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Revision as of 12:55, 15 June 2017 by Alexander Blackforge (talk | contribs) (Changed up a few things, and fixed a few spelling errors.)
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General Information
Motto Only the symbol remains.
Status Active
Leader Zane Apex
2IC Robert Reynolds
Historical Information
Founded Year 15 Day 20
Political Information
Affiliation Dark Star Hellions
NexCore Mining Corporation
Zann Consortium
Industry Pirate Outfit
Holosite Dread

Traditionally Dread Pirates had allowed a small cadre of Defilers of Zann Consortium into Dread, to serve as support and identification of potential recruits of Zann. In Year 18 , upon stepping down as Crime Lord of Zann, Ximaro removed all active Defilers from Dread, allowing only former members of the syndicate to join who would were willing to dedicate themselves strictly to the goals of Dread only. In addition Dread no longer served under the Zann umbrella, but remained allies of the government. Following in the same manner as before Dread would continue to recruit non Zann affiliated members to the outfit of any alignment or belief continuing to a promote a versatile criminal population.


Two designation of Pirate exist within Dread. Independents are given rights to do as they please and Dread Pirate who are crew members that commit acts for the advancement of Dread endeavors.

Two forms of rank exist in the pirate group, which are unproven and proven.

A sub rank known as Black Hood exists for proven members who have proven the ability to assassinate enemies.

Given the relaxed nature of Dread command and gang structure, the organization is prone to regular leadership changes as its overseen by former high command of Zann Consortium.


Dread Pirates primarily focus on kidnappings, murders, schemes, raids and theft for profits against corporations, governments and persons. Treacherous members are publicly executed to serve as a warning to those who attempt the same actions.Dread in addition upholds an equally long tradition of marooning exiled members on various planets that are often deemed inescapable hostile environments.

While Dread is known for its lack of defined organized structure, it prefers civil disputes between members to be resolved with minimal conflict and permission to be requested if violence between once party feels is necessary. In addition, the Dread continues its long tradition of secrecy for operations, and members who violate the tenant are punished according to what is lost from the outfit.

Lastly, Dread does not enforce membership strictly, and unproven raiders and proven alike are able to come and go from the gang as they please as long as it does not violate any operations, or cause any conflicts. The relaxed pace of membership allows sentient's from all walks of life, whether friends or enemies to join and leave Dread with little obligation, or concern for personal safety, regarding potential retaliation from the pirate gang.


Shane Tayjer

From Black Sun to Zann Consortium, Shane Tayjer briefly lead Zann Consortium before handing over the reins to Ximaro Jix to ensure Zann Consortium would become a fully driven and successful crime syndicate. Shane remained in Zann Consortium serving as a Defiler and Cell Leader, conducting many operations including the assassination of an Imperial Stormtrooper.

Shane would eventually leave Zann Consortium, creating the pirate outfit Dread, under the umbrella of Zann Consortium joining alongside the then enforcers Dark Star Hellions at the time . While Hellions focused on traditional bounty hunting and mercenary work as well as banditry, Dread focused on strictly on piracy and raiding to achieve its ends. In Year 16, Shane retired to regions unknown leaving his gang to Ximaro Jix.

Kidnappings and Murders

Daisuke Haines - Retired Imperial Order of the Sith - Kidnapped & murdered by Shane Tayjer (assisted by Kyota Navic)

Varis Minks - Golan Technologies - Kidnapped & murdered by Shane Tayjer

Ivan Blunderbuss - Murishani unubunko - Murdered by Shane Tayjer

Kel Okrass - GalSec - Kidnapped & murdered by Kalen von Lorell

Higelourmi Everivir - Leader of Byblos Drive Yards - Kidnapped & imprisoned by Kalen von Lorell, ransomed after several months by Ximaro Jix

Osephus Kuulat - Kidnapped by Shane Tayjer & Loorka Zhkar

Topovi Kai - Kingdom of Elysia - Kidnapped by Yukimura Sentoki & ransomed by Robert Reynolds

Krymen Krysys - Triumvirate Coalition- Kidnapped by Dread

Soren Thor - Kidnapped & murdered by Dread

Zephyr Lathillion-Triumvirate Coalition - Kidnapped & murdered by Dread

Shan Sei`Dza - Unidentified origins Bounty Hunter - Murdered by Loorka Zhkar

Adrastos Skittles - Unidentified origins - Murdered by Yukimura Sentoki

Fang Kin - Red Phantom Leader - Kidnapped by Yalan`kir Dirosk

Vor Talgak - Sienar Technologies Merchant Fleet Captain - Kidnapped by Brao Vinklo

Morne Sabaoth - New Republic - Intelligence Agent - Murdered by Yukimura Sentoki

Braf Savek - Tresario Star Kingdom - Intelligence Agent - Murdered by Ximo Jobal

Gideon Hayzleblood - Unidentified origins Bounty Hunter - Captured & murdered by Alexander Blackforge


Year 15

Approximately Day 150, Shane Tayjer founder and leader of Dread pirates conducts a trade aboard a ship in a secluded area of space. The victim who boards the vessel is retired Imperial Sith Daisuke "Dot" Haines. Unaware he is walking into a trap Daisuke is soon kidnapped by Tayjer who explains he will be released if he relinquishes his double bladed light saber. Daisuke attempts to deal with the pirate stating he did not have his light saber with him, but ultimately fails and is slain by Dread 2nd in Command Kyota Navic. While searching the fallen Sith's body, Tayjer locates the weapon and takes it as a prize. The event goes on to mark the first of many kidnaps and murders conducted by Dread.

On approximately day 210 Austin Tech Shipyards a ship manufacturing organization was shut down following a looting during several market trades, by Dread pirates Kalen von Lorell along with leader Shane Tayjer. Days before the closure of the rising ship production company, founder of the organization Jonas Austin issued several bounties on the Dread members along with affiliates Zann Consortium . An event which cast a cloud of suspicion over owner Jonas who claimed he was unable to pay back customers who had been stolen from by Kalen, but was able to set extremely high rewards for warrants, which he could pay. In the time that followed up until closure of the group, Austin Tech would come under much scrutiny from the same public eyes the owner appealed to for pursuit of the criminals that had robbed him.

Year 16

Approximately day 20, While engaged in violent civil war between Zann and rogue Dark Star Hellions , under the banner of Alliance Special Operations lead by Xakic Jix, Dread pirate and former Defiler Juan Vargez lead a cadre of pirates onto planet Krmar rescuing former Hellion, Robert Reynolds, from captivity within the planets head quarters. The event transpired with no casualties on either side and later inspired Reynolds himself to leave the Consortium and join the gang of raiders.

Approximately day 140, Dread under leadership of Ximaro Jix coordinated attacks with Zann against Black Sun, resulting in Dread 2nd In Command Robert Reynolds along with other gang members capturing a member of the enemy crime syndicate and executing them. Along with Consortium's own attacks which were perpetrated prior, Black Sun later issued public bounties on both Zann Consortium and Dread for their relentless assaults of the large industrial syndicate.

Year 17

Approximately Day 120 , Following several failed attempts by New Republic to attack Zann or apprehend crime lord Ximaro Jix, Morne Sabaoth a rebel agent joined Dread attempting to disrupt the organization which was then under leadership of Aeneas Blishtar. Unable to successfuly lure out pirates of the organization, Mourne was captured while attempting to sabotage Dread operations in the outer rim. While in custody Sabaoth explained he had been sent by New Republic Intelligence handler John Bourne covertly despite Bourne's own previous statements NRI would no longer pursue any affiliates of Zann, to Ximaro himself. For his honesty and integrity, Aeneas sentenced Morne to death, who was killed by pirate Yukimura Sentoki.

On Day 166, the system of Drup, in the Saijo sector was found by Zann Consortium. Unbeknownst the galaxy at large and media sources, shortly before the discovery, an unidentified Dread pirate within the organization of Ever Light Transportation and a Zann agent coordinated, influenced, and tricked the system searchers who had actually discovered the system prior to Zann. The pirate involved convinced both Ever Light leader Kray Voh and client Anax Noctru that the system that was located was much further away than their original search and sent them on a two day journey into deep space. When Voh realized he'd been tricked, he responded publicly by verbally attacking his own members and issuing out random bounties on various individuals he felt were responsible, but was proven unsuccessful in his claims. An event which later caused several members of the prestigious transportation group to leave, in fear of their own lives.

Year 18

Day 128 The Scourge pirate outfit dissolved following a conflict with Dread pirates. The violence ensued in previous weeks when a former member of a rogue cell of Dread buccaneers known as The Black Light Pirates , and current leader of The Scourge, Sy`ko Sacul kidnapped Dread member Yalan`kir Dirosk for unknown reasons. Rather than negotiate for their unproven pirates life Dread retaliated against their enemies from within utilizing long time proven pirate, Zade Soze. As a result of the assault, Sacul himself would later go into hiding to avoid further Dread attacks. Following the disbanding of Scourge pirates, Zane Apex leader of Dread, explained clemency would be given to all former members of The Scourge, who wished to join Dread, without tribute. Zane went on to explain that while Dread did not disband the opposing crew themselves, had Sy`ko not challenged Dread; his organization would still be thriving. Zane then issued an additional statement to all of Sacul's former members to not follow in their former leaders footsteps, or those of the misguided Black Light group.

Zann Consortium

Crimson Dawn · Death Watch · Divine Extractions · Dreadful Wolves · Hutt Cartel · Vax Mining Group


Car`das Smugglers · Dark Star Hellions · Dread · NexCore Mining Corporation · Nova Blades

Pre-Government Defunct

Robca Real E`state · De` Cobray · GeneTech · Pressure Pirates · Raging Banthas · Nova Demons · Invisible Economy · Witches of Dathomir


Callia · Hewett · Qiilura · Saijo