Gree Trade Authority

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Gree Trade Authority
GTA Logo
General Information
Status Active
Leader Tomas o`Cuinn
Headquarters Gree system
Historical Information
Founder Tomas o`Cuinn
Founded 15.267 (CGT)
Formed From GenoHaradan
Political Information
Standing Neutral
Major Industries Construction
Financial Services
Holosite Website

The Gree Trade Authority is a massive trade conglomerate led by Chief Executive Officer Tomas o`Cuinn that conducts business throughout the galaxy. Headquartered in the Gree star system and operating out of the Northern Outer Rim Territories, Gree maintains a neutral political stance that enables it to seamlessly cross political borders in its quest for profit and expansion. Regularly investing in new business ventures while improving its current operations, the conglomerate has partnered with a number of various corporations and organizations to build and strengthen business relationships and increase its operational efficiency. The Authority has diversified its operations into many various industries, though some of the major enterprises include raw material extraction, manufacturing, and investments into real estate projects. Some of Gree's lesser-known business ventures include consumer food products, energy production, information brokering, and competitive sporting events, among others. Almost any industry that can generate a profit will eventually obtain the attention of Gree.

While the Gree Trade Authority can trace its historical roots back to the ancient Gree Enclave[1], the modern organization was established shortly after the expulsion of the Black Sun crime syndicate from Gree at the hands of the GenoHaradan paramilitary organization and the Mandalorian clan Dael'mor in Year 14 (CGT). With its main base of operations on the surface of Gree, the Authority has governed and developed the Gree system since its inception.


Year 14 (and prior)

GenoHaradan operatives engaging the enemy

Long controlled by the Black Sun crime syndicate as their capital system, the Gree system's residents endured a brutal occupation and suppression of their basic sentient rights with executions and extortion a daily ritual. Many citizens were rounded up and sent into forced labor, used extensively in Hyrotii Corporation's various mining operations in the system. Those that were spared physical labor were typically forced into refuge camps, tortured or outright executed. These ruthless conditions and Black Sun's disregard for lives led many Gree civilians to get involved in a resistance movement, organizing terrorist attacks and trying to protect innocents. While ineffective overall, this resistance would eventually find support from the GenoHaradan paramilitary organization in late Year 14 (CGT). Led by Nyarlathotep Alaks and Tomas o`Cuinn, former Black Sun members, the GenoHaradan contracted the Mandalorian clan Dael'mor to provide military assistance during a planned assault of the Gree system. Operating off of intelligence supplied from informants within Black Sun, the criminal syndicate's unmanned defensive emplacements and surprised military forces were quickly overrun and seized on Day 350 of Year 14 (CGT). The combined fleets and soldiers of GenoHaradan and Dael'mor fortified their new defenses to repel the expected counterattack, but Underlord Alexander von Ismay made no attempt to retake Black Sun's capital system. Instead, he named Asation as the new capital system and responded by releasing a news report that stated the Gree system was actually a gift.[2] Later on, Alexander would contradict himself and state that the "gifts" had actually been stolen, declaring a select number of GenoHaradan and Dael'mor members as enemies of Black Sun.[3] The Gree Trade Authority was formed from the remaining resistance members and newly freed citizens, funded by credit reserves and assets seized from Black Sun and intent on rebuilding the once-powerful Gree Enclave.[4]

Year 15

New construction on Gree IV

Without the oppressive hand of Black Sun, the Gree system experienced a political and economical freedom previously unknown to them. The Gree system's government, the Gree Enclave, provided a permanent base of operations for the Authority due to their role in ending Black Sun's tyranny in the star system circa Year 14. To return the favor, the Gree Trade Authority invested billions of credits towards developing the Gree IV gas giant into an ecumenopolis to rival Coruscant, and constructing viable defense infrastructure to defend against future invasion. Dedicated to their new home, the Authority set in motion a series of business deals to ensure that their projects in the Gree system would be the main focus. First, they shipped more than twenty million tons of raw materials into the system for various construction and manufacturing projects. Second, they liquidated some of their major territories over a varying period of time, including their controlling stakes in various star systems throughout the galaxy. Third, they repaired existing defensive space stations seized from Black Sun to protect their investments, along with forming various naval fleets based in Gree for the same purpose. Finally, they developed, manufactured, and deployed planetary shield networks to protect the four planets in the Gree system from orbital bombardment and planetary invasion.

Although Gree sat on a comfortable reserve of seized credits, the need for sustainable operations led to heavy investments into local businesses alongside increased trade with other star systems. In addition, massive construction projects were started to encourage a growth in immigration to the system along with absorbing numerous groups of refuges escaping from the surrounding Black Sun territory. State-of-the-art branches of established intergalactic companies were constructed on Gree IV to promote galactic trade while new local businesses were started to take advantage of the growing opportunities. Taking advantage of the system's natural beauty of its contrasting binary star, credits were poured into improving tourist accommodations and marketing in an effort to draw additional income. By the end of Year 15 (CGT), more than 1 billion new citizens would call the constantly expanding residential platform cities on Gree IV home.

Year 16

The beginning of Year 16 (CGT) proved to be lucrative for Gree, as one of their business ventures resulted in the capture of infamous criminal Xakic Jix, brother to Ximaro Jix, former leader of the Dark Star Hellions, and a founding member of the Zann Consortium. The assets of Jix's organization, Alliance Special Operations, were seized and absorbed into Gree's growing coffers. Chief among the seized assets were controlling authority of Loedorvia II and Krmar, both of which were sold for an estimated 2,050,000,000 galactic credits (combined) on the 36th and 43rd days of Year 16 (CGT), respectively. Loedorvia II was sold to Sha`kage, but eventually landed in the hands of Geoff Jackson and CorEx. The world of Krmar was sold to Ralph Maximus, ultimately being acquired by the Trade Federation.

With business booming, the Gree Trade Authority set its sight on expanding its operations and territory; this objective led to the absorption of multiple planets, systems and sectors. The Argovia, Fokask and Manda systems were all gained through a business deal with the Mando'ade, though details of the arrangement have never been disclosed to the public. These additions also meant that the Endocray and Klina sectors became registered domains of the Gree Trade Authority. Elsewhere, the planet of Krmar was quietly purchased and then resold to the Confederacy of Independent Systems for 1,500,000,000 credits, half of the sale amount being pure profit. In the Iego system, a construction project and public relations campaign led to the Diathim accepting the Gree Trade Authority as the primary supporter of their local government, increasing the Authority's galactic influence while diminishing Black Sun's. This was short lived, however, as the criminal syndicate's underhanded business techniques soon saw the overwhelming subjugation of the Diathim government, with a series of strange disappearances sweeping through the ranks of those known to support the Authority. Cutting unprofitable business ventures, the Authority's holdings in Iego were sold to a trade proxy acting on behalf of Black Sun for 1,500,000,000 galactic credits on the 115th day of Year 16 (CGT), with the entirety of the sale price coming directly from Underlord Alexander von Ismay.

The labor requirement for sustaining the Authority's business operations grew with each new territory, eventually leading to the board of directors giving the Gree Mining Authority (GMA) a green light. Due to the staggering prices of building materials on the various galactic market, the GMA was created to increase the Authority's self-sufficiency and efficiency, lowering its overhead costs and creating additional jobs. With extensive veins of natural resources resting under the surface of every planet, the GMA set itself to safely extracting the materials that became the lifeline of the company's expanding operations.

Year 17

In Year 17 (CGT), Gree reconnaissance teams discovered the Antmuel and RZ7-6113-23 star systems in the Chopani sector. Perfectly situated as a staging point into the Northern Outer Rim Territories, the systems were intended to serve as a resupply station for Gree and allied forces whilst traveling to or from the Gree system. Due to their strategic location, the sector also served as an advanced listening post for enemy fleet movements. On the 131st day of Year 17 (CGT), the Gree Mining Authority became LodeCorp Mining in an attempt to establish its own brand name. With major bases in the Gree system and Chopani sector, LodeCorp handled all raw material requirements for the conglomerate’s operations and had established contracts with a few nearby star systems regarding their raw material rights.

By the end of Year 17 (CGT), Gree's renewed focus on the Gree system and a much-needed downsizing led to their holdings in the Chopani sector being sold off to The Resistance. Additionally, a new contract with an independent mining corporation led to the closure of LodeCorp Mining, lowering Gree's overhead costs and liabilities. Despite their downsizing, Gree had managed to increase their monthly gross income by more than 800% since moving their headquarters into the Gree system.

Additional Information


While headquartered out of the Gree star system, the Gree Trade Authority also maintains various holdings throughout the galaxy, though information regarding these assets is not public.

Atmospheric view of Gree II

Total territory includes:

The rings of Gree III


A star system of four planets with a constantly growing population of more than four billion, Gree has a contrasting binary star and is renown throughout the Outer Rim for its unique beauty. The system is protected by a multitude of defensive space stations and naval fleets resting in geosynchronous orbit around each planet, ready to counter any threat to the system's security. Most notable among these fleets are their flagships, the GSS Secutor (Imperial I-class Star Destroyer), the GSS Scotia (MC-60 star cruiser), and the GSS Britannia (Victory I-class Star Destroyer). Further bolstering Gree is a multi-tiered ring of defensive space stations of varying designs, including the Ataturk-class and Golan models I & II, placed in strategic locations throughout the star system. Placed along the outer edges of the system, a ring of XQ1-series platforms serve as customs checkpoints, an advanced warning system and the initial line of defense against pirates or other would-be invaders. Each of these platforms is supported by a Corona-class frigate and shelters two starfighter squadrons - one comprised of Y-wings and the other of R-41 starchasers - for defense. These flagships and defensive emplacements are bolstered by an impressive number of various warships and support vessels and very effectively serve as a military deterrence against potential invasions of Gree.

Public Finance Reports

While Gree does not release precise details regardings its financials, it does release annual finance reports that highlight important information for its investors.

