Aliit D'ael'mor

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Aliit D'ael'mor
General Information
Status Current
Leader Mara Mancini
Headquarters Onderon
Historical Information
Founded Year 8 Day 5
Political Information
Affiliation Mandalore
Type Mandalorian Clan
Holosite Clan D'ael'mor Holosite

Aliit D`ael`mor is a Mandalorian Clan that recognizes Korlan Mereel as Mand`alor.

D'ael'mor is led by its Aliit'buir Mara Mancini.

Clan Overview

The members of clan D'ael'mor live a strictly disciplined life, one of training, one of learning. From an early age, every child of the clan must work to better their mind and body through the use of the martial art D'ael'Kai. Through years of study, all young D'ael'mor build an almost superhuman level of stamina and dexterity, as well as spiritual control and wisdom. As soon as they reach the age of 16 standard years they must go through the Challenge of Position. This challenge decides who and what they will be for most likely the rest of their lives because they must choose the Test of Wisdom or the Test of Strength. Those who choose the Test of Wisdom undergo a grueling trial of knowledge and intelligence and those who choose the Test of Strength must survive a test of physical hardship and wits. The tests vary with each young adult although some houses within the clan have chosen to make them more standardized over the years, the result for failure is the same, assignment to the more menial jobs such as shopkeeper and miner. Those that pass Wisdom become masters of science or learning, those that pass strength become warriors.

Clan History

The Ancient Past

The clan D'ael'mor was founded by T'mek D'ael'mor soon after the very first clan was founded. T'mek was from a religious order who believed in inner power and physical greatness, he stressed to his now-forming clan physical prowess as well as spiritual. A decade after its founding the D'ael'mor clan had established its mountain stronghold Blood Peak in the Jal'den mountains on the northern continent of Mandalore and within its walls the warriors learned all the arts T'mek knew. Soon after Blood Peak was finished the clan located vast mineral and ore veins that wove through the entire mountain range. They quickly began mining the wealth, using it to create weapons and make them one of the most economically powerful clans of all.

Clan traits

Every clan member gains a tattoo of either strength, wisdom, or loyalty along the entire right side of their body.

They depict as follows:

  • A swirling Firehawk: Wisdom
  • A raging Dragon serpent: Strength
  • A steadfast Iron cat: Loyalty

Each individual’s tattoo differs in appearance depending on the house, personal taste, and achievements. The role of clan D'ael'mor has always been one of example and one of pride. From almost the beginning of life on Mandalore, one of the eldest warriors of the ruling house of D'ael'mor has served the triad as an adviser and many serve the Taraq'Kau and the Taraq'Qualim. Economically the clan still remains near the top as it manufactures weapons and armor for warriors as well as computers and components for spacecraft and general use.

Being of D'ael'mor is putting honor above glory, wisdom above vengeance. Clan and house are sacred, and every member of the clan is to serve them and Mandalore despite any hardships it might bring. To be D'ael'mor is to be striving for excellency, to be proud, accomplished, and wise.

Clan Totem

The D’ael’mor stands for Wisdom, Strength, and Loyalty. Over the centuries the clan eventually dedicated their lives to these tenets and as such these values became the clan totem and the core beliefs of the clan.