Year 15
This is a chronological list of noteworthy events, that happened in the Year 15.
For overview of all the significant events see Timeline. For the summary of events leading up to the Galactic Civil War see History of the Galaxy.
- Day 0: Today a new company opens for business. Eclipse Droidworks specializes in Droids and will be led by Varlathotep Al`Jormungandr Ragnvaldansson. The first headquarters of Eclipse Droidworks today opened in LexCorp Industrial Complex.
- Day 2: Xavier Bourdain, the leader of Ailon Nova Guard was replaced today by Lorenzas Atticus.
- Day 2: A new treaty was established on Farahiyn today between governing officials and diplomats from Galactic Empire; these documents formalize the transition of power to becoming a protected territory of the government, a move largely embraced by the citizenry.
- Day 3: Theofan Maercan, the leader of Slayn and Korpil was replaced today by Skyla Pendragon.
- Day 4: Lukastar Narvaka, the leader of New Republic was replaced today by Kara DuMonte.
- Day 4: Edmond Zaccone, the leader of Kerdos Company was replaced today by Dan Russ.
- Day 4: Malrin Avet, the leader of Deadman Lines was replaced today by Exanthium Kerensky.
- Day 4: Tavarius Kalia, the leader of Lumiere Apothecary was replaced today by Dash Banem.
- Day 8: The eXiles has been renamed to DynaCorp. The press is still waiting for comments on the change.
- Day 8: A new military force emerged today. The eXiles is a Mercenaries group and will be led by Korinas Vildras. The first headquarters of The eXiles today opened in Hypori Major 7,7.
- Day 8: In an array of announcements, DynaCorp came to an agreement today with the eXiles in regards to the Instrop, Ferra, Tennuutta, and Herios sectors. The citizens welcomed their new rulers, the eXiles, and the continued economic partnership with DynaCorp.
- Day 9: Jake Blackstone, the leader of Astaroth was replaced today by Ellias Aubec.
- Day 9: The current situation on Syvris Asteroid Belt is having another, largely unreported, toll; a growing number of inhabitants claim they have lost faith in The Sith Order and its clergy, shattering the church's former grip on the population.
- Day 9: Today a new company opens for business. Manticore Trading specializes in Trading and will be led by Assurian Fury. The first headquarters of Manticore Trading today opened in MC: Boonta VI 8,6.
- Day 10: Due to the increasing prosperity of Incom Corporation's autonomous production centres on Huldamun VIII, and subsequently the settlements constructed to house workers there, the overall economy under New Republic, has substantially weakened, while Incom Corporation has prospered and convinced the locals to elect them to the new ruling position.
- Day 11: It appears today as though brute force is not quite enough to keep the citizens of VP03 down, as they have stepped up and taken power from the old leader, long hailed as a puppet of Corporate Sector Authority, and forced all Corporate Sector Authority-aligned politicians to resign their positions, ceding power to local control.
- Day 11: Silus Nidor, the leader of Joruba Trading Corporation was replaced today by Aellyn Avarice.
- Day 11: A new treaty was established on Malari II today between governing officials and diplomats from Galactic Empire; these documents formalize the transition of power to becoming a protected territory of the government, a move largely embraced by the citizenry.
- Day 11: Helen Hawk, the leader of DynaCorp was replaced today by Theofan Maercan.
- Day 11: Ellias Aubec, the leader of Astaroth was replaced today by Jake Blackstone.
- Day 12: Jay Ceveri, the leader of The Medical Circle was replaced today by Lukastar Narvaka.
- Day 12: Gadzooks! Scouts have discovered the system Prindaar at location (116, -44). On discovering the system, we are also welcoming the Gotal to a life of civil war and starvation.
- Day 13: A new treaty was established on Desargorr Companion today between governing officials and diplomats from Tion Hegemony; these documents formalize the transition of power to becoming a protected territory of the government, a move largely embraced by the citizenry.
- Day 13: After a daring and perhaps brash political move on the part of New Republic, Incom Corporation has decided to cede the reins of power, leaving the citizens of Huldamun VIII under the control of New Republic.
- Day 13: Theofan Maercan, the leader of DynaCorp was replaced today by Valat Horn.
- Day 13: Aellyn Avarice, the leader of Joruba Trading Corporation was replaced today by Silus Nidor.
- Day 13: Varlathotep Al`Jormungandr Ragnvaldansson, the leader of Eclipse Droidworks was replaced today by Malkhadim Khim`bar.
- Day 13: Phoenix Vu`Traat was dissolved today.
- Day 14: Gadzooks! Scouts have discovered the system Aleen at location (-3, 197). On discovering the system, we are also welcoming the Aleena to a life of civil war and starvation.
- Day 14: Today a new company opens for business. Black Curs specializes in Trading and will be led by Theofan Maercan. The first headquarters of Black Curs today opened in Partold II 4,2.
- Day 15: Stryder MorDae, the leader of The Antarian Rangers was replaced today by Char`Kargis Olort.
- Day 15: Erik Thor, the leader of Faerytail Medical was replaced today by Simkin Dragoneel.
- Day 15: A new information group is offering its service from today on. Jedi Academy will be led by Alven Ceres and opened its first headquarters in Swamp Outpost 05.
- Day 16: Ximaro Jix, the leader of Zann Consortium was replaced today by Lilitu Ningaz.
- Day 16: Assurian Fury, the leader of Manticore Trading was replaced today by Natasha Morgan.
- Day 16: Feth Ophoxi, the leader of The Granse Confederacy was replaced today by Rupert Havok.
- Day 16: The Granse Confederacy was dissolved today.
- Day 17: Lilitu Ningaz, the leader of Zann Consortium was replaced today by Ximaro Jix.
- Day 18: Natasha Morgan, the leader of Manticore Trading was replaced today by Assurian Fury.
- Day 19: Minerva Umgee fails to assassinate Ruetsavii Kuro Neko of Alissma
- Day 19: Zarthra Zoid, the leader of The Mandroxan Cartel was replaced today by Legend Myre.
- Day 19: DynaCorp was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
- Day 19: Blackout Mercenaries was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
- Day 20: Kain Elderan, the leader of Galactic Commerce Collective was replaced today by Allaina Musava.
- Day 20: A new military force emerged today. Dark Waters is a Pirates group and will be led by Shobba Pau. The first headquarters of Dark Waters today opened in SMC-Mel. reserve.
- Day 21: Eclipse Droidworks was dissolved today.
- Day 21: Today a new company opens for business. DroMor Motors specializes in Vehicles and will be led by Kathlen Stewart. The first headquarters of DroMor Motors today opened in DroMor Motors Business Center.
- Day 22: Gadzooks! Scouts have discovered the system Devon at location (10, 302).
- Day 22: A new cult emerged today. Zhellic Ecclesiarchy will try to attract worshippers, under the leadership of Weylin vi Cron. The first headquarters of Zhellic Ecclesiarchy today opened in Legion.
- Day 23: A new report suggests that Black Curs has been steadily gaining influence in Antar 5 government, and is now considered the ruling power - rather than simply the most powerful lobby group.
- Day 24: Jimi Sparkle, the leader of Bilbringi Resource Operations was replaced today by Ooben Miebar.
- Day 24: Bree Kaisho, the leader of The Phoenix Foundation was replaced today by Tz Juil.
- Day 24: Flar Gar, the leader of The Empire of the Hand was replaced today by Simon Eusnomis.
- Day 24: Blackout Mercenaries was dissolved today.
- Day 24: Malius Thaxton, the leader of Magnaguard Manufacturing was replaced today by Krakonico Petermind.
- Day 24: The ease with which Ailon Nova Guard had visibly improved the economy of Devon Four has made it increasingly obvious to Devon Four's citizens that Ailon Nova Guard would make more than sufficient leadership, and have called together a council, intended to hand over authority to Ailon Nova Guard.
- Day 26: Imperial Scouts have discovered the system Whelori at location (-38, -107).
- Day 26: Theofan Maercan, the leader of The Black Curs was replaced today by Redjon Mirrabel.
- Day 26: The Phoenix Foundation was dissolved today.
- Day 29: Today a new company opens for business. Ziggurat Manufacturing specializes in Items and will be led by Bree Kaisho. The first headquarters of Ziggurat Manufacturing today opened in Phoenix City (4,15).
- Day 29: Bree Kaisho, the leader of Ziggurat Manufacturing was replaced today by Tz Juil.
- Day 30: Rather than fall in line with Falleen Federation's recent requests, 4386P/Neelgaimon issued a release today announcing that they have formally accepted the more conciliatory terms of a planetary body, and have declared Falleen Federation a criminal organization on their planet.
- Day 31: After a daring and perhaps brash political move on the part of Triumvirate Coalition, Jedi Medical has decided to cede the reins of power, leaving the citizens of Lorahns under the control of Triumvirate Coalition.
- Day 32: Aurodium Legion Scouts have discovered the system Vretha at location (47, 210).
- Day 32: Gadzooks! Scouts have discovered the system Sartinaynian at location (-62, 407).
- Day 32: A new treaty was established on Vretha 1 today between governing officials and diplomats from Aurodium Legion; these documents formalize the transition of power to becoming a protected territory of the government, a move largely embraced by the citizenry.
- Day 32: The ease with which Eriadu Authority had visibly improved the economy of Antar 1 has made it increasingly obvious to Antar 1's citizens that Eriadu Authority would make more than sufficient leadership, and have called together a council, intended to hand over authority to Eriadu Authority.
- Day 33: The ease with which Dukha Industrial had visibly improved the economy of Sarti has made it increasingly obvious to Sarti's citizens that Dukha Industrial would make more than sufficient leadership, and have called together a council, intended to hand over authority to Dukha Industrial.
- Day 34: Gabriel Kaine, the leader of Church of Reansucru was replaced today by Sami Freemason.
- Day 34: Simon Eusnomis, the leader of The Empire of the Hand was replaced today by Flar Gar.
- Day 34: A new report suggests that SYT Transport has been steadily gaining influence in Bastion government, and is now considered the ruling power - rather than simply the most powerful lobby group.
- Day 34: Dash Banem, the leader of Lumiere Apothecary was replaced today by Keth Terik.
- Day 37: Arkanian Brotherhood Engineering was dissolved today.
- Day 38: Lilitu Ningaz, the leader of Zann Consortium was replaced today by Ximaro Jix.
- Day 39: The Mandroxan Cartel has officially entered a formal alliance with the Pentastar Alignment, signaling a new level of cooperation between the two organizations.
- Day 39: Ximo Jobal, the leader of De` Cobray was replaced today by Grok Stolar.
- Day 40: Assurian Fury, the leader of Manticore Trading was replaced today by Natasha Morgan.
- Day 40: Sabo Magus, the leader of Rim Mining Guild was replaced today by Ninian DeLayn.
- Day 41: A new treaty was established on Ansion today between governing officials and diplomats from Galactic Empire; these documents formalize the transition of power to becoming a protected territory of the government, a move largely embraced by the citizenry.
- Day 41: Ninian DeLayn, the leader of Rim Mining Guild was replaced today by Raffael Goschmitt.
- Day 41: Sathis Kasai, the leader of Black Watch was replaced today by Kyran Caelius.
- Day 41: Proving that profits will always be more attractive than bureaucracy, Black Sun seems to have wrested political, social and economic control of the Lonatro system away from Black Watch.
- Day 41: Black Watch was dissolved today.
- Day 42: Gadzooks! Scouts have discovered the system Mek va Uil at location (187, -103).
- Day 43: Raffael Goschmitt, the leader of Rim Mining Guild was replaced today by Ninian DeLayn.
- Day 43: Gavin Kaos, the leader of Arkanian Brotherhood was replaced today by Nat Dues.
- Day 43: Keth Terik, the leader of VP Capital Health was replaced today by Corey Vildras.
- Day 45: Gadzooks! Scouts have discovered the system Giju at location (-50, -100). On discovering the system, we are also welcoming the Herglic to a life of civil war and starvation.
- Day 47: An announcement was made today that Mandalore and the Krath Dynasty governments had reached a peace agreement. The diplomatic negotiations were mediated by the Avance Coalition.
- Day 50: The ease with which Ailon Nova Guard had visibly improved the economy of Devon One has made it increasingly obvious to Devon One's citizens that Ailon Nova Guard would make more than sufficient leadership, and have called together a council, intended to hand over authority to Ailon Nova Guard.
- Day 50: Dru Snotz, the leader of Bilbringi Shipyards was replaced today by Kittraniaata Snotz.
- Day 51: Gadzooks! Scouts have discovered the system Mapuzo at location (37, 202).
- Day 51: The ease with which Ailon Nova Guard had visibly improved the economy of Devon Three has made it increasingly obvious to Devon Three's citizens that Ailon Nova Guard would make more than sufficient leadership, and have called together a council, intended to hand over authority to Ailon Nova Guard.
- Day 51: A new treaty was established on Mapuzo today between governing officials and diplomats from Aurodium Legion; these documents formalize the transition of power to becoming a protected territory of the government, a move largely embraced by the citizenry.
- Day 51: Eira Cardas, the leader of SoroSuub Corporation was replaced today by Mauth Drakyne.
- Day 52: Finar Ambrose, the leader of Ardenian Drive Yards was replaced today by Lord Mustafa.
- Day 52: Sirius Cyan, the leader of Veril Line Systems was replaced today by Simon Eusnomis.
- Day 53: Kristina Roberts, the leader of Industrial Automaton was replaced today by Jay Ceveri.
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Year 14 | Year 15 | Year 16 |