Mandalorian: Difference between revisions
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[[File:Mando'ade_logo-past.png|150px|The original insignia of the Mando'ade]] [[File:Bajur.png|150px|The insignia of Aliit Bajur]] [[File:402413fddf1015057fs3665346343.png|250px|The insignia of Aliit Breviin]] [[File:Solus`oya.png|150px|The insignia of Aliit Solus`oya]] [[File:Orykaliik.png|The insignia of Aliit Oryk]] | [[File:Mando'ade_logo-past.png|150px|The original insignia of the Mando'ade]] [[File:Bajur.png|150px|The insignia of Aliit Bajur]] [[File:402413fddf1015057fs3665346343.png|250px|The insignia of Aliit Breviin]] [[File:Solus`oya.png|150px|The insignia of Aliit Solus`oya]] [[File:Orykaliik.png|The insignia of Aliit Oryk]] | ||
[[File:Mandalore-logo.png|The logo of the Mandalore Government]] [[File:MandalMotors Logo Year 12.jpg|The logo of MandalMotors]] [[File:Mandaltechlogo1.jpg|The logo of MandalTech]] [[File:Mandalmininglogo.jpg|The logo of MandalMining]] | [[File:Mandalore-logo.png|150px|The logo of the Mandalore Government]] [[File:MandalMotors Logo Year 12.jpg|The logo of MandalMotors]] [[File:Mandaltechlogo1.jpg|The logo of MandalTech]] [[File:Mandalmininglogo.jpg|The logo of MandalMining]] | ||
==Mandalorian Hymn of Mandalore== | ==Mandalorian Hymn of Mandalore== |
Revision as of 03:09, 8 October 2013
The Mandalorians or Mando'ade in Mando'a, or "Children of Mandalore"—were a nomadic group of clan-based people consisting of members from multiple species and multiple genders, all bound by a common culture. Mandalorians wore very distinctive battle armor, including helmets with T-shaped visors that covered the entirety of their faces, and would provide inspiration for the helmets of the Republic's clone troopers. These helmets would eventually become strongly associated with the Mandalorian people.
Historical Archives of Years 0 to 2500
A freak accident caused the onboard computer of one of the first colony ships leaving Coruscant to miscalculate a hyperjump, sending the ship and the passengers aboard off in a direction opposite of the one intended. The result left thousands stranded in a previously uncharted solar system with only one inhabitable planet, a world the colonists christened 'Mandalore' after the ship which had stranded them there. With communication outside this planet cut off completely, the colonists, believed to be of the ancient race of Taungs, had to fight to survive, braving the harsh environment of their new home and, over generations, developing into the race now known as the Mandalorians... a race which survived their struggle for life.
That struggle was not an easy one. A period of intense famine and bigotry quickly followed the initial crash on the planet, and within a year, approximately fifteen hundred colonists had died either from starvation or due to carnivorous animal attacks. Political dissent was high, and several strong personalities gathered support for their own plans for survival, splitting the few remaining colonists into five large groups of approximately eight hundred, all of differing opinions where plans for the future were concerned. Ulyna the Wise traveled north with his followers into the plains. Opy're the Powerful took preference to the mountains in the south. Aconouran the Deft went into the vast desert in the east. Finally, Lyrr'va the Inventor traveled west toward the vast ocean. The fifth group, lead by Sti'va the Equate, stayed at the crash site. These five groups were the first five clans of Mandalore, each developping under the influence of their chosen leader and becoming more of a personification of his or her strongest traits as a whole.
Two millennia passed, and all five of the first clan 'colonies' survived, each suffering extreme techological degradation due to the new living conditions and way of life following the great crash. The population of the Mandalorian people at this time was approximately eighty six thousand, which was double the number it had been only a quarter of a millennium ago, signifying clearly for the first time that the Mandalorian people were to survive.
It was also the first time the five great cities clashed. The only civil war in Mandalorian history erupted during this time, stretching out over the next five hundred years. Each clan desired dominance over Mandalore, and set out for victory. What had become the Sti'va den by this time suffered the largest losses, and was almost destroyed... but due to one young Sti'va clansman named Pq'narc, the war was ended and thousands of years of peace followed.
Historical Archives of Years 2501 to 7600
After the end of the 500 year war, Mandalorians began finding strange scripts containing messages in broken Mandalorian writing describing the existence of another species who called themselves the Juannar and resided on a nearby gas giant. (The Mandalore space system had a white dwarf as a star. In orbit around the sun, named Trnar, are five planets. One is Mandalore, ranging equal distance from the Earth to our sun. There are twin planets on the outskirts of the system, covered in ice. Another molten mass sits in orbit around Trnar. A medium size planet named Io'son follows Mandalore in orbit in a slow dance. Io'son is the home of the Juannar.) These scripts continued to appear over the next four years, eventually telling of a day when the aliens would visit Mandalore. Indeed, as was foretold in the scripts, ten years after the 500 year war a small shuttle landed in the Sti'va clanlands next to the original transport, which had been turned into a monument of heritage.
The Warrior Eminence Pq'narc, five prominent den leaders, and many Mandalorians were on hand at the landing site, waiting for a glimpse of these strange people... and strange they were indeed. The Juannar were large spheres, approximately three feet in diameter, which moved through manipulating their skin to roll themselves along at various speeds. Their skin was black, a protective coating which allowed them to endure the atmosphere of Mandalore. Several sensors and extrusions on their body would move in and out of this black skin, allowing them to gain information about the Mandalorians and their planet.
Relations with this new species were difficult at first, remaining that way for nearly two hundred years. Many of the Mandalorians, upon the Juannar's arrival, were prepared for war with these alien 'intruders', and acceptance of them did not come easily. Furthering the difficulty there, the Juannar themselves could only communicate with the Mandalorians through hindered writing, as they had not yet found a way to speak the Mandalorian language. The Mandalorians discovered the Juannar were a fairly sophisticated society, with technology enough to provide them limited space travel and a means to cloak themselves from the dangers of exposure to environments unlike the gas giant that was their home. After two hundred years of peaceful exposure and communication with the Juannar, the Juannar had learned to speak the Mandalorian language and the majority of the Mandalorian populace had accepted them as friend rather than foe.
Over the next five thousand years, the Mandalorians and Juannar lived together, sharing both culture and moral beliefs. The Juannar imparted their amazing technology to the Mandalorians, and after two thousand years or so, the two species started researching together, enabling the Mandalorians to begin making incredible improvements. The government and social unity remained, and even improved during this transitional time. The Mandalorians began to develop space travel, and soon spanned three planets in three different solar systems (Mandalore, Aldacor, and Thaldoria) as well as the moon orbiting Mandalore (Luna). Aldacor and Thaldoria, mining planets also used for food production and refineries, held the same social unity as Mandalore, developing their own clans and keeping close ties with their cultural base on the Homeworld. At this time, the Mandalorians also began to develop beautiful space stations, most of which were deployed in the Mandalore system, though a few others were spread out to neighboring systems. Using probes, the Mandalorians searched the galaxy habitable areas they could colonize, and at the same time, developed a complex system of transit between the planets they controlled.
Both the Mandalore and Juannar society were prospering. Biological organisms had been engineered to create energy. Sickness was treated by inserting microbes into the body. By the year 7600, Mandalorian society had become a near utopia, expanding into the stars.
Historical Archives of Years 7601 to 13429
The Mandalorians had finally achieved peace, unity and happiness... and then the Vuana came. The Vuana were lanky and tall with a skin color of deep turquoise, ranging from eight to ten feet in height and possessing two legs used to walk and two arms to manipulate objects. The Vuana's skin was completely smooth, and they contained no facial features or sexual organs. To consume food, the Vuana placed their arms into a liquid and would suck out the nutrients.
In the year 7603, after over five thousand years of peace, the Mandalore system came under siege. Out of nowhere, the Vuana attacked viciously for a period of twenty years, and the Mandalorians and Juannar had to fight to survive, spending all their resources and time to developing technology in weapons and defense measures. After twenty years, the Vuana mysteriously disappeared without a trace, and a stretch of subdued peace began, full of anxiety and preparation for war. The peace lasted only two hundred years, after which the Vuana returned.
The Mandalorians and Juannar together fought the Vuana for a hundred and sixty three years, the Juannar having more success than the Mandalorians at surviving the massive assaults. The hundred and sixty fourth year of the war saw the Vuana attack the Mandalore system with three tremendous ships comparable to a dreadnought-class. These dreadnought-like alien vessels sped toward the Juannar's home planet, and even though the combined strength of the Mandalorians and Junnar succeeded in disabling one of the massive ships, it was not fully destroyed and ended up drifting into the planet's surface below. The devastating results of the impact were felt over the next ten years as Io'son slowly drifted out of orbit from the impact and became desolate and barren from the climate change.
Another three hundred years lapsed, and the war between the Mandalorians, Juannar and Vuana continued, even after the Mandalorians destroyed the two dreadnought-like ships which remained. The Juannar who survived the Io'son disaster had relocated to other planets in the system by this time, but soon died out after extreme inbreeding and lack of tolerance for the atmospheres they were forced to endure. This left the Mandalorians alone in their fight for survival.
In the year 7983, the Mandalorians launched a huge offensive against the Vuana, successfully taking an outer planet the Vuana had been using for ship manufacture. This enabled the Mandalorians to study the technology and ship capabilities of the Vuana, and develop an understanding for such weaponry and ship design features as hyperdrive systems, ion cannons, and several other powerful and previously unheard of weapons. The Mandalorians began to implement this technology in their own war fleet, using the Vuana's own advances against them on the battlefield.
The intense war continued until the year 13295, when the Mandalorians finished the mass production of several biological agents designed to annihilate the Vuana and implemented them along with a colossal assault upon the aliens. The Vuana's space defenses were taken out by the Mandalorian fleet while planetary defenses were destroyed by hundreds of elite warriors wearing the special Mandalorian Battle Armor. After the Mandalorian teams were exfiltrated from the Vuana planets, the Mandalorians sent mechanically controlled battleships to all Vuana planets to crash into the surfaces and release the deadly biological agents. By the year 13300, xenocide upon the Vuana was compete.
In the wake of victory, the Mandalorians began assessing their losses. Much of Mandalore was destroyed, as well as huge sections of the other planets that had been in their control. Their armies had taken heavy losses, every space station they had owned was destroyed, and their Naval fleet was crippled. The Mandalorians began to regroup immediately, the next hundred and fifteen years devoted to completely rebuilding their section of the galaxy. Throughout the entire war and recovery period, the social unity of the Mandalorian people never faltered, it merely grew stronger.
Then came the rule of Dy'eDrin in the year 13419, the first period of peace encountered for six thousand years. This time of external peace lasted only until Dy'eDrin's death at the hands of Tm'halk Emig, who challenged the pacifist and his ways. When Tm'halk Emig perished several months later due to an unforseen event, Simone Dra'kmus of the clan V'r'caah assumed the title of Warrior Eminence and started a isolation policy. The Mandalore drew back from the galaxy, remained at the hidden homeworld and only sending out scouts. But all that changed later when the Mandalorians were approached by the sith, which would end in the Sith and Mandalorian wars against the old republic.
The Mandalorian Wars
During the next twenty years, peace prevailed and the galaxy began to slowly recover from the damage inflicted during the war,[15] entering an era of rebuilding and renewal known as the Restoration period. On the Mandalorian side, the new Mand'alor—going by the title of "Mandalore the Ultimate"—undertook the task of rebuilding the Mandalorian clans that had been greatly diminished in the war. With many of the original Mandalorian species, the Taung, now dead, Mandalore the Ultimate aggressively expanded his recruiting efforts, welcoming members of all alien descent into the Mandalorian culture. To this end, the Mandalorians established bases such as Unity, constructed under the planetary crust of Caillte. While primarily built to serve as a forward supply post, under Feruun Lern it also became a recruitment center where numerous individuals were invited to learn the Mandalorian ways and become new Mandalorian warriors. As a result, the Mandalorian ranks swelled with an influx of warriors from countless worlds. In an effort to help cohesion and uphold order among the motley ranks, a new generation of more uniform armor was implemented at the suggestion of the Mand'alor's closest advisor, Cassus Fett, thus forming a powerful new generation of warriors known as the Neo-Crusaders. However, as many Mandalorians rebuilt, ten years after the end of the Great Sith War, dozens of Mandalorians were unjustly arrested and executed after a psychotic bounty hunter named Jigger Wraith preyed upon innocents using rare Mandalorian weaponry. At the same time, Antos Wyrick continued his research into the Jedi and the Force, constructing the New Generation Academy on Osadia where he attempted to form a sect of Force-using Mandalorians called the Mandalorian Knights. In a deal with the Crucible slave-trading organization, the ruthless Zeltron traded his own daughter for more test subjects. But the Crucible would return while Wyrick was away, raiding the school and capturing its students. His experiments ruined, Wyrick rejoined the Mandalorians under the pseudonym of "Doctor Demagol".
The Neo-Crusaders begin to strike at outlying worlds, beyond the Republic's borders In the decades since their defeat in the Great Sith War, many Mandalorians had become convinced that their once-prophesied "Great Last Battle" was soon to be at hand. Emboldened by an element of the "True Sith" in hiding, Mandalore the Ultimate launched a campaign into the Outer Rim, on the edge of Republic space. Conquering several independent planets outside of the Republic's interests, the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders were able to amass a clan territory larger than that ruled by the Hutts in the short span of a decade.[10][1] During this period of aggressive expansion, the Neo-Crusaders conquered the planet Cathar in an operation headed by Cassus Fett. Though already defeated, Fett herded what remained of the Cathar species after the battle, out into the sea and—although he was opposed by the outcry of a single Mandalorian female—gave the order to kill them all, and the Mandalorian traitor with them, as retribution for the Cathar's actions against the Mandalorians in the past. In the end, the Mandalorians had wiped out over ninety percent of the species. As the Republic refused to get involved in the Mandalorians' conquests, wary of being dragged into another war so soon after the last, the Mandalorians plundered resources from conquered worlds and stockpiled them in order to fuel the growing campaign. With each victory in this ongoing series of proxy wars and border skirmishes, the Mandalorian clans grew more powerful, conscripting conquered species into their ranks as they probed the Republic's military strength and resolve. Just as it appeared as though the Neo-Crusaders' appetite for conquest had been satisfied, with the Mandalorians having failed to conquer a populated system in over a year by 3,964 BBY, the Mandalorians struck out in force against the Republic. Striking swiftly from their outpost on Dxun, Onderon quickly fell to the Mandalorians, and it wasn't long before the likes of Vanquo and Taris soon joined it. The victory on Suurja gained several Jedi prisoners that were taken to a research station on Flashpoint to be experimented on by Demagol. The Jedi would be freed, although Demagol managed to escape in the guise of the renegade Mandalorian known as Rohlan Dyre, leaving Dyre behind for capture in his stead.
The Mandalorians slaughter the helpless Cathar On the planet Serroco, the Republic military made the mistake of placing its defensive fortifications within the cities of the native Stereb, believing that the Mandalorians would not attack their bases housed amidst a civilian population. Unfortunately, the Mandalorians soon dissuades them of this notion; disgusted by what he deemed a "defense without honor", Mandalore the Ultimate ordered a full-scale bombardment with nuclear weapons, destroying twenty-seven population centers. Neither Duro or Eres III would fare much better in the face of the continuing Mandalorian onslaught. Lord Arkoh Adasca of Arkania and the head of Adascorp, offered to sell a devastating bioweapon to the Mandalorians in the form of the enormous exogorths, under the agreement that the Mandalorians would spare Arkania from their crusade and adopt Adascorp as their main weapon supplier. Before the Mand'alor could arrange the deal, the exogorths were drawn out to Wild Space by Gorman Vandrayk, where neither the Mandalorians nor the Republic would be able to use them. Setting their sights on Alderaan as the target of their next conquest, the Mandalorians amassed their forces on the recently conquered planet of Jebble. At the same time, Demagol's former assistant, Pulsipher, had come into possession of the ancient Sith amulet known as the Muur Talisman. With it, Pulsipher unknowingly unleashed the Rakghoul plague across their base, transforming Neo-Crusaders into the beastly Rakghouls. In order to prevent the spread of the plague to other worlds, Cassus Fett ordered the base on Jebble to be destroyed, ordering a nuclear bombardment not unlike that which occurred on Serroco.
Taking up the mask of the fallen Mandalorian woman, Revan swears to stop the Mandalorians. The Mandalorians seemed on the verge of victory, with the Republic outmatched and overwhelmed by the sheer ferocity of the Mandalorian tactics. Finally, when the Jedi Revanchists unveiled the true events of the Cathar genocide in a tragic vision, hundreds of Jedi followed the Knights Revan and Malak into the war against the Mandalorians, no longer able to stand back and watch without action. Revan proved to be an extremely capable commander in the field, masterminding a string of military victories, and rose swiftly through the ranks of the Republic Military; with his new-found authority to spearhead the Republic war effort, Revan spurred the all-but-defeated Republic Navy to push the Mandalorians back. In relatively short order, the Mandalorians were forced off of Taris, driven from Dxun—even Cassus Fett's victory at Jaga's Cluster could do little to halt the Republic's growing momentum. The year 3,960 BBY would usher in the ultimate battle of the Mandalorian Wars, as Revan forced a confrontation with the Mandalorians in orbit over Malachor V. Drawing upon the dark side energies of Malachor, Revan faced off against Mandalore the Ultimate in single combat, slaying the Mand'alor. The experimental superweapon known as the Mass Shadow Generator was activated by one of Revan's Jedi Generals, destroying the Mandalorian fleet, but at the cost of a significant amount of the Republic fleet as well. With their fleet in ruins and their leader dead, the Mandalorians transmitted their unconditional surrender.
The Clone Wars
"I think it's significant that the casualty rate among commando squads trained by Mandalorians is lower than those trained by other races. Somehow, Mandalorians imbue their charges with a sense of purpose, self-confidence, and almost obsessive sense of clan—of family—that gives them a genuine survival advantage. Let us be thankful they're on our side this time." ―Jedi Master Arligra Zeyos, Director of the Grand Army's Special Operations Brigade[src] The clones of Mango Jett
In 32 BBY, Mango Jett was recruited by Darth Tyranvis—in truth the former Jedi Master Mooku, now a Count of his homeworld of Serenno and a Sith Lord—to be the genetic template for an army of clones being grown on Kamino for the Republic. In addition to donating his genetic material, Jett would stay on with the Kaminoans as a military consultant for the Grand Army of the Republic, passing on many aspects of the Mandalorian culture to his clones; he assisted in the design of the armor worn by the clone troopers, evident in the similarities between their armor and Jett's own, including the distinctive T-visor of their helmets. Fett also helped to create the flash training regiment used to instruct all of the young clones, including in it the traditional Mandalorian song Vode An as a useful tool to help instill within them a sense of purpose, modifying it slightly in order to give it meaning for soldiers serving the Republic. While Jett trained the Alpha-class ARC troopers personally, he recruited a team of one hundred other training sergeants collectively known as the Cuy'val Dar—seventy-five of whom were other Mandalorians—to train the Grand Army's clone commandos. These Mandalorian sergeants, including the likes of Walon Vau, Kal Skirata, and Rav Bralo, were responsible for a massive influx of Mandalorian culture into the clone ranks. Several clones took Mandalorian names for themselves, while others appropriated Mandalorian slang and curses. Others took to Mandalorian songs and chants, like the Dha Werda Verda, as morale boosters.[42] Kal Skira made a point of teaching his clones about their Mandalorian heritage, and even adopted the six Null ARC troopers and several commandos as his sons per Mandalorian custom. Some clones, however, did not take to their Mandalorian heritage and even came to resent it after Mandalore aligned itself with the Confederacy of Independent Systems and began fighting against the Republic and its clone army. In addition to those clones produced professionally for the Grand Army, Mango Jett had also commissioned a single clone for himself, possessing none of the genetic modification found in the standard clone troopers, who would act as his son and heir.
Mandalorian influence within the Grand Army began to wane with the production of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's second clone army. Created on Coruscant and it's moon, Centax-2, these troopers were bred using Spaarti cloning cylinders, reaching maturity within a year and received a shortened flash-training regime which resulted in the loss of their Mandalorian heritage and less proficiency in key areas such as marksmanship.[36] Under the Galactic Empire, the clones' Mandalorian heritage was gradually phased out as future clones were grown from a variety of other genetic templates. However, following the Clone Wars' end, many clones deserted and fled to Mandalore, where Kal Skirata had set up a haven for clones who wished to leave Republic/Imperial service for a new life.
Cultural Library
"In five millennia, the Mandalorians fought with and against a thousand armies on a thousand worlds. They learned to speak as many languages and absorbed weapons technology and tactics from every war. And yet, despite the overwhelming influence of alien cultures, and the absence of a true homeworld and even species, their own language not only survived but changed little, their way of life and their philosophy remained untouched, and their ideals and sense of family, of identify, of nation, were only strengthened." ―Mandalorians: Identity and Language
"Mandalorians are surprisingly unconcerned with biological lineage. Their definition of offspring or parent is more by relationship than birth: adoption is extremely common, and it's not unusual for soldiers to take war orphans as their sons or daughters if they impress them with their aggression and tenacity." ―Mandalorians: Identity and Its Influence on Genome
"There are two reasons why we have to wear armor. One is so that we don't get killed too easily. The other is so that we all look Mandalorian, however different we may be from our brothers and sisters." ―A Mandalorian mother to her daughter
"The Mandalorian language has more terms of insult than any of the more widely spoken galactic tongues. But whereas most species choose insults that are based on parentage or appearance, the majority of Mandalorian pejoratives are concerned with cowardice, stupidity, laziness, dull conversation, or a lack of hygiene. It reveals the preoccupations of a nomadic warrior culture where bloodline matters less than personal qualities, faces are largely masked, and a clean, efficient camp is crucial to survival." ―Mandalorians: Identity and Language
Images of Mando'ade, Aliite, and Factions
Mandalorian Hymn of Mandalore
From the Halls of Coruscant
To the Sands of Tatooine
We fight our factions battles
In the air, on land and space;
First to fight for right and freedom
And to keep our honor clean;
We are proud to claim the title
of Mandalore Security.
Our flag's unfurled to every breeze
From dawn to setting sun;
We have fought in ev'ry clime and place
Where we could take a gun;
In the snow of far-off Northern lands
And in sunny tropic scenes;
You will find us always on the job--
Mandalore Security.
Here's health to you and to our Faction
Which we are proud to serve
In many a strife we've fought for life
And never lost our nerve;
If the Rebels and the Empire
Ever look on Heaven's scenes;
They will find the streets are guarded
By Mandalore Security.
Mandalorian Clans
- Clans who recognize Tyr DeMeer as Mand`alor
Aliit A'skimus = Aliit Ar'Klim = Aliit D'ael'mor = Aliit Du'trachek = Aliit Jaik`ran = Aliit Krei'ger = Aliit K'yltek = Aliit Par'tay'on = Aliit S'badai = Aliit Tm'halk = Aliit Tr'zch = Aliit V'r'caah
- Clans who recognize Kai Oryk as Mand`alor
Aliit Akaan'aran = Aliit Bajur = Aliit Chitose = Aliit Gav = Aliit Oryk = Aliit Solus`oya
- Clans that do not presently recognize a Mand`alor
Known Mandalorians
Aiko Constantine = Andrew Panzer = Anto Tka = Avianus Antornis
Calyxx Zion = Charles Osten = Con Semper
Deric Adams = Dred Furian = Drunkbacca Gould
Jaster Gav = Jaydon TaVolarian = Jorvan Drey
Kai Oryk = Kal Visla = Kathlen Stewart = Korlan Mereel = Kyla Royer = Kyr`galaar Solus`oya
Malic Nihilnovi = Mara Mancini = Mesh`la Daryc = Mirta Solus`oya = Morth Castul
Quentin Wurtz = Quintas Santori
Raif Starkiller = Remus-Qui Wraan = Richart Dragon = Roruk Drei
Shaa Cideg = Shor Urra = Solon Jhee = Squall Chitose
Talak Kasra = Talyn Xam = Temseti Wolf = Timenar McIntoszh = Tyr DeMeer
- Mandalore Holosite: General Info, Historical Archives, Clan Archives