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General Information
Motto "The Corellian Security Force. The very name strikes fear into pirates, smugglers and other scum of the galaxy."
Status Active
Leader Grand Marshal Neria Derycke
2IC Chief Marshal Wul Aggrakk
Historical Information
Founded Year 0 Day 5
Political Information
Affiliation Galactic Empire, Imperial Union
Industry Mercenaries
Holosite CorSec

The Corellian Security Force, commonly abbreviated CorSec, is a security firm based in/around the Corellian Sector. As one of the oldest Security firms in existence, the group has mainly assisted the Galactic Empire with policing the sector and upholding the Imperial law.



CorSec is one of the oldest Security groups, that mostly enforced the Imperial Law within the Corellian Sector for the past 16 years. The Security group was build up under the leadership of Commander Kevin Chambers and was later taken over by Commander Vencenti Chambers Not much is known about the past of CorSec, except what can be found in the Imperial Archives. CorSec mostly dealt with Smugglers, Pirates, Rebels breaching Imperial Space, Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism.

The Directionate

Today, the Corellian Security Force has undergone a transformation from a Police Force within the Corellian Sector to that of a Security Corporation accepting contracts outside of the Imperial Core. Therefore, CorSec is unable to accept contracts from individuals, governments or companies listed on the Imperial Blacklist.

The new leader Neria Derycke reformed the majority of branches mainly for defensive missions, military advisement and combat training of sovereign and corporate forces.


High Command

The Directionate consist of CorSec officers that lead the groups, divisions and other departments of CorSec with a leading functioning.

They look after the day to day tasks ensuring that CorSec remains a well functioning entity. The structure is set up that in the event that a Leading Officer or manager becomes absent, the person can be replaced immediately, temporary or permanent.

Security Fleet

The Corellian Security Fleet, also known as the CSF, is the main military force of CorSec. The primairy task of the fleet is to patrol and secure the Corellian and Duro System, both in space, atmosphere and ground. The Fleet consists of several components specialized and equipped for various tasks, ranging from ground operations in infantry and AT/AF support. To providing air support for the ground forces and to secure space with Fighters, Corvettes, Frigates and Capital ships.

The Tactical Response Team, or TRT, is a sub branch under the CSF and falls under the command of the CSF group Commander. They mainly conduct high risk operations such as room to room combat on ground facilities, stations and ships. They receive advanced combat training and are the elite forces of the CSF.

Civilian Engineering

CorSec Civilian Engineering, abbreviated CCE, is currently the sole division of the civilian branch. Their first task is to provide support the military and security operations. Second task is to expand civilian services CorSec will be offering in the near and far future.

Special Operations

CorSec Special Operations, or CSO in short, conduct high risk operations. CSO Officers are not trained, but born to work ranging from recon and infiltration to operating behind enemy lines, both alone and in small teams. They receive the same training as TRT Officers and more, the division can also exist out of CorSec Force Users. CSO officers are hand picked by the Chief Marshal himself and have earned the Directionates trust to perform cover operations for the firm.

Sentinent Resources Project

Beside the regular structure and standard assignments, CorSec also has a division called Sentient Resources Project. SRP is designed to create a community within CorSec, this by developing programs that would benefit the members and CorSec itself. This by creating events where prices can be won, either by budget support from the firm or by donations or via trade deals SRP makes. SRP also has job offerings for those who wish to specialize in certain sectors, such as journalism, design, diplomacy and more.

Directionate CSF CCE CSO TRT


  • (Year 1)
  • (Year 9)


  • Y 00 D 005: The CorSec is created.
  • Y 04 D UNK: Kevin Chambers was elected as the leader of CorSec.
  • Y UNK D UNK: Vencenti Malcuro was elected as the new leader of CorSec.
  • Y 16 D 190: Neria Derycke was named as the Grand Marshal and the new leader of CorSec.
  • Y 16 D 193: Vencenti Malcuro resigns.
  • Y 16 D 203: New wage structure and rank system were introduced.
  • Y 16 D 268: Kina Su was apointed as Chief Marshal and Wulk Aggrakk was promoted to Commodore.
  • Y 17 D 097: Myattjat Feska was promoted to Field Marshal.
  • Y 17 D UNK: Wulk Aggrakk was named as the Chief Marshal.

Corellian Security Force
Systems Duro · New Plympto · Vagran · Xyquine
Branches Regular Directionate · Corellian Security Fleet · CorSec Civilian Engineering · CorSec Special Operations
Other Sentinent Resources Project · Derycke Enterprises

Second Galactic Civil War
Rebel Alliance

Rebel Alliance

Other Anti-Imperial

Blue Star Dominion · The Antarian Rangers and Galactic Alliance-ARK- · The Invid Order · Jedi Order · The Resistance · TIEFE · Rogue Squadron · Triumvirate Coalition)

Imperial Union

Black Sun · Galactic Empire · The Faerytail Family · Tresario Star Kingdom

Imperial Union-aligned


Galactic Concordiate

Aurodium Legion · Mandalore · Tion Hegemony

Galactic Concordiate-aligned

The Wraiths

Shadow Dominion

Zann Consortium · Biotech

Battles and Conflicts
Major Conflicts

Adlentar · Alderaan · Bacta Wars · Berchest · Beta · Churnis · Corellia · Dellalt · Dostra · Dressel · Hosnian · Kashyyyk · 2nd Krmar II · Meridian · N'zoth · Sacorria · 1st Tatooine · 2nd Tatooine · Trellen

Major Hostile Takeovers

Takeover of The Antarian Rangers (Y9 D221 - Y10 D341) · Corporate Sector Authority Nationalisation (Y5 D139 - Y10 D102) · Takeover of the New Republic

Wars of the Galaxy

Black Sun Crisis (Y3 D53 - Y3 D293) · Cron Conflict (Y11 D64 - D297) · First Imperial Civil War (Y-2 - Y0) · Second Imperial Civil War (Y1 D307 - Y3 D290) · Third Imperial Civil War (Y6 D318 - Y10 D160) · Fourth Imperial Civil War (Y11 D291)

Related Wars

Outer Rim War (Y7 - Present Day) · Mandalorian Civil War (Y16 D35 - Present Day)