Krieg's Run Racing

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The Krieg's Run is a race that consists of check points in Hutt Space and surrounding deep space systems. The idea for the race was thought up by Tolando Krieg in Year 12, whom also heads up the racing commission for Krieg's Run. In partnership with Knights of the Fountain and additional sponsors, the races are held throughout each galactic calendar year and culminate in the Champion's Race.

Racing Conditions

- If you get caught cheating you will be disqualified, and your entrance fee will be forfeit.

- No coordinating between racers. This is an individual race.

- All ships must be basic manufactures stock. No modified ships. No unique ships. No hyperspeed greater than 7.

- Two million credits must be paid to Tolando Krieg for the entrance fee. The model and the name of the ship should be included when the credits are sent.

- Tolando Krieg or another Krieg's Run racing commissioner must be set as commander of your ship once you enter the Si`Klaata Cluster system and stay assigned for the duration of the race. This can be done at check-in, which is 48 hours before the race starts.

How the race works

1. Pay your two million credit entrance fee to Tolando Krieg, also include the model and name of the ship you wish to enter in the race.

2. You can change your ship anytime up to check in, you may not change ships once the race begins.

3. The Race will begin on the designated year, day, and time.

4. You may use any class of ship you choose. ***No hyperspeed greater than seven.*** If it is a capital ship it must be capable of landing on planets.

5. Your ship must be basic manufacture stock and unmodified. No unique ships allowed.

6. Sign in begins Forty-eight hours before the start time (two days). You will assign Tolando Krieg or a designated racing official, commander of your ship. The racing official will verify the ship is not modified. The Racing Commission will use this to track your progress through out the race.

7. You will be racing from Sector Hutt Space, System Si Klaata Cluster, Kintan Beta Moon, City of Moonadunes (2,1), Knights Stadium Moonadunes

8. ****NEW**** You will begin the race by stepping into the Knights Stadium. This will set off the sentry droid. If you forget you will have to go back again. Your sentry droid time stamp must be after the start time of the race, anytime prior does not count.

9. There are no longer any NPCs. The racer will need to check in with the relay station sentry droids.

10. The relay stations can be visited in any order you deem fit.

11. All the prizes are nontransferable.

12. Only the contestants and race officials will have access to the ships and facilities where the sentry droids are located.

13. The first sentient to get to all of the relay station sentry droids and get back inside the Knights Stadium Moonadunes on Kintan Beta Moon, Sector Hutt Space, System Si Klaata Cluster, City of Moonadunes (2,1), post on the forum and have it verified by a racing official will win the Grand prize. (All winners will be determined by sentry droid.)

14. The second sentient to get to all seven relay station sentry droids and get back inside Knights Stadium Moonadunes on Kintan Beta Moon, Sector Hutt Space, System Si Klaata Cluster, City of Moonadunes (2,1), and post on the forum and have it verified by a racing official will win the second place finish prize. (All winners will be determined by sentry droid.)

15. The third sentient to get to all seven relay station sentry droids and get back inside Knights Stadium Moonadunes on Kintan Beta Moon, Sector Hutt Space, System Si Klaata Cluster, City of Moonadunes (2,1), and post on the forum and have it verified by a racing official will win the third place finish prize. (All winners will be determined by sentry droid.)

16. The first racer to each relay station will also win a small prize. Prizes listed next to location.

Season One

First race Year 12 Day 189

  • 1st - Captain Siraloth Xivah flying the YT-2000 Essex Speedstream :: Prizes (Ten million credit Grand prize and a one-million credit Sienar gift card)
  • 2nd - Verd'ika Jason Starshooter flying the YT-2000 Iviin'yc T'ad, sponsored by Mando`ade :: Prizes (A set of Smugglers Guild stormtrooper armor and helmet)
  • 3rd - Captain Daisuke Haines flying the YT-2000 Ad Gloriam Naboo :: Prizes (Two one-million credit Sienar gift cards)
  • 4th - Sol Mazer flying the YT-1210 SMS:Natural 20 :: Prizes (One-million credit Sienar gift card)
  • 5th - Independent Associate Raak Narro flying the Sprint-class rescue craft Gratitude

Second race Year 12 Day 242

  • 1st - Major Lorenzas Atticus flying the YT-2000 Minotaurus :: Prizes (Ten million credits, CryoMed Laboratories loaded Sprint, and three million credits of Murishani unubunko weapons)
  • 2nd - Amaranth Kushiel flying the YT-1760 NX 4.0 GT :: Prizes (A batch of bacta tanks, a set of Smugglers Guild stormtrooper gear, and one million credits of Murishani unubunko weapons)
  • 3rd - Doctor Yalo Athephos flying the YT-1760 CML Diference :: Prizes (One million credits of Murishani unubunko weapons)
  • 4th - Director Drestin von Degistern flying the Pursuer Enforcement Ship #1

Third race Year 12 Day 291

  • 1st - Major Lorenzas Atticus flying the YT-1760 Longhaul, sponsored by Ailon Nova Guard :: Prizes (Grand prize of 25 million credits and two relay station prizes of two million credits)
  • 2nd - Commander Octogo Kunn flying the YT-1760 TMS Afterburner, sponsored by Tion Hegemony :: Prizes (10 million credits)
  • 3rd - Ge'verd Claven Deleon flying the YT-2000 Weatherlight :: Prizes (50 nova crystals, stormtrooper gear, and one relay station prize of one million credits)
  • 4th - Tucker Doave flying the YT-2000 Endeavor :: Prizes (a relay station prize of one million credits)
  • 5th - Torc Tarmin flying the YT-2000 Tarmin, sponsored by Nakesh Alliance Extractions
  • 6th - Sevk Ill`er flying the YT-1760 Defcon 9

Season Two

First race Year 13 Day 46

  • 1st - Champion Jack Kitcher flying the YT-2000 Redshift Runner :: (first racer to Cyborrea and Moobia) :: Prizes (Twenty million credits cash, 2-1B droid, V00 Rover speeder, X-ceptor ship and one batch of medikits)
  • 2nd - Asar Anchti flying the YT-2000Hermes, representing The Jensaarai :: (first racer to Cathar Prime) :: Prizes (Fifty nova crystals, stormtrooper armor and helmet no belt, four batches of bacta patches)
  • 3rd - Structural Engineer Jinn-Tu Ornil flying the YT-1760 Honeydew Rush :: Prizes (One batch of bacta tanks)
  • 4th - Cirxis Cronossk flying the YT-1760 Scorekeepers Champion :: (first racer to Charmath) :: Prizes (One batch of stimpacks and one of antidotes)
  • 5th - Master Locksmith Zair Darea flying the representing the Mecrotica group, YT-2000 Zebra
  • 6th - Christian Hall flying the representing Murishani Unubunko, YT-1760, Endless Wastes
  • 7th - Junior Officer Vash Gal flying the YT-1760 Celeritas
  • 8th - Lord Chancellor Ellias Aubec flying the YT-1760 Arc Draig, sponsored by The Krath Dynasty
  • 9th - Major Lorenzas Atticus flying the YT-1760, Longhaul, sponsored by Ailon Nova Guard :: (first racer to Usk and Codian Moon) :: Prizes (One batch of medikits, one batch of stimpacks, and one batch of antidotes)
  • 10th - Moi Mhia flying the YT-1760 Desert Phoenix, sponsored by The Knights of the Fountain

Second race Year 13 Day 81

  • 1st - Champion Jinn-Tu Ornil flying the YT-1760 Honeydew Rush :: (4/4 checkpoints made) :: Prizes (Twenty million credits)
  • 2nd - Alinx Dudu flying the YT-1760 Shortshadow :: (4/4 checkpoints made, first racer to Cyborrea and Usk II) :: Prizes (Storm trooper armor and helmet no belt, four million credit Sienar gift card, two batches of stimpacks and two batches of antidotes)
  • 3rd - Cadeus Iram flying the YT-1760 Zorkinian Fury, representing Zorkinian Enterprises :: (4/4 checkpoints made, first racer to Cathar Prime in Quelii) :: Prizes (Four batches of bacta patches and one batch of bacta tanks)
  • 4th - Manager Vash Gal flying the YT-1760 Celeritas :: (4/4 checkpoints made, first racer to Moobia and Charmath) :: Prizes (One batch of medikits. one batch of stimpacks and one batch of antidotes)
  • 5th - Lord Admiral Sir Knight Malachi Pythes flying the YT-2000 Tachyon, sponsored by the Mindabaal League :: (2/4 checkpoints made)

Third race Year 13 Day 115

  • 1st - Champion Amp Thane flying the YT-2000 Mustang :: (4/4 checkpoints made, first to Usk) :: Prizes (Ten nova crystals, 20,000,000 credits, and Krieg's Run Trophy)
  • 2nd - Melisandre Noir flying the YT-1760 Celeritas, sponsored by Vash Gal Racing :: (4/4 checkpoints made, first to Y'toub and Moobia) :: Prizes (Twenty nova crystals, stormtrooper armor and helmet no belt, four million credit gift card to the Sienar Conglomerate)
  • 3rd - Cirxis Cronossk flying the YT-1760 Scorekeepers Champion :: (4/4 checkpoints made) :: Prizes (batch of bacta tanks)
  • 4th - Minister Raptor Cardel flying the YT-1760 Skipping Stones :: (4/4 checkpoints made, first to Cathar Prime) :: Prizes (Ten nova crystals)
  • 5th - Champion Jinn-Tu Ornil flying the YT-1760 Honeydew Rush :: (4/4 checkpoints made)
  • 6th - Recruit Megan Weima flying the YT-2000 Honor, Integrity, SPEED 3, sponsored by the Trade Federation Racing Team :: (4/4 checkpoints made)
  • 7th - Ensign Tal-Koren Wavingstrider flying the YT-2000 Honor, Integrity, SPEED 2, sponsored by the Trade Federation Racing Team :: (4/4 checkpoints made)
  • 8th - Second Lieutenant Daarco Ananocki flying the YT-1760 Honor, Integrity, SPEED 1, sponsored by the Trade Federation Racing Team :: (4/4 checkpoints made, first to Codian Moon) Prizes (Ten nova crystals)
  • 9th - Hans Yond flying the YT-2000 Night Walker :: (3/4 checkpoints made)

Fourth race Year 13 Day 150

  • 1st - Champion Tabty Haasza flying the YT-1760 Baktal`Theed, representing Akheton Vehicle Corporation :: (4/4 first to Moobia, Y'toub, and Cha Raaba) :: Prizes (Twenty million credits three batches of medikits)
  • 2nd - Cirxis Cronossk flying the YT-1760 Scorekeepers Champion :: (4/4) :: Prizes (Viper fighter)
  • 3rd - Baz Yen flying the YT-2000 Galaxian, sponsored by Veterans of the Psychedelic Wars :: (4/4 first to Usk) :: Prizes (One batch of medikits and stormtrooper armor and helmet no belt)
  • 4th - Jinn-Tu Ornil flying the YT-1760 Honeydew Rush :: (4/4)

Fifth race Year 13 Day 199

Sixth race Year 13 Day 241

  • 1st - Champion Major Lorenzas Atticus flying the YT-510, Iviin'yc Sur'haai, representing Kohl Straffer & Tal'Vode Industries :: (7/7 checkpoints made) :: Prizes (Twenty Million credits, Trophy)
  • 2nd - Tallon Rein flying the YT-510 The Mini Arc Runner, representing the Sienar Conglomerate :: (7/7 checkpoints made, first racer to Moralan, Usk, and Codian Moon) :: Prizes (Stromtrooper armor and helmet no belt.)
  • 3rd - Athrun Zala, YT-510, Red Knight 7/7 (first racer to Klatooine; checked in at Moobia, Y'toub, Codain Moon, Usk, Moralan, Cyborrea) (Prizes four million credit gift card to the Sienar Conglomerate. No bacta tanks)
  • 4th - Sienna Sutek, Sponsored by Dark Skies Gearworks, flying YT-2000, Flare 7/7 (first racer to Moobia and Y'toub; checked in at Codian Moon, Usk, Moralan, Klatooine)
  • 5th - Doilin Mellar, representing Ayervon Recycling Enterprises, YT-1760 Pulse 6/7 (first racer to Cyborrea; checked in at Moobia, Y'toub, Codian Moon,Usk, and Moralan)
  • 6th - Jinn-Tu Ornil, flying YT-1760, Honeydew Rush 1/7 (checked in at Y'toub)

The Champions race Year 13 Day 346

  • 1st - Champion Major Lorenzas Atticus representing Kohl Straffer & Tal'Vode Industries, YT-510 Iviin'yc Sur'haai Cuir (8/8 Cyborrea*, Kessa, Moralan*, and Usk*, Nar Kaaga, Y'toub. Moobia, Iotran Expanse) Prize astroid hideout and gold trophy
  • 2nd - Tabty Haasza representing Akheton Vehicle Corporation YT-510 [TH] Baktal`Haasza (8/8 Iotran Expanse, Moobia, Y'toub*, Nar Kaaga*, Usk, Moralan, Kessa, Cyborrea) Prize CR-90 Corvette
  • 3rd - Asar Anchti representing The Jensaarai, YT-510 TJ #5 (8/8 Iotran Expanse*, Cyborrea, Moobia, Y'toub, Nar Kaaga, Usk, Moralan, ) Prize Trading I station
  • 4th - Cirxis Cronossk YT-1760, Scorekeepers Champion (8/8 Cyborrea, Moobia, Y'toub, Nar Kaaga, Usk, Moralan, Kessa, Iotran Expanse.)
  • 5th - Melisandre Noir representing Vash Gal Racing YT 1760 Celeritas (8/8 Iotran Expanse, Cyborrea, Moobia, Y'toub, Nar Kaaga, Usk, Moralan, Kessa)
  • 6th - Jinn-Tu Ornil YT-1760, Honeydew Rush (7/8 Iotran Expanse, Moobia, Y'toub, Usk, Moralan, Kessa, Nar Kaaga)
  • 7th - Amp Thane YT-2000 Mustang (2/8 Kessa*, Moralan)

Season Three

First race Year 14 Day 72

  • 1st - Champion Tabty Haasza flying the YT-510 [TH] Baktal'Haasza, sponsored by Akheton Corporation :: (7/7 first racer to the Iotran Expanse, Kessa, Moralan, Usk, Cha Raaba, Y'toub, and Cyborrea) :: Prizes (Twenty-five million credits, a Krieg's Run Trophy, one batch of stimpacks and one antidotes)
  • 2nd - Ardu Nillian flying the YT-510 Trader's Dream, sponsored by the Galactic Stock Exchange :: (7/7 first racer to Kessa, first racer to Moralan, First racer to Usk, first racer to Cha Raaba, Y'toub, Cyborrea, and Iotran Expanse) :: Prizes (Fifteen million credit giftcard to MandelMotors and 16 nova crystals)
  • 3rd - Raptor Cardel flying the YT-510 My Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, sponsored by The Anzatan Commonwealth :: (7/7 Iotran Expanse, first racer to Cyborrea, first racer to Y'toub, Cha Raaba, Usk, Moralan, Kessa) :: (Prizes 008 Heavy Landspeeder, one batch of bacta tanks, two batch of stimpacks and two antidotes)
  • 4th - Raak Narro flying the YT-510 Oak, sponsored by Maximus Racing :: (7/7 Iotran Expanse, Cyborrea, Y'toub, Cha Raaba, Uak, Moralan, Kessa )
  • 5th - Patrick Shaygar flying the YT-510 Lemurs Flame, sponsored by The Raging Banthas :: (7/7 Kessa, Moralan, Usk, Cha Raaba, Y'toub, Cyborrea, Iotran Expanse)
  • 6th - Jorel Talas flying the YT-510 Aleph Null, sponsored by The Exchange :: (7/7 Iotran Expanse, Cha Raaba, Y'toub, Uak, Moralan, Kessa, Cyborrea)
  • 7th - Balmur Wielki flying the YT-510 Sonic Balmur, sponsored by The Exchange :: (6/7 Cyborrea, Kessa, Moralan, Usk, Y'toub, Cha Raaba)
  • 8th - Laz Uli flying the YT-510 Iviin, sponsored by Black Bha`lir :: (5/7 Kessa, Moralan, Usk, Cha Raaba, Y'toub)
  • 9th - Anton Paulus flying the YT-510 The Nirvana, sponsored by The Mercenary Guild :: (3/7 Iotran Expanse, Cyborrea, Y'toub)
  • 10th - Ordo Perkins flying the YT-2000 Ordo's Folly, sponsored by the Mandalorian assembly of clans

Second race Year 14 Day 114

Third race Year 14 Day 156

  • 1st - Champion Amaranth Kushiel flying the YT-510 Dusk Runner :: (7/7 Kessa, Honoghr, Moralan, Usk, Y'toub, Cyborrea, Iotran Expanse) :: Prizes (Twenty-five million credits and Krieg's Run Trophy)
  • 2nd - Xylus Jin flying the YT-2000 Blood Hawk, sponsored by Byblos Drive Yards :: (7/7 Iotran Expanse, Cyborrea, Y'toub, Usk, Moralan, Honoghr, Kessa) :: Prizes (YT-510 and Batch of bacta tanks)
  • 3rd - Kam Marac flying the YT-510 CryoMed Flyer, sponsored by the CryoMed Group :: (4/7 Iotran Expanse, Cyborrea, Y'toub, Usk) :: Prizes (008 Heavy Landspeeder, two batches of medical kits, and twenty nova crystals)

Fourth race Year 14 Day 282

  • 1st - Champion Amaranth Kushiel YT-510 Dusk Runner :: (7/7 Kessa*, Honoghr*, Moralan*, Usk*, Y'toub, Cyborrea, Iotran Expanse) :: Prizes fifty million credits and a Krieg's Run trophy
  • 2nd - Tachibana Ryu YT-510 Shadow of Fellhome, sponsored by the InterGalactic Banking Clan (7/7 Cyborrea*, Y'toub*, Usk, Moralan, Kessa, Honoghr,Iotran Expanse) :: Prizes (Viper fighter and a batch of bacta tanks)
  • 3rd - Jufran Max YT-510 Sands of Thought :: (7/7 Iotran Expanse*, Cyborrea, Y'toub, Usk, Moralan, Honoghr, Kessa) :: Prizes (Twenty nova crystals, 008 heavy landspeeder, two batches of medikits)
  • 4th - Tabty Haasza flying the YT-510 [TH] Baktal'Haasza, sponsored by Akheton Corporation :: (7/7 Kessa, Honoghr, Moralan, Usk, Y'toub, Cyborrea, Iotran Expanse)
  • 5th - Keeper of the Code Maha Michi YT-510 Yata no Kagami :: (7/7 Kessa, Honoghr, Moralan, Usk, Y'toub, Cyborrea, Iotran Expanse)
  • 6th - Drugard Keporia representing Huppla Pasa Tisc YT-2000 Silver Star :: (2/7 Kessa, Honoghr)

Fifth race Year 14 Day 324

  • 1st - Champion Amaranth Kushiel flying the YT-510 Dusk Runner :: (8/8 Kessa*, Honoghr*, and Moralan*, Codian Moon*, Nar Kaaga, Y'toub, Cyborrea, Iotran Expanse) :: Prizes Fifty million credits and a Krieg's Run Trophy
  • 2nd - Commander Lorenzas Atticus flying the YT-510 Iviin'yc Sur'haai Cuir, sponsored by Tal'Vode Industries :: (8/8 Iotran Expanse, Kessa, Honoghr, Moralan, Codian Moon, Nar Kaaga, Y'toub, Cyborrea,) :: Prizes Viper fighter plus a batch of bacta tanks
  • 3rd - Tarek Var flying the YT-510 Sedarians Call :: (8/8 Iotran Expanse*, Cyborrea*, Y'toub*, Nar Kaaga, Codian Moon, Moralan, Kessa ) :: Prizes Twenty Nova Crystals. Two batcehs of medikits, and 008 Heavy Landspeeder
  • 4th - Rulrules Khunta flying the YT-510 Cybot Galactica Racing Team, sponsored by Cybot Galactica :: (8/8 Nar Kaaga*, Codian Moon, Honoghr, Kessa, Moralan, Y'toub, Cyborrea, Iotran Expanse)
  • 5th - Torc Tarmin flying the YI-510 Flash, sponsored by Corellian Transport Services :: (7/8 Moralan, Y'toub, Codian Moon, Kessa, Honoghr, Iotran Expanse, Cyborrea)
  • 6th - Jinn-Tu Ornil flying the YT-1760 Honeydew Rush :: (2/8 Kessa, Moralan)

Sixth race Year 15 Day 71

  • 1st - Champion Amaranth Kushiel flying the YT-510 Dusk Runner :: (6/6 Klatooine*, Kessa, Honoghr, Moralan, Usk II, Usk)
  • 2nd - Cirxis Cronossk flying the YT-510 Scorekeeper's Wings, sponsored by Crepan Entertainment Studios :: (5/6 Kessa*, Honoghr*, Moralan, Usk II, Usk*)
  • 3rd - Xanatos Darkstar flying the YT-2000 Black Friday! :: (3/6 Moralan*, Usk II, Usk)
  • 4th - Mohier Gauth flying the [TSC] YT-510 SFM#4, sponsored by the Aurodium Legion :: (3/6 Usk II*, Moralan, Usk)

The Champions race

- Date to be determined

Season Four

  • To be scheduled

Champions of the Krieg's Run race

Grand Champions of the Krieg's Run race

  • Note: Season 1 did not have a Champion's race, so there is no Grand Champion for this season.
  • Major Lorenzas Atticus, Grand Champion of Season 2

Sponsors of the Krieg's Run racing Seasons

GNS Posts about the Krieg's Run

Year 14 Day 306 Krieg's Run: Season in Review by Maha Michi

Year 14 Day 177 Krieg's Run Racing Update by Tolando Krieg


Year 14 Day 49 Krieg's Run Third Season by Tolando Krieg

Year 13 Day 302 The Fastest Pilot in the Galaxy by Vrik Dakari

Year 13 Day 2 Krieg's Run Second Season by Tolando Krieg

Year 12 Day 233 Krieg's Run Update by Tolando Krieg, posted by Bren Morgarr


Krieg's Run holosite thread

Tolando Krieg's Bookmakers holosite thread