Aliit Cin'Tsad'uliik

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Aliit Ba'Tay
General Information
Status Active
Leader Sekou Tau
Motto "Eskrubiva atcara bal olaror tekar ti e'yatida'yagr bal kot."- "Improvise adapt and overcome with intelligence and strength."
Headquarters Muhdu'a Yaim
Historical Information
Founded Year 21 Day 130
Political Information
Affiliation None
Type Mandalorian Clan

Aliit Ba'Tay is a unique, small Aliit that endeavors to be a voice of reason.


Aliit Ba'Tay's history begins with one Sekou Tau. The Gengh-Noghri (Sekou Tau) accepted the way of the Mandalorian, shortly after he and his crew had been betrayed and subsequently left the Pentastar Alignment of Powers. The friends, Sekou and his crew drifted apart, across the galaxy, but stayed relatively close over the years. At first, he was skeptical when he began to hear about the Mandalorian ways. But soon found them to be very similar to his own cultural traditions. He was approached by the clans, The Death Watch and Aliit Ar'Klim. A difficult choice, but after much contemplation he chose the latter clan to study and learn from. Samantha Braxton, Sy`co Sacul and a company of private military contractors left with him and after a short stint with the The Krath, Sekou and his band traveled the galaxy, working as a military and business advisors. These friends became his Household and the basis of living the Six Tenets grew amongst them. After conferring with both new and old friends, he deepened his understanding and decided to form Aliit Ba'Tay and make it official.


Aliit Ba'Tay is known for having a modern approach to the Resol'nare, compared to other Mandalorian clans. This befits their talents and magnifies the family prowess. Typical career paths are military tacticians, strategists, and advisors, diplomats, businessperson, and leaders. However, the clan members are highly devoted to each other. They typically only speak Mando'a during special or private circumstances, such as the adoption of a new clan member or discreet conversations. They fully believe in the pursuit and sharing of knowledge and as such, are known to be linguists, tinkerers, and specialists. Although they are no less warriors than anyone else, they prefer to play the long game and use their wits first and foremost. In regards to armor Sekou decided to opt for individualization so long as the armor protected the wearer, and a symbol of Ba'Tay was included upon it.

Pillars of Honor

  • 1. Versatility
  • 2. Sagacity
  • 3. Foresight
  • 4. Vigilance


The clan is a tight-knit organization and membership is held by only those formally adopted by the Aliit'alor.