD Sound of Darkness". It was a gift from Mand'alor Kai Oryk.

  • Modular Taskforce Cruiser sister ships "LDS Venus Aversa" and "LDS Mars Genesis"

Terephon shipyards built four Modular Taskforce Cruisers when Princess Jessica James negotiated datacard uses from the Old Republic before it fell apart as a government. Two of the ships were given to Lilith for her contribution in the business deal and management of their construction.

  • Hammerhead Cruiser "LDS Rii Princess I"

A sister ship to Hammerhead Cruiser "Rii Princess II", both named in honour of Princess Jessica James who purchased the cruisers and gifted one to Lilith. Their collective cost was over 300,000,000 Credits.

  • Bayonet-class Light Cruiser "LDS Bloodflower"

The light cruiser was purchased for 300,000,000 from Karvainen Kummajainen. Its relatively fast hyperspeed, armament and ability to carry smaller ships made it perfect for independent operation outside of Vorsia during vacation travel and recreational hunting trips.

  • Carrack/I-class Light Cruiser "LDS Gracefallen"

A long sought after ship by Lilith because of her love of ion weaponry. It was bought from Gilbert Reed for over half a billion Credits. The light cruiser is often used by Lilith as personal transport around Federation space.

  • Tabder-class Heavy Hauler "LDS Prometheus"

“Prometheus” is easily the largest ships in Lilith’s fleet. Its colossal cargo holds largely contributed in several industrial operations around Vorsia and Federation space. It was obtained in mid-Year 14 on public market from Aliyah Shee`lil in a trade for restricted technology.

  • DP-20c Gunship "LDS Gatekeeper"

Available only in limited numbers for private ownership, the small, agile and heavily armed gunship was traded to Lilith in early Year 12 by Jormungand Gand. It was one of the few ships in Lilith ownership that took part in the initial subduing of Vorsia Companion. It safeguards the moon’s orbit ever since.

  • Arquitens Light Cruiser "LDS Billionaire's Prerogative"

The cruiser was among the newest Year 15 additions to Lilith’s fleet. Early in the year it came from bounty hunter underground of Hutt Space. Its astrogation computer showed it participated in skirmishes on Derra IV before relocating to Vorsia.

  • Corona-class frigate "LDS Sanguine Sunset"

In early Year 15 the frigate was a gift from Viceroy Jacob Jansen for Trade Federation Directorate service.


House Delcroix was a part of coalition of Noble Houses that ruled over a system in the Unknown Regions. Houses mainly consisted of Hapan nobles who left the Hapes Cluster many decades ago in a search of an adventure and to discover the uncharted space. They did not depart alone; many of their subjects chose to go with them and the migrant fleet carried tens of thousands of people. Their quest took them far beyond the border of the known galaxy, and by luck they stumbled across a small system that did not seem inhabited.

Centre of the system was a violent star with the closest planet scorn and inhabitable. However two other planets were in much safer distance. The second planet was a large planet with a lavish tropic environment. It had two satellites, one with similar environment and the other was mainly deserts and rocks. The last planet was much further from the sun and its environment was mostly cold, only the very south regions were more temperate. The most prominent noble Houses settled on the tropical planet, dividing it into many governing regions. Other Houses settled on the moons and the cold planet. There was very little military conflict, but it set the political stage for many years ahead.

The large colony ships provided the foundations for cities and within the first year, the system had set up its infrastructure and governing system. The Houses formed a collective government, the Hall of Houses, each of them ruling over their region with absolute authority. The biggest, most influential House acted as the sovereign.

Career History

Trade Federation

  • Awarded Medal of Recycling Gold, Medal of Culture and Identifications Dedication Bar - Y15 D173
  • Headmaster of Evocati - Y15 D65
  • Chief Archivist in Department of Culture - Y15 D61
  • Awarded Bronze Seal, Distinguished Service Medal and Dahtar Award - Y15 D37
  • Knight of Evocati – Y14 D322
  • Awarded Directorate Ribbon - Y14 D311
  • Director of Recycling - Y14 D311
  • Joined the Trade Federation - Y14 D302
  • Signing of the Act of Vorsia - Y14 D26
  • Granted Federation Citizenship - Y14 D17

Dark Skies Gearworks

  • Company closed - Y14 D282
  • Sole ownership - Y13 D341
  • Co-Founder, Forgemaster - Y13 D185

Dael`mor Logistics

  • Company closed - Y13 D185
  • Director - Y13 D100

Royal House James of Hapes

  • Resigned - Y14
  • Joined the House as Retainer - Y12 D50

Black Sun

  • Retired - Y12
  • Sai-Los (Honourary) - Y12
  • Accepted into the Family by Vigo Jou - Y11
  • Aspirant of Maurari - Y11 

The Force

"Everything you have been told is a lie."
Lilith during training.

While the Force had been a constant presence in most of Lilith's life, her direct connection had always been very limited. She was unable to personally attune to its presence. This had been much to her frustration; despite hours of studying with the Dark Masters of Maurari, and later friends and acquaintances that were sensitive to the force, it had always eluded her grasp. After years of disappointment, she had given up in its pursuit, allowing the grief and suffering which had stemmed from the frustration to subside into nothingness. However, it seemed that as her willingness to move past the elusive connection had finally set in, the Force had very different plans for what would lay ahead.

On vacation in the sand dunes of Tatooine, only a week after her twenty-third birthday and marriage, it seemed the Force had finally decided to manifest itself within the emotionally scarred, yet healing Hapan. Having recreationally hunted the local creatures after visiting the B`omarr Monastery, Lilith had fainted beneath the sweltering heat. While it seemed that the desert environment had caused the sudden collapse, within her brewed something far more unusual. On the following day she felt different, but unable to explain how. Somehow she was aware of her own emotions more strongly and the world around her. She didn't like it. Knowing one of her old Force Sensitive friends was in the Tatoo system, Lilith made contact to seek spiritual guidance. It came as a shock to find out her connection to the Force was awakened, or so she believed at that time.

Unsure how to deal with the situation Lilith tried to ignore it at first because she was afraid of the taint of pure Darkness from her past. The Dark side did not scare her, she was afraid what effect it would have on her relationship; Ankha was not fond of the darker side of the Force. Regardless of the path, it soon became obvious she needed to learn how to control her sensitivity. Lilith reached out to the Force groups she knew how to contact, gathering information and discussing with her partner how to best approach the Force. During the first days Lilith simply tried to meditate on her own, slowly strengthening her connection to the Force and practicing new abilities with the lightsaber she possessed for years. Due to the general desire of independence it was more important to first discover her natural powers and worry about philosophical side of the Force later.

Unfortunately months later Lilith discovered she has been deceived and the Force did not came to her on Tatooine. Unknown to her, the Force has been guiding already her for several months but the information was withheld by Execurus Edun, when she visited Trade Federation Acclamator I-class Assault Ship early in Year 14. When the truth came to light, it changed Lilith's view on what happened to her. She came to believe the pain brought by relationship with Ankha was punishment from the Force and the despair was a way to set her on the right path. Would she know the truth from the start; she would have surely embrace the Dark Side much sooner. Most likely it would have prevented Ankha from falling in love with Lilith in the first place, and without straying from the darkness the suffering would have been avoided. During the relationship Lilith knew peace, something she lost when it ended. Not wanting to repeat her mistake, Lilith placed her faith in guidance of the Force to find peace once again.

After accepting position in the Trade Federation, Lilith was invited to join the Evocati Order where she studied under tutelage of Regent Olwin Froon whenever opportunity presented itself in the busy schedule of Director. On Year 14 Day 323, when her connection and understanding of the Force was stronger, Lilith was revealed to the Federation as a Knight of Evocati. After few months her potential was recognised by the Inner Circle and she was appointed as Headmaster of Evocati. The role placed her in change of the Evocati Academy, responsible for overseeing training of the Order. Even though it was mostly an administrative role, Lilith was able to work with the Inner Circle on reforming the Order into a place of knowledge instead of focusing on defending the Federation. Later in the Year 15, Lilith took on more responsibility by taking an Apprentice when she discovered the Force potential within her lover Jecal Nadrihm.

Force powers and abilities

Knight of Vorsia, Headmaster of Evocati.

The discovery of her full potential is a continuous path for Lilith. In the past her views on the Force have been heavily influenced by the Sith teachings and different views were shunned by the single minded perspective. However, when her sensitivity was discovered she quickly realized she would not be able to embrace hate and anger of the Sith, and blindly follow a Code that would limit her greatly. Though neither she was able to abandon the Dark side or focus on the light. Lilith doesn't view the Force powers as inherently good or evil. Instead she is of the opinion the morality is determined by the user and the use of powers.

Different to many others, Lilith believes that there is only the Dark side, often referring to the Force simply as the darkness. In her opinion the Dark side is not necessary evil, cruel or corrupted. Those are merely aspects of the Dark side and actions of each Force user determine their morality or immorality. The so called Light side is just another aspect of the Dark Side; as light cannot exist without casting shadows but darkness can exist in the absence of light. Lilith believes without embracing hate the Dark side can offer the same peace and serenity the Jedi claim can be found only through light. This believe is her own and she keeps an open mind with practice of the Code of Evocati.

In the first months of self-training Lilith did not explore the Force to its full potential. She was able to attune to her own fears and emotional scars which allowed her to feel the connection stronger but focusing on those emotions made her remember all the past depressions. The more she focused, the more painful memories were awakened. It was frightening, and so instead Lilith practiced powers of telekinesis that did not require her to tap into emotions and improved her lightsaber techniques. She also discovered almost natural ability to heal with the Force.

To be one with the sword

Unable to find a teacher that would share her initial views, partially due to unwillingness to call someone her Master, made it somewhat difficult to strengthen her connection to the Force in the early months and discover new abilities. Instead Lilith concentrated on the skills of lightsaber. Being already trained in its use and very skilled in swordfight, the Force sensitivity allowed Lilith to take her skills to a new level. Wielding a single crimson blade Lilith kept concentrating on the Makashi form II to be a better lightsaber duellist. Although because of her new abilities Lilith was able to begin training in deflection of ranged attacks, and developed interest to master the Soresu form III. Lightsaber training became more than just a learning techniques, almost a way of life as Lilith desired to master her skills to the point of being one with the sword, when she could be lethal even with a blade of grass.

Sword in the heart, not hand

When Lilith mastered the Soresu form III, she was confident as a duellist and defender. There were more forms she could have learnt but she did not wish to master them, she was content knowing the moves and stances, and be able to overcome them with her own skills of form II and III. With the defensive form she could block and dodge to wear down her opponent before switching to the second form and outmanoeuvring them into defeat. The challenge Lilith faced was realizing that even though her swordsmanship skills were second to none, she relied heavily on the lightsaber or another melee weapon to be effective. She began to focus on improving her Force abilities and develop her own style for offence and defence to make up for her weaknesses. Her goal became to move the sword from hand into the heart, and to be just as lethal without it.


Lilith's rebuilt lightsaber.

Lilith was in a possession of a lightsaber since late year 11. The gifted lightsaber was heavily customised and the hilt was curved for better use in Makashi combat form. While a skilled craftsman, Lilith was unable to adequately work with the inner workings of a lightsaber and so she didn't risk damaging the prized weapon. Instead her only modifications were cosmetic. When she began to train herself in Soresu form Lilith desired a new hilt, more customised to herself.

Using the Force she was able to take apart the weapon completely and reuse some of the intricate components and connect them back together with a new crimson crystal. For the hilt itself she chose a heavy-duty model, with a solid hilt, an emitter shroud and a power cell at the bottom. The hilt was covered with interwoven leather wrapping that acted as the grip of the lightsaber. The weapon is always perfect working condition despite looking worn and overly used.