Aliit Aetos

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Aliit Aetos
General Information
Status Active
Leader Kassandra Aetos
Headquarters Ord Cantrell
Historical Information
Founded Year 22 Day 50
Political Information
Affiliation Cantrell Conglomerate
Alii'tsad Ijaat'ade
Type Mandalorian Clan

Aliit Aetos is a Mandalorian Clan led by Aliit'alor Kassandra Aetos. The clan currently recognizes Kai Oryk as Mand'alor.


Language of the Aetos

Although all mando'ade are required by the resol'nare to learn mando'a as part of their cultural upbringing and education, aliit aetos over time under the tutelage of the first alor and armourer; Kassandra Aetos departed from the contextually specific language for internal use in favour of a new, more extensive language. This new text eventually came to be known as Glóssa'aetoú, which roughly translates into galactic basic as 'Language of the Aetos' and currently has translations for most; if not all of the galactic basic language.

The tale of the languages origins is told to be derived from the first armourers interpretations of calling sounds made by Ikaros, an Eye-snatcher and Kassandra's closest companion, along with a mixture of classic mando'a punctuation and words. Over the years Kassandra was able to observe a plethora of calling cries made by the Eye-snatcher in a number of different environments, documenting them. Initially this was a venture for her to learn how to communicate with her companion so that Ikaros could more efficiently aid her life as a mercenary, but as she transitioned into Mandalorian lifestyle and her aliit grew in size, she realised it could also serve as a psuedo-secret language that the clan could use to ensure safety of all members no matter the situation.

Although the language primarily existed purely as a way to vocally communicate between the members of the aliit, it was eventually written to text so that future generations could learn the language with ease, as well as providing the same safety for the aliit when communicative via other methods where vocalisation was impossible; such as sending encoded messages that only those of aliit aetos could comprehend. Glóssa'aetoú would follow a similar hieroglyphic style as mando'a in it's design, allowing for relatively easy transcription as well as practical application over aesthetic design.

Common Phrases & Keywords

As part of the usage of Glóssa'aetoú and transparency for all vod, a list of all the most commonly used words and phrases have been provided to be taught as part of the core teachings of the language.

ΓΛΩΣΣΑ’ΑΕΤΟΥ Glóssa'aetoú Mando'a Basic
ΚΥΒΕΡΝΉΤΗΣ Kyvernítis mand'alor Sole Ruler
ΦΥΛΗ Fylí aliit Clan
ΦΥΛΕΤΙΚΌΣ ΗΓΈΤΗΣ Fyletikós igétis aliit'alor Tribal Leader
ΔΕΎΤΕΡΟΣ ΗΓΈΤΗΣ Défteros igétis alor'ad Second Leader
ΟΠΛΟΥΡΓΌΣ Oplourgós gam'goran Armourer
ΣΥΓΓΕΝΕΊΣ Syngeneís vod Kin / Brother / Sister
ΓΕΊΤΟΝΑΣ Geítonas yaimi Neighbour
ΕΠΙΣΚΈΠΤΗΣ episképtis aruetii Foreigner / Outsider
ΚΑΝΌΝΕΣ ΣΥΜΠΕΡΙΦΟΡΆΣ Kanónes Symperiforás mirsh'nyne be ijaat Canons of Honour
ΔΌΓΜΑΤΑ Dógmata resol'nare Tenets / Six Actions
ΑΕΤΟΣ Aetós senaar Bird / Winged Creature
ΠΕΡΠΑΤΗΣΤΕ ΤΟ ΑΞΙΟΤΙΜΟ ΜΟΝΟΠΑΤΙ Perpatíste to axiótimo monopáti kemir ti ijaat'goyust Walk the honorable path
ΤΙΜΗ ΣΕ ΣΕΝΑ Timí se séna ijaat at gar Honour to you
ΓΛΩΣΣΑ’ΑΕΤΟΥ Glóssa'aetoú aetos'joha Clan Aetos Language
ΡΟΜΠΌΤ Rompót beskar'ad Droid

The resol'nare

Verd ori'shya beskar'gam, a Mando'ad naas ures Resol'nare.

Mando'ade are nothing without our culture, and everything with it. Without our culture, our people would have died out along with the Taung. Recognising this, the Mando'ade reaffirm the ancient position that adherence to Mando'ade culture is what dictates whether one is Mando'ad or Dar'manda.These simple tenets are what makes one a Mando'ad, and nothing else. The most important aspect of Mando'ade culture is the Resol'nare, which translates to Basic as the "Six Actions" or "Six Tenets." The Resol'nare are:

Ba'jur, beskar'gam,
Ara'nov, aliit,
Mando'a bal Mand'alor
An vencuyan mhi.

Which translates to basic as:

Education, armour,
Self-defence, clan,
Our language, our leader
All help us survive.


Education. All Mando'ade are expected to raise their children as Mando'ade. There is no typical education regiment, but most consist of firearm and blade practice, piloting, equipment upkeep and maintenance, Mando'a and the Resol'nare. Some also choose to teach their children other skills, such as hunting, cooking, wilderness survival, battlefield medicine, machine repair, and other practical disciplines.


Armour. Beskar'gam is the most outward display of being a Mando. Beskar'gam also says a great deal about its owner. While most aruetiise see identical sets of armour varying only in colour, each set of Beskar'gam is actually quite unique and tailored to suit the comforts, fighting styles, and abilities of its owner. In addition to wearing the armour, Mando'ade are expect to be able to care for it and keep it in peak condition, ready for combat at a moment's notice.


Defence. Other than Beskar'gam, Ara'nov is probably the tenet that sentients most associate with the Mando'ade. All Mando'ade are expected to be able to hold their own in combat, regardless of sex, age, or profession. This fighting prowess is also expected to be put to use to defend ones aliit in times of need. Many assume that because of this tenet all Mando'ade are soldiers by profession, but this is not the case. Mando'ade merely recognise the importance of being able to defend oneself and those they love. While anyone can obey the other tenets, Ara'nov is what separates the Mando'ade from the hut'uune.


Clan. Unknown to many aruetiise is the emphasis the Mando'ade place on family. Family is such a big part of Mando society that it's organisation is centred around it, in the form of clans. However, aliite in Mando society are far different than those found in most galactic cultures. Mando aliite can best be understood with the old proverb, "Aliit ori'shya tal'din" which translates into basic as "Family is more than blood". While it certainly is important to raise the children one births as Mando'ade, adoption is just as important and more widespread in some places. Adoptees are given the same status and treated the same as those related by blood. Through this practice, the Mando'ade have managed to keep strong throughout the centuries.


Language. Although some may disagree, Mando'a is extremely important. It sets us apart from the aruetiise and it strengthens our bonds with those who have come before. It serves as a form of universal communication and way to tie together what is otherwise an extremely diverse group of sentients. It also allows us to express ourselves; through proverbs, poetry, and song. Not only that but it allows us to express that which is indescribable in any other language. Because of Mando'a, your vode will understand you when you say shereshoy, even when no one else in the galaxy can.. It is Mando through and through.


Sole ruler, Mandalore. It is no coincidence Mandalorians call themselves the "Mando'ade". This word translates to Basic as the "Sons and Daughters of Mandalore." Mand'alor is never Mand'alore. He is our one ruler and leader of the clans. He is the most worthy warrior who takes the place of the previous Mand'alor after he joins the Manda. He leads us against those who would do us harm and those who he would have us harm. He is the embodiment of the ideals of te Sol'yc Mand'alor and the guardian of Mando values and life.

Canons of Honour

The Resol'nare is to be followed in our daily lives, but the canons of honor apply in this context aswell, derived from the principles of the Six Actions but focusing on a different aspect of life. Unlike the Resol’nare, the Canons of Honor are much looser in interpretation, each Mandalorian able to take the Canons and apply them to their life differently. The actions are necessary and essential, the canons separate the thugs from the warriors, both complete us and make us Mando'ade.


Strength is Life, for the Strong have the right to Rule

It is by these words that we determine our worth in combat and in our existence. Strength is a broad term, and touches every aspect of Mando'ade life, the strength to live and survive, the strength to teach and exert oneself to do great things for our people, and the strength to persist as a culture for millennia more as we carve our place in the galaxy. It is by our own mettle we stand strong and united, ready to lead by example for the generations to come after us, and they for the next.


Honour is Life, for with no Honour, one may as well be Dead

Mandalorians have been scrutinised by many in the past and will surely be in the future, for indeed, we differ greatly from most of the outsiders we face and interact with on a regular basis. The concept of honour differs greatly between warrior to warrior, clan to clan, but one steadfast rule is to always strive to walk the honourable path in life, be good to your people, rely on your own strength in battle and never falter even in the darkest of times. But if we simply adhere to our whims, give way to stagnation and become lazy, lest we forget our roots, then we have no right to be Mando'ade any longer. For any true warrior walking the honourable path, to be stripped of our right to call ourselves by that name is a fate equivalent to or worse than death itself.


Loyalty is Life, for without one's Clan, one has no Purpose

Every Mandalorian carries with them a name, this sacred name unites all those under this banner in an unbreakable bond. To be without one, and without our kin is to lose a part of ourselves, for we are not complete without those we would call family. Protect them then and vie for their well-being, for this is our lot in life.


Death is Life, One should Die as they have Lived

One should Die as they have Lived, legacy is important in order to leave a mark on the galaxy and the people within it. We are judged for all that we do in life, so by all accounts we should be remembered for what we are, Warriors, Mandalorians, Brothers and Sisters. The only life you are afforded is this one, make it count for you, your clan and your legacy, live honourably, and die proud that you have made your mark.

Current Members